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CSC 321.01, Class 13: Software as a service


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Questions
  • DRYing out your code

News / Etc.

  • I know that there is a planned student protest on March 1. I will still hold class, but I will not penalize you for missing class.
  • Sorry about Friday’s class.
  • Note for next semester: Sam should rearrange.

Upcoming work

  • Read SaaSbook chapter 7 on Behavior-Driven Design for Wednesday.
  • Reading Journal due Wednesday.
  • Sinatra Hangman exercise from chapter 2 of the SaasBook for Friday. (It should be in “Intro to BDD, TDD, and SaaS” on the MOOC. I’ll work on getting links updated tonight.)
  • There was no reading journal for today. Sorry.

Good things to do

Nope, no extra credit.

  • Executive debate for SGA elections. Thursday 8pm JRC 101.
  • CS Table, Tuesday, 21 Feb 2017, noon: Net neutrality.
  • Women in CS, Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 7pm
  • CS Extras, Thursday, 23 February 2017, 4:15 pm: The future of MathLAN



  • It means: “Don’t Repeat Yourself.”
  • Why is this an important principle?
    • Only fix or improve code once
    • Often makes the code cleaner and easier to read.
    • Can improve efficiency or locality (less code means it is more likely to stay in the cache)
    • Makes programmers more efficient

What are techniques we know to help us avoid repeating ourselves?

Write functions instead of writing the same code multiple times.

(define irgb-flatten
  (lambda (color val)
    (irgb (* val (round (/ (irgb-red color) val)))
          (* val (round (/ (irgb-green color) val)))
          (* val (round (/ (irgb-blue color) val))))))

(define component-flatten
  (lambda (component val)
    (* val (round (/ component val)))))

(define irgb-flatten
  (lambda (color val)
    (irgb (component-flatten (irgb-red color) val)
          (component-flatten (irgb-green color) val)
          (component-flatten (irgb-blue color) val))))

; And yes, we could improve this even more
(define irgb-flatten
  (lambda (color-val)
    (apply irgb (map (section component-flatten <> val) 
                     (irgb->list color)))))

Another example

// Volume of prism one
prism1vol = prism1width * prism1height * prism1depth;
prism2vol = prism2width * prism2height * prism2depth;
prism3vol = prism3width * prism3height * prism3depth;
prism4vol = prism4width * prism4height * prism4depth;

volume (int width, int height, int depth)
  return width * height * depth;
} // volume

prism1vol = volume (prism1width, prism1height, prism1depth);
prism2vol = volume (prism2width, prism2height, prism2depth);
prism3vol = volume (prism3width, prism3height, prism3depth);
prism4vol = volume (prism4width, prism4height, prism4depth);

I think that’s more readable. What is evidence that it’s not DRY?

  • It doesn’t look DRY. (It looks WET. Weirdly Excessive Typing.)
  • Sam wrote it by copy-and-paste. Copy-and-paste is generally a sign that you are not writing DRY code.

How would you dry out that code?

Idea 1: We should be using objects or structs to represent prisms (prismi?).

Idea 2: We could use a list or array along with a for loop.

for (int i = 0; i < prisms.length; i++)
    prismVol[i] = volume (prismWidth[i], prismHeight[i], prismDepth[i]);

for (int i = 0; i < prisms.length; i++)
    maxDim[i] = max (prismWidth[i], prismHeight[i], prismDepth[i]);

We could dry out this repetition using lambdas and/or iterators

prismVol = { volume }
prismMaxDim = { max }


print (1); print (2); print (3); print (4); print (5); print (6); print (7);

for (i = 1 ; i <= 7; ++i) { print(i); }


Is there a difference between

for (i = 1 ; i <= 3; ++i) print (i); // 2 3


for (i = 1 ; i <= 3; i++) print (i); // 1 2 3

How does a for loop work?

for (init ; check ; increment) body

  1. init. In both cases, i is 1.

  2. check. In both cases, i is <= 3.

  3. body. Both print 1.

  4. increment. In both cases, i is 2.

  5. check. In both cases, i is <= 3.

  6. body. Both print 2.

  7. increment. In both cases, i becomes 3.

  8. check. In both cases, 3 <= 3.

  9. body. Both print 3.

  10. increment. In bothc ases, i becomes 4.

  11. check. In both cases i ! <= 3

Is there a difference between

i = 5; x = i++; // i = 6, x = 5


i = 5; x = ++i; // i = 6, x = 6

Quick review

  • Functions to extrract common components
  • Arrays + Repetition
  • Repetition
  • Iterators
  • HOP

How else?

  • Generics, for languages that support them. Rather than writing the same code again and again for different types, you just write one set of generic code.
  • Libraries: Don’t reinvent the wheel (unless it’s a bad wheel).
  • Interfaces and polymorphism.
    • Write code that works with similar objects, even if they are different types. (Works well with duck typing.)
      • If it walks like a duck and squawks like a duck, it must be a duck.
      • I can write a sorting routine for anything that provides a compareTo method.
  • Inheritance.
    • Don’t reimplement the methods of your parent
  • Global constants.
    • PI, rather than 3.14159
    • MAX_ARRAY_SIZE rather than 128
    • BIGNUM rather than 128
  • Ruby’s yield and blocks (a kind of HOP)
  • Ruby’s funky repetition statements, like 5.times
  • Ruby’s metaprogramming (e.g., for getters and setters)
  • Ruby’s mixins

Use these techniques as you go. Pay attention to non-DRY code, and use one or more to DRY your code out.