Compilers (CS362 2001S)

Class 36: Steps in Compilation, Continued

Back to Steps in Compilation, Revisited. On to General Techniques.

Held Friday, April 27, 2001


Today we continue our translation of a simple recursive Pascal program.



Where We've Been

Procedure Wrappers

Other Activities

Putting it All Together

  ivar Val 0
  svar STRING1 "Please enter a number: "
  svar STRING2 "The factorial of "
  svar STRING3 " is "
  svar STRING4 "."
Label Program_Factorial
  # write('Please enter a number: ')
  push Constant(23)
  push Address(STRING1)
  push Constant(WRITE_A_STRING)
  push Constant(1)
  push Address(_p_stdout)
  call _p_write
  popn Constant(5)
  # readln(Val)
  pushl Constant(READ_A_NEWLINE)
  pushl Address(Val)
  pushl Constant(READ_A_STRING)
  pushl Constant(2)
  call _p_read
  popn Constant(4)
  # write('The factorial of ');
  # write(val:1)
  push Constant(1)
  push Value(Val)
  push Constant(WRITE_A_NUMBER)
  push Constant(1)
  push Address(_p_stdout)
  call _p_write
  popn Constant(5)
  # write(' is ');
  # write(factorial(val):1) becomes
  #   T1 := factorial(val)
  #   write(T1:1)
  # T1 := factorial(val)
  push Value(Val)
  call Factorial
  move Register(eax) into T1
  popn Constant(1)
  # write(T1:1)
  # writeln('.')
  push Constant(WRITE_A_NEWLINE)
  push Constant(1)
  push Address(STRING4)
  push Constant(WRITE_A_STRING)
  push Constant(2)
  push Address(_p_stdout)
  call _p_write
  popn Constant(6)
  # end
Label Factorial
# Initialization
  push Register(ebp)
  move Register(esp) Register(ebp)
  push Constant(0)
# factorial := helper(n,1)
  push Offset(Register(ebp),Constant(8))
  push Constant(1)
  call Factorial_Helper
  move Register(%eax) Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-4))
# Cleanup
  move Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-4)) Register(%eax)
  move Register(ebp) Register(esp)
  pop  Register(esp)
Label Factorial_Helper
# Initialization
  push Register(ebp)
  move Register(esp) Register(ebp)
  push Constant(0)
# if (n = 0) then
  cmp  Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-8)) Constant(0)
  je   LABEL_1
  jump LABEL_2
label LABEL_1
# helper := acc
  move Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-4)) Offset(register(ebp),Constant(4))
  jump LABEL_3
label LABEL_2
# helper := helper(n-1,n*acc)
# T2 := n-1
  sub  Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-8)) constant(1) T2
# T3 := n*
  mul  Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-8)) Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-4)) T3
# helper(T2,T3)
  push T2
  push T3
  call Factorial_Helper
# helper :=
  move Register(eax) Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-4))
  jump LABEL_3
label LABEL_3
# Cleanup
  move Offset(register(ebp),Constant(-4)) Register(%eax)
  move Register(ebp) Register(esp)
  pop  Register(esp)



Monday, 22 January 2001

Friday, 26 April 2001


Back to Steps in Compilation, Revisited. On to General Techniques.

Disclaimer: I usually create these pages on the fly. This means that they are rarely proofread and may contain bad grammar and incorrect details. It also means that I may update them regularly (see the history for more details). Feel free to contact me with any suggestions for changes.

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