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Evaluating Racket expressions

Friday, 8 February 2019
We consider the algorithms and structures that Scheme and Racket interpreters use as they evaluates Scheme expressions.
Racket basics. Procedures.
This reading is long. You can feel free to skim a bit. There is a TL;DR section toward the end.


We use the terms “interpreter” and “evaluator” for the programs that read and execute Scheme and Racket programs. To many Scheme and Racket programmers, the interpreter is a bit of a “black box”. That is, you type an expression, the interpreter chugs along for a few milliseconds (or, in some cases, much longer), and then produces an answer.

It is certainly possible to use Racket without knowing anything about how DrRacket and other interpreters evaluate expressions. However, knowing a bit about the interpreter helps you understand why DrRacket does what it does. And, when things go wrong, knowing a bit about the interpreter can help you resolve problems.

It is neither possible nor appropriate to cover every aspect of the Racket interpreter this early in your study of DrRacket. You don’t know all of the Racket language and you don’t know all of the computational and algorithmic techniques that are central to the interpreter. Nonetheless, you know enough to get a simplified, high-level overview of the interpreter. And, as we suggested, having that overview will prove of benefit.

Background: Some kinds of Racket expressions

At this point, you’ve encountered approximately six different kinds of expressions in Racket.

  • Simple values: The basic building blocks of more complex expressions, values like 2.4 and “hello”.
  • Procedure calls: Expressions that involve applying some procedure, such as +, to some values, such as 2.4 and 5. Procedure calls are surrounded by parentheses, which is how the Racket interpreter knows that they are procedure calls.
  • Simple definitions: Definitions, which use the keyword define, associate an identifier, such as homework1, with a corresponding value, such as 90 or "A-".
  • Procedure definitions: As you’ve recently scene, one form of procedure definitions uses both the keyword define and the keyword lambda.
  • Identifiers: Identifiers are the words that we have given meaning to with define. Parameters are the words that represent inputs to a procedure. We usually consider parameters a form of identifier.
  • Lists: You’ve generally seen lists as output, such as from the string-split operation. Since you will not study lists in depth until later in the semester, this reading will provide only a bit about lists.

As you might expect, the Racket interpreter uses a slightly different process to evaluate each kind of expression. We will consider each in turn, exploring examples and related issues along the way.

Data structures used during evaluation

You may recall that computer science is the study of algorithms and data structures. That is, we describe not only processes, but ways of organizing information. The Racket interpreter uses a variety of data structures.

One important structure is a dictionary it uses to look up each identifier it encounters. The interpreter must update the dictionary when it encounters a definition or a procedure call. We will represent the dictionary as a table. For example, we would use something like the following table to represent the definition (define homework1 90).

homework1       90          exact integer

Evaluation is traditionally at least a two-step process. First, the interpreter “parses” the textual input, turning it into an internal representation of the input. Next, the interpreter evaluates that internal representation. Let’s consider a few expressions.

