Lab: Exceptions in Java

Tuesday, 24 September 2024
We explore some basic use of exceptions in Java
Classes and interfaces.


a. Fork and clone the repository at As always, make sure to use the SSH link when cloning.

b. Import the repository into VSCode.

c. Update the file to add your names and URL.

d. Commit and push the change.

git add
git status
git commit -m "Personalize the README"
git pull
git push

e. Quickly skim the code to determine the purpose of the various portions.

f. Identify the person closer to the board. They are partner A. The person further from the board is partner BB.


Exercise 1: Exception basics

Driver: A

a. Examine ReadIntExperiment to determine what it does.

b. Predict what it will do for each of the following cases.

  • The user enters a valid small positive integer, such as 4.
  • The user enters a valid negative positive integer, such as -5.
  • The user enters a real number, such as 2.8
  • The user enters a string, such as “five”.
  • The user enters a large integer, such as 12345.
  • The user enters a very large integer, such as 1234567.
  • The user enters a very very large integers, such as 123456789012345.

c. Check your answers experimentally.

d. Remove the throws Exception from the main method in ReadIntExperiment and determine what, if any, error messages you get. If VSCode permits you to do so, try running the program.

After you finish exploring the effects of that removal, reinsert the throws clause.

e. Remove the throws Exception from the definition of readInt and determine what, if any, error messages you get. If VSCode permits you to do so, try running the program with that warning removed.

Do not reinsert the throws clause.

f. Within readInt, you should have a sequence of lines (or perhaps a single line) that looks something like the following:

    String response = br.readLine();
    return Integer.parseInt(response);

Enclose those lines in a try/catch clause that returns Integer.MIN_VALUE if an exception is thrown, as in

    try {
      String response = br.readLine();
      return Integer.parseInt(response);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    } // Reading/parsing fails.

g. Verify that VSCode and Maven are no longer concerned about errors in your code.

h. Determine what happens when the user enters an invalid value (such as Hello) in response to a request for an integer.

i. Commit and push your changes.

git add src
git status
git commit -m "readInt now returns Integer.MIN_VALUE when something goes wrong"
git pull
git push

Exercise 2: Computing a quadratic root

Driver: B

a. Write a few simple unit tests for the smallerRoot procedure in the Quadratic class. Note that you are likely to find it easier of you choose quadratics for which you know the solution. For example,

  • If we multiply \(x-2\) and \(x+5\), giving us \(x^2 +3x -10\), we know that the roots are \(2\) and \(-5\).
  • If we multiply \(2x+3\) and \(3x-4\), giving us us \(6x^2 + x -12\), we know that the roots are \(-3/2\) and \(4/3\).

b. Commit and push your changes.

git add src/test/java/edu/grinnell/csc207/ 
git status
git commit -m "Add tests for `smallerRoot`."
git pull
git push

c. Implement the smallerRoot() method in the Quadratic class. The method should compute the smaller of the two roots of a quadratic expression.

Note that you can use the following formula to compute that root: \((-b - \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac})/2a\)

You will, of course, have to translate that mathematical expression into Java code.

d. Run your tests to ensure that your smallerRoot() method works correctly. (Or, I suppose, that your tests are correct.) If you have errors, fix them.

e. Commit and push your changes.

git add src/main/java/edu/grinnell/csc207/util/ 
git status
git commit -m "Add smallerRoot method."
git pull
git push

Exercise 3: Adding user input

Driver: B

a. Write a new main class, QR, which

  • prompts the user for coefficients of a quadratic function,
  • computes the smaller root of the quadratic,
  • prints that root, and
  • prints the value of the quadratic at that root.

For example:

Hi! I'm here to help you understand quadratic functions.

Please enter a (the coefficient of the squared term): 1
Please enter b (the coefficient of the linear term) : -5
Please enter c (the constant)                       : 6

The smaller root of 1x^2 + -5x + 6 is 2.

Experimentally, 1*2^2 + -5*2 + 6 = 0.

b. Use your class to compute the smaller root of \(x^2 - x - 2\). (The roots of that quadratic are \(2\) and \(-1\).

c. Commit and push your changes.

git add src/main/java/edu/grinnell/csc207/main/
git status
git commit -m "Add instructions to QR."
git pull
git push

Exercise 4: Erroneous input

Driver: A

a. Determine what happens if the user enters 0 for the coefficient of \(x^2\).

b. Determine what happens if user enters coefficients for which there is no real root.

c. Determine what happens if the user enters values for which the function has only one root (e.g., \(x^2 - 2x + 1\) has only one root).

d. You’ve made no changes, so there’s nothing to commit or push.

