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What does an "unbalanced" schedule look like?
An "unbalanced" schedule looks something like this (my coursework thus far):
Tutorial (Doesn't count as a division)
Spanish 217 (Humanities)
Literary Analysis (Humanities)
Intro Psychology (Sciences)
Physiological Psychology (Sciences)
Chemistry 129 (Sciences)
Cultural Encounters in History (Social Sciences)
The Ancient Greek World (Humanities)
Computer Science 151 (Sciences)
Abnormal Psychology (Sciences)
Intro Statistics (Can be taken as either a Science or a Social Science. I'm taking it as a Social Science to appease my pushy advisor)
Art and Art History (Humanities)
Humanities: 4
Social Sciences: 2
Sciences: 5
and Tutorial
front door : the main page
why does it matter? don't get why this applies to you?
what is a "balanced" schedule? what the heck are you talking about?
is it possible to be unbalanced? how does it happen?
is it acceptable? let me convince you