  • The parser inteprets the expression “2” as the exact integer value 2.
  • The parser interprets the expression “x” as the identifier x. The parser does not check whether or not x has been defined.
  • The parser interprets the expression “'x” as the symbol x. Names and symbols look quite similar. However, Racket treats them differently.
  • The parser interprets the expression “(define x 5)” as a compound expression with three elements. Element 0 is the keyword define. Element 1 is the identifier x. Element 2 is the exact integer value 5. (You’ll note we number starting at zero. For reasons you may have discovered already and which we’ll return to later in this semester, computer scientists tend to count elements starting with the value zero rather than the value one.)
  • The parser interprets the expression “1/3” as the exact rational 1/3.
  • The parser interprets the expression “"Hello"” as the string value "Hello".
  • The parser interprets the expression “*” as the identifier *. You’ll note that we’ve said that * is a identifier, rather than either a keyword or the multiplication procedure. Racket has a somewhat limited set of keywords, and, as you may have noted, expressions that involve keywords behave somewhat differently. You can’t, for example, redefine a keyword. You can, however, redefine a identifier (including *). Different parsers may have different approaches to parsing keywords. Some may identify keywords early, as we have done. Others may wait until evaluation to determine whether a identifier is a keyword.
  • The parser interprets the expression “(* 7 x 11)” as a compound expression with four elements. Element 0 is the identifier *. Element 1 is the exact integer value 7. Element 2 is the identifier x. Element 3 is the exact integer value 11.
  • The parser interprets the expression “'(8 "aitch" h)” as a list with three elements. Element 0 is the exact integer value 8. Element 1 is the string value "aitch". Element 2 is the symbol h. That last part may be a bit surprising. Why is it the symbol h rather than the identifier h? Because the outer tick mark signifies that any words that follow represent symbols.
  • The parser interprets the expression “(* x (+ 8 1/2 x))” as a compound expression with three elements. Element 0 is the identifier *. Element 1 is the identifier x. Element 2 is another compound expression, one of four elements. Element 0 is the identifier +. Element 1 is the exact integer value 8. Element 2 is the exact rational value 1/2. Element 3 is the identifier x.

You may note that there is some potential confusion in that last compound expression, since we have two element 0’s, two element 1’s, and two element 2’s. Hence, we often display parsed expressions using a format in which indentation helps indicate which expression each value belongs to. For example, we might represent (define y (* 2 (+ x 1/2) x)) as follows.

  0: keyword:define
  1: id:y
  2: compound-expression/4:
      0: id:*
      1: value:2 (exact integer)
      2: compound-expression/3:
          0: id:+
          1: id:x
          2: value:1/2 (exact rational)
      3: id: x

Most experienced Racket and Scheme programmers subconsciously translate the code they type into this kind of representation. That is, they know what things they’ve entered are compound expressions, keywords, identifiers, and values. They also often keep track of the type of each value and it’s place in nesting of compound expressions.

Note that Racket has its own internal representation of most of the basic types of values. Conceptually, every computer ends up representing most values as a sequence of 0’s and 1’s and has a set of rules for how those sequences are interpreted. You need not understand that internal representation to know that 5 is the exact integer 5, that 1.2 is the inexact real 1.2, or that 3/5 is the exact rational number 3/5.

Parsing expressions

So, how does the parser translate the text of a Racket expression into an internal structure? The algorithm is, or should be, relatively straightforward.

To read the next expression

Skip over any whitespace (space, tab, newline, etc.) and comments.
Look at the next character.
  If the next character is an open parenthesis, we have a compound expression
    Skip over the open parenthesis
    Read each subexpression, one by one, until you reach the end
    Skip over the close parenthesis
    Combine the portions into a compound expression
  Otherwise, if the next character is a tick mark
    Look at the following character
    If it is an open parenthesis
      Follow the instructions for reading a compound expression,
      except that you treat all non-numeric words as symbols,
      rather than identifiers or keywords.  Return that compound
      expression as a list value.
      Read the next word 
      If it takes the form of a number,
        Treat it like a number
        Treat it as a symbol
  Otherwise, if the next character is a double-quotation mark, "
    Read until you find the matching double-quotation mark
    Combine all the characters you've read into a string value.
  Otherwise (that is, for any other character)
    Read the next word
    If the word is one of the keywords (define, lambda, etc.)
      Convert the word to a keyword
    Otherwise, if the word has the form of an exact integer
      Convert the word to an exact integer, using the appropriate
      internal representation for integers
    Otherwise, if the word has the form of a rational number
      Convert the word to a rational number
    Otherwise, if the word has the form of an inexact real number
      Convert the word to an inexact number
      Convert the word to an identifier

Of course, some aspects of these instructions are a bit vague. What is “the form of an exact integer” or “the form of a rational number”? Here are some approximate definitions.

