Lab: Debugging with VSCode

Thursday, 12 September 2024
We begin to explore the ways in which we can use a debugger to better understand flaws in our code.


In the laboratory on unit testing, you forked and cloned the repository You’ll work with that same repository. (So return to the directory if you have it, and make a new copy if you don’t.)


Exercise 1: Removing A’s

As you may have noted in the the laboratory on unit testing, the procedure SampleMethods.removeAs is not quite successful in its attempt to remove all copies of the letter ‘a’ from its parameter string.

If you haven’t yet written your test cases, here’s one.

   * Check that removeAs works as expected.
  public void testRemoveAs() {
                 "empty string");
                 "no as");
                 "eliminate one a");
                 "eliminate many as");
                 "eliminate one a, short string");
                 "eliminate many as, medium string");
                 "eliminate many as, silly string");
                 "eliminate prefix and suffix as");
  } // testRemoveAs

You may be able to tell by inspection why the method fails. But let’s assume that you don’t.

Open the code for removeAsExperiment and click to the left of the line number to set a breakpoint.

As you’ll see, the SampleMethodsExperiments main class duplicates the failed calls to removeAs from your unit tests.

Select the “Debug” option from above the main method.

If all goes well, VSCode should stop at the point that you inserted a breakpoint.

Click on the Debug view (the right triangle with a bug on it, in the left panel).

a. What do you expect to happen if you click the “Continue” button (the button that looks like a triangle with a bar to the left)?

b. Check your answer experimentally.

You will likely discover that the program runs to completion, giving us erroneous output in some (most) cases.

c. Start the program again. This time, let’s single step through the procedure, using the “Step Into” and “Step Over” buttons. See if you can identify where the code goes wrong.

d. Correct the code to the best of your ability, remove the breakpoint, run the unit tests again, and see if your code passes all of the tests.

If so, go on to the next exercise. If not, repeat the debugging steps until you find the next bug.

Exercise 2: Removing B’s

The removeBs procedure has much the same goals as removeAs although it uses a different (but still buggy) approach.

Use JUnit and the VSCode debugger to identify and correct the errors.

Note: Your goal is to correct the errors in this approach. Inserting slightly modified code from removeAs is not an acceptable strategy.

Exercise 3: Exponentiation

The SampleMethods.expt method computes xp using a divide-and-conquer approach.

  • x0 = 1
  • x2k = xk * xk
  • x2k = (x2)k
  • xk+1 = x * xk Some people combine the last two when dealing with an odd exponent.

This approach requires only log2p multiplications to raise x to the pth power, while the naive loop requires p multiplications. (Of course, if you have a book of tables, or functions that simulate those tables, you can compute xp in two table lookups.)

It’s a nice approach, but have we implemented it correctly?

If you haven’t done so already write unit tests for ``SampleMethods.expt(int,int).

a. Add the following assertion at the start of your test.

    assertEquals(1024, expt(2, 10), "1K");

b. Run the test. It will likely fail.

c. Since the test failed, it will be useful to write a short experiment to just do that one call.

   * Some quick experiments with the expt method.
  public static void exptExperiments(PrintWriter pen) {
    exptExperiment(pen, 2, 10);
  } // exptExperiments(PrintWriter)

   * One quick experiment with the expt method.
  public static void exptExperiment(PrinWriter pen, int base, int exponent) 
    pen.print(base + "^" + expt + " = ");
    pen.println(SampleMethods.expt(base, expt));
  } // exptExperiment(String[])

c. Set a breakpoint at the start of the expt method. (Make sure that you choose the right one. There are two!)

d. Start the debugger. It should bring you to the first line of expt.

e. What do you expect to happen if you click the “Continue” button? (The button that looks like a triangle with a bar to the left.)

f. You may have discovered that instead of returning to the call in the unit test, the debugger continued executing the code until the next call to expt, which is a recursive call. Hit the “Resume” button another time.

g. You are now three levels deep in the recursive call stack for expt. In the “Debug” pane, navigate between them to see the changing values of x and p.

h. Single step through the code to see if you can identify where the error occurs.

i. Since intermediate values are not clearly represented in the code, you may find it difficult, if not impossible, to quickly identify the error. So what next? You could explicitly insert temporary values for the recursive call. Instead of calling return in each case, you could set a local values (e.g., results and then exit in the logical case). Or you could get Eclipse to behave better.

Choose one approach and see if you can identify the error. Get help if you’re not sure which approach you should use or if you still can’t identify the error after trying additional approaches.

For those with extra time

Extra 1: Exponentiation

Consider the expt(double, int) method. As you might have noted, it doesn’t work any more correctly than the old version of expt

One issue we may hit in unit testing is that doubles are approximate. Hence, slightly different orders of computation can make slight differences in the result (e.g., in practice Math.sqrt(2)*Math.sqrt(2) is often not the same as Math.sqrt(2*2), even though they are logically the same.

Write appropriate unit tests for this alternate version. Then determine if your corrections from the exercise above suffice. If not, use the debugger to figure out why.


The original version of this lab was written by Samuel A. Rebelsky and some student researchers many years ago. It was updated for VSCode in Fall 2023. Sam also added the SampleMethodsTests (now TestSampleMethods) and SampleMethodsExperiments classes at that time.