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Class 13: Software as a service




News / Etc.

  • I know that there is a planned student protest on March 1. I will still hold class, but I will not penalize you for missing class.
  • Sorry about Friday’s class.

Upcoming work

  • Read SaaSbook chapter 7 on Behavior-Driven Design for Wednesday.
  • Reading Journal due Wednesday.
  • Sinatra Hangman exercise from chapter 2 of the SaasBook for Friday. (It should be in “Intro to BDD, TDD, and SaaS” on the MOOC. I’ll work on getting links updated tonight.)

Good things to do

Nope, no extra credit.

  • CS Table, Tuesday, 21 Feb 2017, noon: Net neutrality.
  • Women in CS< Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 7pm
  • CS Extras, Thursday, 23 February 2017, 4:15 pm: The future of MathLAN


  • What is DRY code?
  • Why is it important?
  • How do you achieve it?
    • In general?
    • Using techniques in Ruby and Rails?

Thinking About SaaS

  • What is SaaS?
  • How do we build SaaS applications?
  • Why are we focusing on SaaS? (Why did F&P choose to focus on SaaS?)
  • What ethical issues might relate to SaaS?

Rails, Revisited

  • How do you find the F&P presentation of Rails different than the Hartl presentation?