  • An exact integer is a sequence of digits with an optional leading + or -. So 11 is an exact integer, as are -11 and +11. However, ++11 is not an exact integer because it has more than one leading +, 11.0 is not an exact integer because it has a decimal point, 11x is not an exact integer because it has a non-digit character, and so on and so forth. What is 11x? It’s not an exact rational, an inexact real, or a complex number, so it must be an identifier. (We would not recommend that you use it as an identifier, even though you can.)
  • An exact rational is a sequence of digits with an optional leading + or -, a slash, and another sequence of digits. Hence, 7/11, +7/11, and -7/11 are all exact rational numbers. However, 7.0/11 is not because it contains a decimal point and 7/+11 is not because because it contains a + in a position other than the front. What are these two words? They are both identifiers.
  • An inexact real number is a sequence of digits with an optional leading + or - as well as a decimal point or an exponential portion or both. An exponential portion is the letter e, an optional + or -, and a sequence of digits. For example, 11.7, +11.7 -11.7, 11e7, 11e-7 and -11e+7 are all inexact numbers. 11. is also an inexact number. For the time being, we will not distinguish inexact real numbers from inexact integers.
  • A complex number is a number (one of the three kinds we’ve just listed), a + or -, an unsigned number, and the letter i. If both numbers are exact, the complex number is also exact. If either number is inexact, the complex number is inexact. 7+11i is an exact complex number, as are -7+11i, -7-11i, and 7-11i. However, 7+-11 is not a complex number.

But what about the “word” that we are supposed to read? Racket and Scheme are fairly generous about the words and identifiers they permit. In most situations, a word is a sequence of standard characters that does not include whitespace, parentheses, square brackets, curly braces, a tick mark, a backtick, a semicolon, an octothorpe (hash, pound sign), or a double quotation mark. So, as strange as it may seem, 3+-4 is a valid identifier, as are x/3, x++, +---+, and many other things it would be hard to conceive of.

> (define 3++ 11)
> 3++
> (define 3/-4 -2)
> 3/-4
> (define +----+ *)
> (+----+ 3++ 3/-4)

Note that just because things are possible does not mean that they are a good idea. Defining 3/-4 as 2 is likely to confuse the reader. Racket gives you great power. Use it wisely.

Let’s consider a simple parsing example. The vertical bar, | shows where we are in the input.

**remaining input**   **action**                **notes**
|(define x (+ 3 y))   Skip whitespace           None
|(define x (+ 3 y))   Look at next char         next:(
|(define x (+ 3 y))   If open paren             Yes
(|define x (+ 3 y))   Read subexp               In compound
(|define x (+ 3 y))   Skip whitespace           None; In compound
(|define x (+ 3 y))   Look at next char         next:d; In compound
(|define x (+ 3 y))   If open paren             No; In compound
(|define x (+ 3 y))   If tick mark              No; In compound
(|define x (+ 3 y))   If double quote           No; In compound
(|define x (+ 3 y))   Otherwise ...             In compound
(|define x (+ 3 y))   Read the next word        In compound
(define| x (+ 3 y))                             word:define; In compound
(define| x (+ 3 y))   If keyword                Yes; word:define; In compound
(define| x (+ 3 y))   Convert to keyword        In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define| x (+ 3 y))   Read subexp               In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define| x (+ 3 y))   Skip whitespace           Yes; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define |x (+ 3 y))   Look at next char         char:x; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define |x (+ 3 y))   If open paren             No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define |x (+ 3 y))   If tick mark              No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define |x (+ 3 y))   If double quote           No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define |x (+ 3 y))   Otherwise ...             No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define |x (+ 3 y))   Read the next word        In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))                             word:x; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   If keyword                No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   If exact int              No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   If rational               No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   If inexact                No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   If complex                No; In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   Otherwise ...             In compound [0:keyword:define]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   Convert to id             In compound [0:k:d,1:id:x]
(define x| (+ 3 y))   Read subexp               In compound [0:k:d,1:id:x]"
(define x (+ 3 y)|)   _magic_                   In compound [0:k:d,1:id:x,2:compound[...]]
(define x (+ 3 y)|)   Until you reach the end   Yes; In compound [0:k:d,1:id:x,2:compound[...]]
(define x (+ 3 y)|)   Skip over                 In compound [0:k:d,1:id:x,2:compound[...]]
(define x (+ 3 y))|   Skip over                 In compound [0:k:d,1:id:x,2:compound[...]]
(define x (+ 3 y))|   Combine the portions      In compound [0:k:d,1:id:x,2:compound[...]]

