An "Unbalanced" Schedule is Perfectly Acceptable

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Is an unbalanced schedule acceptable?

Yes, an "unbalanced" schedule is perfectly acceptable. If you have fulfilled all your requirements both for your major and those for studying abroad, there is nothing wrong with taking classes you enjoy. I know from personal experience that my advisor does not agree with me whole-heartedly, but i believe she is wrong. I am paying an obscene amount of money to get a first-class education here at Grinnell College, and that also includes my enjoyment of that education. There is no reason for me, or you, or anyone else, to sit bored in a class that holds absolutely no interest. If it comes down to choosing a class I am neither required to take nor am interested in, or another science class that really excites me, I'm going to choose the science course, hands down. Perhaps the "unbalanced" schedule may be frowned upon, but I believe such an out-dated opinion ought to change. We have an open curriculum (meaning there are no individual requirements like a fine arts course, a phys. ed. course, and a language course that some other schools demand) and that means we should not be forced to take unnecessary classes.

front door : the main page

why does it matter? don't get why this applies to you?

what is a "balanced" schedule? what the heck are you talking about?

is it possible to be unbalanced? how does it happen?

what does it look like? my real schedule as an illustration

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