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HW 3: Getting started with Rails (Hartl, Chapter 1)

This assignment should take you between two and three hours.

Warning! This assignment relies on Cloud 9. Cloud 9 is in transition. Please use the traditional Cloud 9, if possible, since that does not require you to enter a credit card. But know that you will encounter a very different UI in getting your virtual machine set up. See the notes below for more information.

Your primary task

Do all of the steps and exercises in Chapter 1 of Hartl.

What to submit

Send me answers to the following questions in a message entitled “CSC 321.01 2018S, HW 3: Getting started with Rails (Hartl, Chapter 1) (Name)”. Please replace Name with your name.

  1. What new git commands, if any, did you learn?

  2. You modified a variety of files in this chapter. List the files you changed, describe each change, and explain why Hartl asked you to make the change.

  3. Rails uses the “Model-View-Controller” pattern. Explain that pattern and why we use it.

Some notes on using the “traditional”

  1. You’ll use a different set of steps to log in and create the workspace. When you create the VM, make sure to select the “Rails Tutorial” template. See the screenshots below for details.

    a. Start by clicking on “Login for existing users”.

    A Web page for AWS CLoud 9.  The button labeled "Login for existing users" is circled

    b. Next, click on the big plus sign to create a new workspace.

    A Web page with a bunch of boxes.  A grey box with a plus sign that says "Create a new workspace" is circled.

    c. Make your workspace public and select “Rails Tutorial”.

    A Web page entitled "Create a new workspace.  A radio button labeled "Public" is circled, as is a picture button labeled "Rails Tutorial"

    d. And you’re ready to go.

    The Cloud 9 IDE.  The word "Cloud 9 IDE" is in ASCII art.

  2. Your code will be in ~/workspace/hello_app rather than ~/environment/hello_app.

  3. In Section 1.3.2, you should use the following commands to start the server.

    $ cd ~/workspace/hello_app/
    $ rails server -b $IP -p $PORT
  4. In Section 1.5.1, you should find that the Heroku command-line interface is already installed.