After all those steps, including the elided parsing of (+ 3 y), we end up with the following.

  0: keyword:define
  1: id:x
  2: compound-expression/3
      0: id:+
      1: value:3 (exact integer)
      2: id:y

Note: This parsing algorithm may seem a bit complex. And it is. However, the real parsing algorithm is even more complex. For example, the parameter list and body in a lambda expression are parsed in a different way than other parenthesized expressions. We’ll leave those complexities as an issue for future consideration.

Evaluating expressions

Now that we’ve parsed the expression (or, more accurately, now that the interpreter has parsed the expression), it’s time to evaluate the expression. As you may recall, in the notes above, we considered six different kinds of expressions: simple values, procedure calls, simple definitions, procedure definitions with lambda, identifiers, and lists. Now that we know how the interpreter parses each expression into an internal representation, we can consider how to evaluate the different kinds of expressions.

Note that we’ve only used three structures to represent expressions: compound expressions, identifiers, and values. Procedure calls, simple definitions, and procedure definitions all get represented as compound expressions. Simple values and lists both get represented as values. However, we can distinguish definitions from calls by checking whether element 0 is the keyword define or not. And we can distinguish simple values and lists by checking their type. (However, we need not do so at the moment.)

Let’s consider how to evaluate each kind of structure.

  • To evaluate an identifier, look the identifier up in the dictionary. For example, if our identifier is x and the dictionary associates the exact integer 11 with x, we return the exact integer 11. If the dictionary does not associate any value with x, issue an error.
  • To evaluate a value, use the value the parser constructed. For example, if the original text contained 7/11, the parser identified and stored that as the exact rational number 7/11, so we return that.
  • To evaluate a compound expression that starts with define, evaluate element 2 of the compound expression and then put the combination of element 1 and that result into the dictionary. For example, given the structure that corresponds to (define x 11), we would update the dictionary to associate x with the exact integer 11.
  • To evaluate a compound expression that represents a procedure call, evaluate all the elements of the expression and then apply the procedure. For example, to evaluate the structure corresponding to (+ 1 2), the interpreter first evaluates the +, the 1, and the 2. It can evaluate them in any order; on some machines, it may even evaluates them simultaneously. The + is an identifier, so it looks it up in the dictionary and discovers that it’s the built-in mulitplication operation. The 1 is an exact integer. The 2 is also an exact integer. So the interpreter passes 1 and 2 to the built-in multiplication operation.

Are those all the kinds of expressions? Not quite. We haven’t really explained how to evaluate a lambda expression. That’s a complex enough issue that we’ll leave it for a bit later.

An example

Let’s consider what the interpreter might do upon encountering the following series of expressions. (More precisely, we will consider what the interpreter will do given the parsed versions of those expressions.)

(define multiply *)
(define divide /)
(define diameter 17)
(define radius (divide diameter 2))
(multiply pi (expt radius 2))

What does the dictionary look like before we’ve run any code? The basic dictionary associates most of the built-in identifiers with their associated values. For example, it associates * with the built-in multiplication procedure and pi with a reasonable approximation thereof.

> *
> pi

We begin with (define multiply *), which the parser has likely represented as follows.

  0: keyword:define
  1: id:multiply
  2: id:*

That’s a definition, which we can tell because it’s a compound expression whose element 0 is the keyword define. So we evaluate element 2, the identifier *. We evaluate identifiers by looking them up in the table. The basic dictionary maps * to the built-in multiplication operation that it shows to us as #<procedure:*>. Next, we update the dictionary to associate that value with multiply.

