Functional Problem Solving (CSC 151 2014F) : EBoards

CSC151.01 2014F, Class 39: Project Kickoff

Project teams will normally have one person who is particularly good at design, one who is particularly good at coding, and one who is particularly good at coordinating people (which probably includes coordinating writing). * Everyone will contribute to all three aspects, but I think teams are more likely to succeed if you ensure that you have all of these characteristics on your team.





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Exam Notes

I'm worried that my polygon procedures are drawing polygons at the top-left corner of the image, rather than at the center, as it shows in the examples.

Your procedures should draw the polygons wherever the turtle is. If the turtle starts in the top-left corner, then you should draw the polygon there.

In problem 2 how do I test for errors?

Look at exercise 3 in the lab on unit testing.

_How do I determine if a character is upper case?


How do I tell if all of the numbers in a list are even?

    (define all-even?
      (lambda (lst)
        (or (null? lst)
            (and (even? (car lst))
                 (all-even? (cdr lst))))))

    (all even? lst)
    (any even? lst) ; Don't use this for they are all even

Other Questions

Time to form groups

A few more notes on design

Playing and brainstorming


Things students want Sam to write or help write

Notes from your experienced mentors