Eboard 04: Objects and classes

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Start of class instructions

  • Optional: Grab a mask
  • Grab one of the business cards on the table that have computer names and locations.
  • Identify where the corresponding computer is.
  • Return the card to the jar.
  • Navigate to the computer.
  • The first person at the computer logs in.
  • When both partners arrive, introduce yourselves.
    • Recommended: Discuss working strengths and areas to improve

Approximate overview

  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Tokens
  • Questions


News / Etc.

  • My wife is nearing the end, so I probably won’t be in class for the few sessions. I’m sorry, but (a) I want to spend as much time as possible with her and (b) it seems that I often need to meet with people during our class times (doctors, in particular, like to round during our morning classes). There will be awesome folks here to substitute. I’ll also keep working behind the scenes on labs and assignments and answering questions.
    • I am happy to try to schedule quick Teams meetings, as long as you understand that I may have to back out. Send me times that you would be available to meet.
  • SoLA 1 should be posted today (as a few separate LAs).
  • I’ve done my best to put the questions from your surveys on the course syllabus page.

Upcoming work


If you’d like to suggest token events, please let me know in advance of class.


  • Tuesday, 2024-09-10, noon–1:00 p.m., JRC 224A. CS Table
  • Thursday, 2024-09-12, 11:00 a.m.–noon, JRC 101. Scholars’ Convocation: Dr. Jarvis R. Givens - Black Educational History for All Learners
  • Sunday, 2024-09-15, 7:00–8:00 p.m., Noyce 3819. Mentor session



  • Friday, 2024-09-13, 4:00–5:00 p.m., HSSC N1170 - Global Living Room. Middle of Everywhere




  • Wednesday, 2024-09-11, 4:30–6:30 p.m., HSSC A1231 (Kernel/Multipurpose Room). Deloitte Information Session (includes at least one CS major)
  • Wednesday, 2024-09-11, 7:00–8:00 p.m., HSSC S1325. Saving the Planet One Page at a Time: The Carbon Almanac with Robert Gehorsam ’76
  • Thursday, 2024-09-12, 4:00–7:00 p.m., Central Campus + Kington Plaza. Student Involvement Fair

Other good things (no tokens)

  • Wednesday, 2024-09-11, 6:00–8:00 p.m., Darby. Volleyball vs. Nebraska Wesleyan.

Notes from Surveys

Work due

  • I try to make the eboard the definitive list of work due.
  • The schedule should also list most/all things.
  • Gradescope should have most things due (although it does not specify readings), but it can be hard to navigate.
  • Feel free to ask if you’re not sure.


  • About 1/3 of Mini-projects will probably be group mini-projects.
  • You should feel free to talk to people about mini-projects. You can even help someone debug their mini-project. But I had enough instances of copying recently that I’d prefer that you not share code with someone so that they can learn from it.
  • Please don’t forget to cite!
  • You should feel free to talk about reading problems with others.

Ways to get help from Sam (once things settle down) (in preference order)

  • For questions that may apply to multiple people
    • Ask in the reading response (assuming it’s relevant)
    • Ask at the start of class
    • Ask in the Q&A channel on Teams
  • For individual questions
    • DM me
    • Set up an appointment
    • Wander by during office hours and hope that I don’t have an appointment
    • Catch me after class
    • Text me
    • Call me

Other resources

  • Class mentors (but only during class time and mentor sessions)
    • Do not send your mentors questions
    • Do not interrupt your mentors if you see them doing their own work in these classrooms
  • Evening tutors (although not for LAs)
    • I think that this semester’s evening tutors have all taken CSC-207, although not this version
  • Each other and other students (although not for LAs)
    • “Other students” will normally be “classmates”
    • Upper-level CS students are also often willing to help
  • Other faculty
  • We also have individual tutors available for students who request them (at least for the time being; the College has been cutting funding)
  • Academic advising can also help with individual study skills
  • Sarah Dahlby Albright, our Peer Education Coordinator, can talk with you about CS-related study skills


Questions on MP1

I’ve put these at the end of the mini-project.

Questions on Maven

Can you explain a bit more about the reasons for the steps in Maven?

Big picture: We want to be able to type commands to accomplish the core tasks related to a project, and do so the same way for each project. These tasks are (a) compiling the code (which we often do to find some syntax errors), testing the code (which we often do to find some implementation issues), packaging the code (which makes it ready for others), style checking (because we want good style), and running the code.

Almost everything else in the reading is how to set up the Maven configuration file, called pom.xml, to tell it what we want done for each of those steps.

Questions on the readings

Why would you choose to make your own hashCode method rather than relying on the built-in one?

Because the built-in one tries to give a different hash code to each object, even if two objects are conceptually equal. For example, if I define v1 as new Vec2D(0,1) and v2 as new Vec2D(0,1), those two objects will likely have different hash codes.


The person closer to the board is A. The person further from the board is B.

You will not be submitting code. Rather, I ask you to reflect on three important things you learned.