IDENTIFIER      VALUE             TYPE
multiply        #<procedure:*>    procedure

Note that there is a difference between the identifier * and the procedure value represented by #<procedure:*>. The first is just an identifier. The latter is a procedure provided to us by the Scheme or Racket interpreter. For convenience, we can refer to it as *. However, it is possible to change meanings, as the following example suggests.

> *
> (define * -)
> *
> (* 2 7)

Of course, no one in their right mind would use such a definition, except to frustrate others. We include it only to remind you of the difference between the identifier and the underlying procedure.

Returning to our sequence of expressions, our next expression to evaluate is (define divide /). That’s similar enough to the first definition that we won’t go through the details. Our dictionary now contains the following.

IDENTIFIER       VALUE            TYPE
multiply         #<procedure:*>   procedure
divide           #<procedure:/>   procedure

The next expression, (define diameter 17) is similar. However, in this case, 17 is a value rather than a name, so the interpreter need not look it up in the dictionary before associating it with diameter.

IDENTIFIER       VALUE            TYPE
multiply         #<procedure:*>   procedure
divide           #<procedure:/>   procedure
diameter         17               exact integer

Now we’re on to a somewhat more complex expression, (define radius (divide diameter 2)). Once again, we have a definition. So the interpreter must evaluate element two of the compound expression, (divide diameter 2). Since divide is not a keyword, it knows that we have a procedure call. The steps for procedure calls are to evaluate each of the parts.

The interpereter looks up divide in the dictionary. That gives #<procedure:/>. It looks up diameter in the dictionary. That gives 17. 2 is an integer, so it need not look it up.

We are now left with (#<procedure:/> 17 2). The interpreter then runs the built-in code for the division procedure, using inputs of 17 and 2. It gives a result of 8 1/2, or something simlar.

Where were we? Ah, we were in the middle of the definition of radius. The interpreter has now evaluated element 2 of the compound statement, and it’s ready to update the dictionary.

IDENTIFIER       VALUE            TYPE
multiply         #<procedure:*>   procedure
divide           #<procedure:/>   procedure
diameter         17               exact integer
radius           8 1/2            exact rational

We’re now down to the last expression to evaluate, (multiply pi (expt radius 2)). Let’s see. That’s a compound expression which the parsers has likely reprsented something like the following.

  0: id:multiply
  1: id:pi
  2: compound-expression/3:
      0: id:expt
      1: id:radius
      2: value:2 (exact integer)

That’s a compound expression that does not involve a keyword. What does the interpreter do? It evaluates each part. multiply is an identifier, which it looks up in the dictionary and finds #<procedure:*>. pi is also an identifier which has the value 3.1415..... The third part of the compound expresssion is another compound expression. So, the evaluator checks if it involves a keyword (it doesn’t).

Once again, it evaluates each part of the procedure in turn. expt is an identifier, naming the built-in procedure #<procedure:expt>. radius is an identifier which the dictionary indicates has the value 8 1/2 (or 17/2). The 2 is a constant. The evaluator is left with (#<procedure:expt> 17/2 2). So the evaluator runs the built-in procedure using those two inputs. That procedure returns 72 1/4 (or 289/4).

Now the interpreter can evaluate the outer expression, which has boiled down to (#<procedure:*> 3.141592653589793 289/4) It can then feed those two values to the built-in multiplication procedure, yielding something like 226.98006922186255.

It seems like a lot of work, doesn’t it? But that’s okay; digital computers are good at doing a lot of repetitious work that uses a relatively straightforward algorithm.

Evaluating and applying lambda expressions

We’ve seen how Racket evaluates simple expressions, compound expressions, and definitions. But what happens when we define our own procedures using lambda? That’s a bit more complicated. We need to consider two separate issues: What the Racket interpreter does when it encounters a lambda expression and what the interpreter does when it encounters a procedure call in which the procedure is a lambda expression.

