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Assorted talks and speeches

A speech to Duke TIP scholars (Essay #13)

For some reason, Grinnell invited me to give a speech to Duke TIP scholars on Tuesday, 3 May 2016. Here’s the intended text of my speech.

Speech to 2016 Graduating CS Seniors (Essay #29)

Text of a speech that I should have given.

Recruiting faculty who care about diversity (Essay #34)

Notes for a panel on best practices.

Another speech to Duke TIP award winners (Musing #310)

I did something right in 2016, since they asked me to come back in 2017. Or maybe it’s just that I’m the only one who says yes. Given Friday, 5 May 2017.

Baccalaureate (non-)address 2017 (Musing #328)

A speech I did not give.

A speech to graduating CS majors (and a few near-majors) in the class of 2018 (Musing #630)

A revised version of the 2016 speech.

Yet another speech to Duke TIP award recipients (Musing #640)

Third time’s a charm.

Comments from a panel at reunion 2018 (Musing #649)

Why did they ask me to participate?

Preparing slides for a presentation on the new digital-humanities CSC 151 (Musing #713)

Making a decent slide deck is hard.

An approximation of my talk for the Digital Bridges conference (Musing #714)

Writing the talk to go with the slide deck is also hard.

Some words for graduating CS majors (and their families) in the class of 2020 (Musing #1073)

Words I wanted to share, although not the place.

Some words for graduating CS majors (and their families) in the class of 2021 (Musing #1154)

Words to share.

Our Tapia 2022 Prep Session (Musing #1203)

It’s good to keep a record.