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CSC 321.01, Class 04: Ruby, continued


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Extra credit
    • Questions
  • Leftover software design topics
    • Compare and contrast three models
    • Key agile practices
    • Agile positives and negatives
  • Duck typing
  • Debrief on exercises
  • Unit testing and rspec
  • Interesting characteristics of Ruby



  • Apologies for being behind in grading. I have a busy next few days, but I will do my best to catch up.
  • Take a playing card. It will determine where you sit in class.
    • Why? I want you to practice discussing things with other people.
  • Reminder: Please ask your homework questions on the Slack #homework channel. Context is always helpful on questions. Not “c9 is not working” but “When I try to do X on c9, I get the following error.”
  • Your mentor will be offering one-hour mentor sessions the night assignments are due.
    • Please fill out the Doodle poll today.

Upcoming work

  • Reading journal due Tuesday at 9pm: Web technologies SaaSbook chapter 2, introduction and 2.1–2.4.
  • Hartl 1 due Thursday at 10:30pm.
    • Mentor hours at …

Good things to do (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS table Tuesday: Spectre and Meltdown (I think)
  • CS extras Thursday: Sam’s students


Models of software engineering

The book covers three models of software engineering.

  • Plan and document approaches
    • Waterfall
    • Spiral
  • Agile

What do you see as their similarities and differences?

  • All have client, planning, build, test, maintain
  • All have iterations
    • Waterfall: 1
    • Spiral: LONG
    • Agile: Short/small
  • Agile just has really small iterations

Important agile practices

What do you see as the most important agile practices?

  • Strong client involvement; regular feedback from client
    • On current state of project
    • On priorities of what to do next
  • Frequent team meetings
    • Daily stand-ups
    • Weekly or bi-weekly planning sessions
  • Insufficient documentation
    • (Document through tests rather than text)
  • Test-driven development
  • Pair programming - We develop better in teams
    • Centrality of communications
    • Cleaner code
    • Can help us follow practices
  • “Beautiful code”
    • If you expect to have to come back and change it, you develop it differently.
  • Focus on the problem at hand, rather than general code.
  • Refactor ruthlessly
    • Test-driven development lets you make change.

All of these interact.

Why agile?

Why do our authors (and others) promote agile approaches?

  • Better able to respond to change.
  • Plan and documents generally fail. Incomplete, over budget, and more.
    • We need something better
  • Agile project generally succeed.
    • But that’s because they get to change their requirements.
  • Power of involving the client

Why not agile?

There are critics of agile. What might people critique?

  • Less focus on clear documentation (at multiple levels); something harder to understand.
  • Hard for control freaks.
  • Some projects have very specific goals and fairly specific deadlines. (You don’t want change.)
  • Not all clients are regularly accessible.
  • Agile seems best suited for small/medium teams. You would not do agile with 1000 people.
  • “You wouldn’t build a bridge with agile.”
  • As a client, you don’t know what you’re getting for your money.

Duck typing

OOP has three key principles/practices.

  • Inheritance. We can define a new object/class in terms of an existing object/class.
  • Polymorphism. The idea that we can use different things in the same situation.
    • Parametric: We can define things like ListOf.
    • Subtype: If A is a B, then we can use an A wherever we use B.
  • Encapulation.
    • Group state and behavior together
    • Limit access to state

What object-oriented principles and practices does duck typing support?

  • If it walks like an array and quacks like an array, it must be an arry.
  • Duck typing is basically a “casual” version of subtype polymorphism, “If A provides the methods of B, we can use A wherever we expect a B.”
  • Good for people who understand polymorphism well and don’t make mistakes.
  • Bad for people who regularly make type mistakes.

Some exercises


def sum_to_n?(arr, n)
  bool = false
  if (n.is_a? Integer) == false
    return bool
  arr1 = arr.clone
  for i in 0 ... arr.size do
    for j in 0 ... arr1.size do
      if ((arr[i] + arr[j]) == n) && (i != j)
        bool = true

  return bool
def sum_to_n?(arr, n)
  for i in 0 ... arr.size do
    for j in i+1 ... arr1.size do
      return true if (arr[i] + arr[j]) == n

def sum_to_n? arr, n
  new_arr = arr.combination(2).to_a
  i = 0
  while i < new_arr.length
    if sum(new_arr[i]) == n
      return true
    i += 1
  return false
def sum_to_n? arr, n
    if arr.empty? || arr.length == 1
        return false
    arr.combination(2).to_a.each { |combo|
        return true if sum(combo) == n}
def sum_to_n? arr, n
  return false if
  return false if arr.empty?
  arr.combination(2).any? {|x, y| x + y == n}


def binary_multiple_of_4? s
    if s =~ /^[0-1]+$/
        return s.to_i(2) % 4 == 0 unless s == "0"
def binary_multiple_of_4?(s)
  if s == "0"
    return true
  num = s.to_i(2)
  if s == " " || s == "" || s == nil || num == 0
    return false
  if num%4 == 0
    return true
  return false
def binary_multiple_of_4? s
  # Checks that either number is 0 or is valid binary and ends with 2 0s
  return /^0+$/.match(s) || /^[0-1]+00$/.match(s)
def binary_multiple_of_4? s
  return true if s == "0"
  return true if /^[10]*00$/.match(s) != nil
  return false

Using rspec

We did not get to this topic.

I’m not sure where we currently stand in terms of experience with unit test frameworks in our curriculum.

  • Did using rspec seem like a familiar pattern or something new?
  • What did you like or not like about rspec?

Interesting characteristics of Ruby

We did not get to this topic.

  • Duck typing
  • Regular expressions (but help me understand them).
  • Huge library of built-in functions
  • Metaprogramming
  • Introspection / reflection
  • Poetry mode
  • Yield statement and blocks
    • Sam hates that Ruby has four things that look like functions, all with slightly different syntax and semantics.
  • Dynamic typing