Let’s consider a relatively simple example, a procedure that adds two to its input.

(define add2
  (lambda (x)
    (+ 2 x)))

The parser is likely to change that to something like the following.

  0: keyword:define
  1: id:add2
  2: compound-expression/3:
      0: keyword:lambda
      1: compound-expression/1:
          0: id:x
      2: compound-expression/3:
          0: id:+
          1: value:2 (exact integer)
          2: id:x

By now, you know that to evaluate a compound expression that begins with the keyword define, we evaluate element 2 of the compound expression and then update the dictionary. But how does the interpreter evaluate a lambda expession? It turns out that it doesn’t do it now; the evaluation doesn’t happen until later. Rather, the interpreter stores the whole lambda expression in the dictionary. (Although it stores it in the internal form, we’ll represent it in the form we write.) Before doing so, it checks to make sure that the expression “makes sense”; for example, that it only uses names that it knows.

IDENTIFIER       VALUE                  TYPE
add2            (lambda (x) (+ 2 x))    lambda expression

Now let’s consider what happens when we write (add2 5). As you have likely guessed, the parser first converts that to an internal representation.

  0: id:add2
  1: val:5 (exact integer)

The interpreter has a compound expression that does not involve a keyword. So it evaluates each part of the compound expression and then applies the procedure it expects to find in position 0.

Let’s see. add2 is an identifier, so the interpreter looks it up in the dictionary. It finds the lambda expression (lambda (x) (+ 2 x)). It looks a 5 and finds a constant value. It is now left with something a bit strange.

((lambda (x) (+ 2 x)) 5)

The interpeter then plunges ahead. The value in the procedure position is not a built-in procedure, but rather a lambda expression. So it uses the algorithm for applying lambda expressions. What is that algorithm? It goes something like the following.

To apply a lambda expression

  * A lambda expression of the form (lambda (param1 param2 ...) body)
  * Arguments arg1 arg2 ...

Verify that the number of arguments equals the number of parameters
For each pair of parameter and corresponding argument
  Add the parameter and the argument to the dictionary
Evaluate the body
Remove the things we've added to the dictionary
Return the value of the body

What does that all mean? Let’s look.

Our lambda expession has the form (lambda (x) (+ 2 x)). There’s one parameter, x. The body is (+ 2 x). It would make sense to call this on, say, the value 5. It would not make sense to call it with no arguments. It would not make sense to call it with two or more arguments. So our first step is to check the number of arguments. We have only one argument. All is good.

What next? We put the parameter/argument pair in the dictionary. Our dictionary now looks like the following (we’ve put in a line to separate the variables for the procedure from those we’ve defined globally).

IDENTIFIER       VALUE                  TYPE
add2            (lambda (x) (+ 2 x))    lambda expression
x               5                       exact integer

Next, the interpreter evaluates the body, (+ 2 x). By this time, you should know the drill. It’s a compound expression with no keyword. So it looks up the +, yielding #<procedure:+> and the x, yielding 5. It now has to evaluate (#<procedure:+> 2 5). It passes the 2 and 5 to the built-in addition procedure, yielding 7.

But it’s not done yet! That x has been put in the dictionary. After the lambda expression is done, it should not be there any more. So poof, it gets removed.

IDENTIFIER       VALUE                  TYPE
add2            (lambda (x) (+ 2 x))    lambda expression

And we’re now done with the evaluation.

What happens when we use the same identifier in different contexts? For example, suppose we write (define x 11) and then call (add2 3)? It turns out that Racket is relatively smart. We’ll start with the dictionary before the call.

