An "Unbalanced" Schedule is Perfectly Acceptable

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What is a "balanced" schedule?

A "balanced" schedule is a courseload in which there is at least one class per semester from each of the three divisions of study here at Grinnell College. Some advisors can get rather pushy and try to convince you that you absolutely must have what they consider to be a "balanced" schedule. I personally feel such an attitude is ridiculous because the open curriculum system means that having a "balanced" schedule according to your advisor's preferences is mearly a suggestion. It's your schedule, not theirs.

The Three Divisions of study here at Grinnell College are:

front door :the main page

why does it matter? don't get why this applies to you?

is it possible to be unbalanced? how does it happen?

is it acceptable? let me convince you

what does it look like? my real schedule as an illustration

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