Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : EBoards

CSC151.01 2014F, Class 43: Analyzing Procedures

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Key points of the reading?

What was confusing?

Using counters makes sense, but I don't get how they work

We set up one counter per procedure.

That means we need things that change.

Vectors allow us to change. Each counter is a one element vector where the element is the count (of calls to the corresponding procedure).

    (vector-set! vec 0 (+ 1 (vector-get! vec 0)))

Once you know how to do something, you don't rewrite the complex code, you name it as a procedure. counter-increment!

I don't get the difference between linear time and constant time

Terms for efficiency.

Linear time: You do a number of calls approximately proportional to the size of input elements (e.g., the number of elements in a list).

Constant time: Independent on the size of the input. car takes only one step, whether it's 100 elements or 1000 elements or 10000000 elements.

Explain all of the counter-x procedures. How do we integrate them

Setup: Outside the procedure

    (define PROC-counter (counter-new "procedure"))

    (define member?-counter (counter-new "member?"))

Setup: Inside the definition of the procedure

    (counter-increment! PROC-counter)

    (define member?$
      (lambda (val lst)
        (counter-increment! member?-counter)
        (and (not (null? lst))
             (or (equal? (val (car lst)))
                 (member?$ val (cdr lst))))))


    (counter-reset! member?-counter)
    (member?$ 1000 (iota 1000))
    (counter-print! member?-counter)

    (counter-reset! member?-counter)
    (member?$ -1 (iota 1000))
    (counter-print! member?-counter)

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