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Writing about documentation

Is nothing at all like dancing about architecture.

I’m behind on writing the readings for CSC 151. That should not be a surprise to anyone. But I’m even more behind than I normally am. It doesn’t help that I made some choices recently that interfered with writing.

We’re talking about documentation in class on Friday and so I really had to write the reading on documentation tonight. Fortunately, I’ve written similar readings before, so I had something to start with.

At first, it seemed to be fairly smooth work. I update my text when I can, so I made some simple edits. Fortunately, the old reading generally seemed good. Then I hit the first example in the reading. Examples are core to the readings, since they show students what’s really happening. Our first example was square. I’d recently re-written my documentation for square, so I thought it was useful to compare the two. And I quickly realized that I document a bit differently these days. The example did not have much on types, other than to over-constrain the input to an integer. I want my students to think about types, so I had to add that. I also found some other things to think about, particularly with regards to how to phrase postconditions.

That wasn’t so bad. And I think my updates made the reading better.

Then I hit the second example. I had known that the second example had to go, since it focused on RGB colors, a topic we are not covering this semester [1]. That meant that I had to come up with another example. I thought about dropping the second example altogether. But there was this paragraph at the end of the second example.

It took a bit of effort to get the documentation right, or close enough to right. We hope that it was useful effort. First, it required us to carefully think through what we wanted the procedure to do and to differentiate aspects of our current implementation from the more general goals. Second, it required us to think about special cases. We’ll find that many of the procedures we write work fine on many cases, but not on the more extreme cases, which we will often call edge cases or corner cases. In this instance, the procedure behaved differently on large components. Finally, we had to balance the needs of the client programmer and the implementing programmer. You’ll find that a lot of procedure design requires such a balancing act.

Yeah, the documentation for square didn’t do that. So I had to come up with an example and guide them from what we might logically start with to what would be more sensible to say. I’m not sure that I came up with an excellent example, but I think it’s passable: scaling grades [2].

It took much longer than I’d planned to think through the example, to write up what I’d thought through, to realize from writing that I’d made some bad choices in thinking about the problem, to revise the example, and then to write some more. But I finished. I’m not ashamed of it.

However, given the time on writing that reading, I don’t really have time to muse much. Hence, I’m musing on writing that reading [3].

What’s next? Unit testing! Damn. Another case for a new example. I’ll need to come up with a good one, so I’m going to sleep on it.

[1] Or at least not in the same way.

[2] Oooh! Exciting. At least it’s about transforming data, which is a key topic in the course.

[3] I also finished two short musings that I had started previously [4].

[4] I should learn to make better choices.

Version 1.0 of 2017-09-06.