IDENTIFIER       VALUE                  TYPE
add2            (lambda (x) (+ 2 x))    lambda expression
x               11                      exact integer

As before, when we call add2, we extract the lambda expression, giving us ((lambda (x) (+ 2 x)) 3). The algorithm for evaluating lambdas puts x and 3 in the dictionary as follows

IDENTIFIER       VALUE                  TYPE
add2            (lambda (x) (+ 2 x))    lambda expression
x               11                      exact integer
x               3                       exact integer

Note that there are two things named x in the dictionary. Which one does the Racket interpreter use? For now, we should assume it uses the one most recently added. So when it looks up x, it finds the value 3. As before, it adds 2, this time yielding 5. We’ve finished the lambda, so we clear out the dictionary.

IDENTIFIER       VALUE                  TYPE
add2            (lambda (x) (+ 2 x))    lambda expression
x               11                      exact integer

Let’s check to see if things worked the way we expected.

> (define add2 (lambda (x) (+ 2 x)))
> (define x 11)
> add2
> x
> (add2 3)
> x

Yup. They did.

Detour: Lambda expressions without defines

You may have noted that there was one expression we wrote that seemed a bit strange, ((lambda (x) (+ 2 x)) 5). Is that just an intermediate internal representation for the computer? No. It turns out that Racket lets you write a lambda expression wherever you need a procedure.

> (lambda (x) (+ 2 x))
> ((lambda (x) (+ 2 x)) 5)
> ((lambda (x) (+ 2 x)))
Error! #<procedure>: arity mismatch;
Error!  the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
Error!   expected: 1
Error!   given: 0
> ((lambda (x) (+ 2 x)) 5 7)
Error! . #<procedure>: arity mismatch;
Error!  the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
Error!   expected: 1
Error!   given: 2
Error!   arguments...:
> ((lambda (x y) (+ (* x y) (/ x y))) 1 3)
3 1/3

Will you ever want to write lambda expressions without naming them? It turns out that there are certain circumstances in which that is quite useful. We call such uses anonymous procedures, since they lack names.


The Racket interpreter goes through two major steps when evaluating expressions. First, it parses the text you type to convert it to an internal representation. In doing so, it identifies the type of most values. Second, it evaluates that internal representation according to a somewhat straightforward (but long) set of rules.

In addition to the internal representation, the interpreter relies on a “dictionary” that associates identifiers with values. Those values can be numbers, strings, lists, built-in procedures, and even lambda expressions.

To apply a procedure defined by a lambda expression, we add parameter/argument pairs to the dictionary, evaluate the body, and then clean up the dictionary.

Disclaimer: Interpreting variables

In the discussion of applying lambda expressions to values, we suggested that the Scheme interpreter updates the dictionary and then evaluates the body of the expression. In point of fact, the actual semantics of variables are a bit more complicated and, in some cases, depend on where they appear in the program code rather than where they are used in a running program. Hence, the claim that the interpreter simply updates the dictionary is a simplification, albeit a useful one. For most of the code you write in this class (and elsewhere), the simplification is acceptable. However, there are some cases in which the simplification breaks down. We’ll mention them when they occur.

For those who like esoteric terminology, the model we’ve given you is dynamically scoped, with the meaning of each variable determined by its context at the time the program is evaluated. However, the Scheme language is actually statically scoped, with the meaning of each variable determined. For those of you who don’t like esoteric terminology, ignore the preceding two sentences. (We thought about telling you to ignore the whole paragraph, but that means you would have to ignore the instruction telling you to ignore the paragraph, which could lead to some confusion.)

Self Checks

Check 1: From Racket to internal representation

Give the internal representation of the following expression.

(define a (* (+ p q r s) 3))

Check 2: Running the evaluation algorithm

What are the roughly eight steps that the Scheme evaluator will do as it evaluates the following expression.

(define exp (/ (+ 7 8 9) count))


This section draws upon How Scheme evaluates expressions (take 1) and How Scheme evaluates expressions (take 2) from Grinnell College’s CSC 151. Samuel A. Rebelsky wrote the original version. A variety of other folks (particularly Janet Davis and Jerod Weinman) made substantial updates.