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On life in academia

The latest Ellucian breach (Musing #870)

Sofware is hard.

Advertising the department (Musing #873)

The joy of writing blurbs.

Disappearing articles (Musing #875)

Betsy DeVos and the Dream Center.

Income distributions, college choices, and such (Musing #877)

Exploring data.

The state of higher education (Musing #878)

Hutchins, Bush, Dewey, and such.

Compassion and the anti-academic press (Musing #893)

Different definitions of wacky.

Faculty contracts (Musing #919)

Is the Handbook our contract?

Licensing athletes’ images (Musing #933)

A step forward for the NCAA, I think.

Double-blind grading (Musing #934)

What is it?

Honors in Computer Science (Musing #985)

What should we measure?

Undergraduate student unions [1] and Berkeley CS (Musing #988)

Thinking through complications.

Governance, tenure, and such (Musing #991)

Reflecting on more inclusive practices.

Preparing workshop proposals (Musing #1007)

Not as much work as I expected

Office hour sign-up sheets and other FERPA issues (Musing #1009)

The wonder of rules

Preparing for teaching online (Musing #1028)

Being proactive.

Levers and dashboards and other monstrous mechanistic metaphors (Musing #1029)

Bashing bean counters.

Preparing to fill out my annual Faculty Activity Report (Musing #1091)

I wonder what other institutions do.

Incredibly irresponsible (Musing #1109)

Pandemic planning that’s beyond irritating.

Advance planning (Musing #1137)

It’s part of the job.

Worse than Sedona? Initial encounters with Interfolio (Musing #1169)

Definitely worse.

A short simulation of normalcy (Musing #1184)

Missing the rest of my job.

The 2022 SIGCSE Technical Symposium (Musing #1185)

Two years later.

Fifty Years of Title IX (Musing #1195)

Sam explores a bit.

A Hidden Curriculum (Musing #1196)

One of many.

Graduate Student Strikes (Musing #1217)

The issues seem more complex than I’d originally thought.

Preliminary reflections on whether reviews of professional work should include comments on grammar and style (Musing #1219)

Wow, that’s a long title.

Faculty nightmares (Musing #1233)

Not the same as normal nightmares.

Do not Cease and Desist! (Musing #1236)

Such a great response!

Three weeks to go (Musing #1297)