Exercise 5: Indicating potential errors

Driver: A

a. Extend smallerRoot to indicate that it may throw an exception. Note that you’ll need to change the method signature for smallerRoot to something like the following.

  public double smallerRoot() throws Exception {

b. Can you successfully compile your modified code? If not, make any changes necessary to permit you to compile it.

c. Can you successfully compile QR? If not, make any necessary changes. If you can’t figure out those changes, get help from one of the class staff.

d. What now happens if you enter the “erroneous” input described in the previous exercise?

e. Commit and push your changes.

git add src
git status
git commit -m "Prepare to support exceptions in smallerRoot."
git pull
git push

Exercise 6: Throwing exceptions

Driver: B

a. Extend smallerRoot so that it throws an exception if a is 0. For example,

    if (a == 0) {
      throw new Exception("Cannot compute quadratic roots of linear functions.");
    } // if (a == 0)

b. Extend smallerRoot so that it throws an exception if the root is not real (i.e., if it has an imaginary component). Note that the root is not real if the expression that you’re taking a square root of is negative.

c. What now happens if you enter the “erroneous” input described above?

d. Commit and push your changes.

git add src/main/java/edu/grinnell/csc207/util/ 
git status
git commit -m "Throw exceptions in smallerRoot"
git pull
git push

Exercise 7: Catching exceptions

Driver: B

If you’ve written your main method using the recommended template, you have a throws Exception clause. Remove that clause.

a. What effect do you expect removing that line will have?

b. Check your answer experimentally. Ask one of the class staff if don’t understand the results of your experiment.

c. Enclose your call to smallerRoot in a try/catch block. For example,

    try {
      double root = qpoly.smallerRoot();
      pen.printf("The smaller root of %s is %f\n", qpoly.toString(), root);
      pen.printf("Experimentally, %s is %f\n", qpoly.toString(root),
    } catch (Exception e) {
      pen.printf("Sorry, I could not compute a root for %s.\n",
    } // try/catch

d. Determine what happens with the problematic inputs described above.

e. Commit and push your changes.

git add src/main/java/edu/grinnell/csc207/main/ 
git status
git commit -m "QR now handles exceptions appropriately."
git pull
git push

Exercise 8: Catching specific exceptions

Driver: A

a. Update smallerRoot so that it tries to throw a DivideByZeroException if the coefficient of the quadratic term is 0. You can still throw a generic exception if the result includes an imaginary component.

b. What do you expect to happen when you try to compile the revised program?

c. Check your answer experimentally.

Exercise 9: Your own exceptions

Driver: A

As you should have determined in the previous exercise, Java does not know by default what a DivideByZeroException is. Hence, you’ll need to create your own Exception. You do so using the strategy described in the corresponding reading.

a. Create and compile a Java file for DivideByZeroException.

b. Verify that the previously-modified code now works.

c. Commit and push your changes.

git add src/main/java/edu/grinnell/csc207/util/ 
git status
git commit -m "Add DivideByZeroException"
git pull
git push

Exercise 10: Catching specific exceptions

Driver: B

. Extend QR so that it has a catch clause for your new DivideByZeroException before the catch clause for the generic Exception. For example,

    try {
    } catch (DivideByZeroException dbze) {
      pen.println("Cannot compute a result because the coefficient of the quadratic term is 0.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } // try/catch

b. Determine what happens in each of the problematic cases.

c. Commit and push your changes.

git add src/main/java/edu/grinnell/csc207/main/ 
git status
git commit -m "QR now handles exceptions appropriately."
git pull
git push

Submitting your work

Fill out the lab report on Gradescope.

For those with extra time

Extra 1: Handling errors, revisited

Revisit the ReadIntExperiment class and the IOUtils class and arrange the program so that it prints an appropriate (and different) error message for each kind of error, including cases in which the number entered is a valid integer, but its square is not.

Extra 2: Improving readInt

Rewrite readInt so that it repeatedly prompts for an integer until it receives one. If, however, pw.print or br.readLine fails, it should still throw an appropriate exception.

Extra 3: Large roots

a. Write tests for the largerRoot method in Quadratic.

b. Add the largerRoot method to Quadratic.