Compilers (CS362 2001S)

Class 38: Additional Improvement Techniques

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Held Wednesday, May 2, 2001


Today we continue our study of optimization with an extended example.


Improvement, Continued

Loop Optimizations

A Longer Example

  • Given those assumptions, and knowledge that the representation of A begins at some position (which we'll also call A), where if A[x,y]?
  • The code will look something like the following
      mov $1, i
      je i, n END_OUTER
      mov $1, j
      je   j,   n,   END_INNER
      sub  i,   $1,  t1
      mul  t1,  $4,  t2
      mul  t2,  n,   t3
      sub  j,   $1,  t4
      mul  t4,  $4,  t5
      add  t3,  t5,  t6
      mov  offset(A,t6), t7
      sub  j,   $1,  t8
      mul  t8,  $4,  t9
      mul  t9,  n,   t10
      sub  i,   $1,  t11
      mul  t11, $4,  t12
      add  t10, t12, t13
      mov  t7, offset(B,t13)
      add  j, $1, j
      jump NEXT_INNER
      add  i, $1, i
      jump NEXT_OUTER
  • We'll start by breaking the code into basic blocks.
  • We'll continue by identifying and eliminating common subexpressions.
  • We'll continue by propagating copies.
  • We'll conclude by identifying induction variables and reducing the strength of some operations.



    Monday, 22 January 2001

    • Created as a blank outline.

    Wednesday, 2 May 2001

    • Filled in the details.


    Back to General Improvement Techniques. On to Student Presentations (1).

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