Eboard 06 (Section 2): Inheritance and subtype polymorphism

You are probably being recorded (and transcribed) [at least if Sam can get the technology working again]

Start of class instructions

  • Optional: Grab a mask
  • Grab one of the business cards on the table that have computer names and locations.
  • Identify where the corresponding computer is.
  • Return the card to the jar.
  • Grab a sheet of paper. (This should be a whiteboard, but ….)
  • Navigate to the computer.
  • The first person at the computer logs in (and, if appropriate, forks and clones the repo).
  • When both partners arrive, introduce yourselves.
    • Recommended: Discuss working strengths and areas to improve

Approximate overview

  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Tokens
  • Questions
  • Lab


News / Etc.

Trigger Warning! Death and Cancer.

  • Life remains complicated in the Rebelsky household.
  • I am happy to try to schedule quick Teams meetings, as long as you understand that I may have to back out. Send me times that you would be available to meet.
  • The lab mentions whiteboards. But those seem to have disappeared. Use a sheet of paper instead.

Upcoming work


If you’d like to suggest token events, please let me know in advance of class.


  • Wednesday, 2024-09-18, 7:00–8:15 p.m., HSSC S1325. Writers@Grinnell: Jonathan Meiburg, Communicating the Harmonies of Art and Science
  • Thursday, 2024-09-19, 4:15–??:?? p.m., Herrick Chapel. Writers@Grinnell: Jonathan Meiburg, Readings from A Most Remarkable Creature
  • Friday, 2024-09-20, noon–1:00 p.m., JRC 224B (Livermore Dining Room). Policy Issues and Digital Storytelling with Sarah Labowitz ‘04
  • Friday, 2024-09-20, 4:15–7:00 p.m., CERA. Writers@Grinnell: Bird Watching with Jonathan Meiburg. (Bus leaves JRC at 4:15; you can also drive yourself.)
  • Tuesday, 2024-09-24, noon–1:00 p.m., JRC 224A. CS Table
  • Thursday, 2024-09-26, 11:00 a.m.–noon, JRC 101. Scholars’ Convocation: Anthony Pinn - “Thoughts on Why Music Matters for the Study of Religion”


  • Friday, 2024-09-20, 7:30 p.m., Sebring Lewis. Jazz Band: Hits from the 80’s, 90’s, and naughts.
  • Saturday, 2024-09-21, 2:00–3:00ish p.m., Sebring-Lewis. Grinnell Symphony Orchestra plays Hungarian dances and more.


  • Friday, 4:00 p.m., Middle of Everywhere



  • Tuesday, 2024-09-17, 4:00–5:00 p.m., HSSC S1003 - Atrium. Therapy Dogs
  • Tuesday, 2024-09-17, 6:00–7:00 p.m., Harris Concert Hall. Apple Nachos with ResLife (Not-chos)
    • As far as I can tell, Apple Nachos are almost completely unlike real nachos. No chips. No cheese. No beans. No salsa. No guac.


Other good things (no tokens)

  • Wednesday, 2024-09-18, 6:00–8:00 p.m., Darby Gym. Volleyball vs. Simpson
  • Friday, 2024-09-20, 4:00–6:00 p.m., Darby. Volleyball vs. Loras
  • Friday, 2024-09-20, 8:00–10:00 p.m., Darby. Volleyball vs. Augustanta


Questions on LAs

How much time can we spend on an LA?

As much as you want.

How much time should we spend on an LA?

Here’s my model.

(a) Hmmm … I know I did this. But where? (5 min).

(b) Find that thing, copy, paste, edit (5 min).

(c) add commentary (5 min)

(d) stuff Sam forgot (5 min)

So about twenty minutes.

Will you grade SoLA 1 before we have to turn in SoLA 2?

That’s my goal. However, life is complicated.

** What code should we use for the LAs?**

You might use code from a lab. You might use code from a mini-project. I would prefer code from mini-projects, since it’s more “you wrote” than “you adapted”.

Can we use the same code for multiple LAs?

Certainly. Thanks for asking.

Questions on MP2

I’ve put the ones you’ve sent at the end of the mini-project. But I’ll take new ones now if you have any.

Please describe polymorphism

This is not a question but can you go over polymorphism in class? Just say more things about it? I mean I believe I know what I am supposed to do but I feel like I want to know more about the process in a high level way?

I will try.

General meaning: “Many forms”.

In CS, the idea that we can write code that accommodates many forms of input (or something like that). We like that because we don’t want to copy/paste/change code. Keep your code DRY! “Don’t Repeat Yourself”. (If you find yourself writing the same code, write something you can reuse instead.)

Subtype polymorphism: Let’s suppose we know that a class has a particular method. E.g., “If I know something has a cost method, I can add it to a shopping cart and compute the total expense.”

We need to be able to have a way to say (a) “This class provides this method”; (b) this other method relies on that first method; (c) make Java check it all for us so that we don’t write broken code.

