Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : Reference

Running the CSC 151 Software

Before running the CSC 151 software, make sure that you've followed the setup instructions.

The Short (and perhaps only) Version

  • Start DrRacket and GIMP.
  • In GIMP, select DBus Server from under the MediaScript menu. You'll get no feedback that anything has happened, but GIMP is now ready to talk to DrRacket.
  • In DrRacket, add (require gigls/unsafe) to the Definitions pane, directly under the #racket language specification.
  • In DrRacket, click the Run button.
  • Ask for help or look at the sections below if things don't work.

When Things Go Wrong

Before asking for help, check to see if the error message you are seeing is listed below. We've provided common error messages and their usual solutions.

Error: expand: unbound identifier in module in: drawing-XXX
Solution: Make sure you included the line (require gigls/unsafe) in the Definitions pane. Click Run.
Error: loudbus-proxy: Could not create proxy for an unknown reason.
Solution: Make sure GIMP is running and you have started the DBUS server.
Error: GIMP Message: Plug-in crashed: "gimp-dbus"
Solution: It may be that you started the PDB server twice. If that's the case, you can ignore this message. If not, quit Gimp and then restart the PDB server.
Error: exception raised by error display handler: normalize-path: #<path:/build> (within the input path) is not a directory or does not exist; original exception raised: open-output-file: cannot open output file: "/glimmer/src/gigls/compiled/drracket/errortrace/tmp13795626741379562674195" (Permission denied; errno=13)
Solution: Email Sam Rebelsky with the name of the machine on which you saw this error, so he can fix it. In the meantime, try using another machine.