Here’s one example we already knew about: Every class provides a toString method. That means that we can write code that takes an arbitrary object and prints it out in a certain way.

Example: I want to print things right justified. In a non-polymorphic world, I’d need printStringRightJustified, printIntRightJustfiied, printRealRightJustfified, …

Because I know that all values have a toString method, I can write one method that will do right-justified printing.

    public static void rightJustify(PrintWriter pen, Object obj, int width) {
      String str = obj.toString();
      String result;
      if (str.length() > width) {
        result = str.substring(0, width);
      } else {
        result = " ".repeat(width - str.length()) + str;
    } // rightJustify

rightJustify is polymorphic.

The idea for today’s class is that interfaces help us write polymorphic procedures; we write procedures that an interface as a parameter and will then work for anything that implements that interface.

The basic idea is that we can write a single function (method) that will work with a bunch of types (but not necessarily all types).

Other questions on the readings

New approach. Read through the questions and answers on the eboard. Let me know if any are puzzling or if you have followup questions.

Stores (or purchases)

For the cost interface, can you give an example of what calling the cost method would look like for an object BulkSolid?

    BulkSolid threePoundsFlour = new BulkSolid("flour", 3, 30);
    pen.println(threePoundsFlour + " costs " + threePoundsFlour.cost() 
        + "cents");


How should we handle odd-sized differences between horizontally composed objects when centering them vertically?

We will preferentially shift them up, with k-1 rows of only one block above, and k rows of one block below.

Five on the left, two on the right, difference of 3. 1 above, 2 below.


One on the left, two on the right, difference of 1. 0 above, 1 below.



How does one decide to start writing an interface instead of a class? It seems to be very beneficial later on if we want to change the implementation of the classes. But then this makes me feel like I should write an interface first all the time because it helps me define my goals and what I want to achieve.

If there’s only one clear implementation, you might start with a class. But if we’re designing something general, we tend to start with interfaces.

With the concept of minimalist and maximalist design in mind, if we knew ahead of time that horizontal composition would be something these objects would be utilized for, should we have altered some of the methods in the classes to play nice with composition, or just leave them as they are? Or is it on a case by case basis for similar occurrences?

I’m not sure what other methods would help with horizontal composition. But if we expected to include it, we’d want to make sure that there was appropriate support. For the purposes we have, it turns out that width, height, and row are surprisingly powerful.

How do I create the best interfaces? It shouldn’t be too specific but at the same time it shouldn’t be to general right? But I feel like that can be hard to balance? or maybe not…?

I don’t expect you to write the best interfaces right now. You are just a novice. You learn to write them with practice. Write something, critique it with colleagues, try again.

Duck typing, overloading, and polymorphism

To clarify, Java does not support duck typing?

Java does not support duck typing.

Can you “ducktype” two methods that have same name, return type, and variable name but different variable types? For example, int cost(double i) and int cost(int i)

This is called “overloading” rather than “duck typing”. For duck typing, we really want to be able to have identical calls (same parameter types). Overloading is using the same function name but different parameter types.

You’ve already seen us overload constructors. All the constructors for a class have the same name (the name of the class), but different parameter types.

Is the thing where you make multiple methods that work regardless of solid or liquid or bulk called function overloading polymorphism or is that something else? I heard the term in a video for Mini-Project 1 but I’m not sure what it means.

We use the term “subtype polymorphism” when we write multiple classes that implement the same method with the same parameter. (Actually, the more important thing is that we write another method that takes advantage of all of the classes having that method.)

We use the term “overloading” when we write multiple methods with the same name but different paraemters.


Can interfaces have static methods?


What is the difference between extends and implements and how do we decide which one to use?

You haven’t learned extends yet. But extends is used for inheritance (where a class adds to another class) and implements is used with interfaces. You extend a class; you implement an interface.

When you say “how should we form” were you asking for code or just a written response?

I was just looking for a written response.

If it was code, what would that look like?

If you were writing code, I would expect things like

int height() {
  return Math.max(left.height(), right.height());
} // height()

Another not question but can we have more pictures? Like maybe to show how things are connected with each other. I understand if you can’t do that but I think I am a visual learner and that helps a lot.

When I have time to make pictures, I will. I believe that pictures are good.

We will be doing visual models of objects in the near future.

Note that psychologists have mostly disproven that learning preferences affect learning.


Make sure that you have a whiteboard, marker, and eraser.

The person closer to the board is A. The person further from the board is B.

You will not be submitting code directly (although you will be giving me the URL of your GitHub repo). Rather, I ask you to reflect on three important things you learned.

Questions and answers

What Git commands should I use?

They are now in the lab. Reload to see.

Where does the “(at $8.99)” come from in the store output?

It’s from the toString() method of Item.

What is String.format()?

It’s like sprintf, but a little nicer. (If you don’t know sprintf, it’s like printf, but it prints to a string rather than to a stream/fd.)

Can I just run the main programs from VSCode?
