As you may recall from the introduction to algorithms, the ability to write subroutines is one of the key components of algorithm design. Subroutines have a name that we use to refer to the subroutine and zero or more parameters that provide the input to the subroutine.
For example, we might want to define a procedure, square
, that takes
as input a number and computes the square of that number.
> (square 5)
> (square 1.5)
> (square 1/3)
> (+ (square 1/2) (square 1/3))
> (square (square 2))
Of course, square
can have multiple meanings. If we’re making
drawings, it could also mean “make a square”. Let’s consider an
> (color-square 10 "red")
> (color-square 5 "blue")
> (above (color-square 12 "red")
(beside (color-square 8 "blue")
(color-square 8 "purple")))
The square is a relatively simple example. Consider, for example, the following definition of a simple drawing of a house.
> (overlay/align "center" "bottom"
(overlay/align "left" "center"
(circle 3 "solid" "yellow")
(rectangle 15 25 "solid" "brown"))
(above (triangle 50 "solid" "red")
(rectangle 40 50 "solid" "black")))
What if we want to make different size or different color houses? We could copy and paste the code. However, if we changed our mind about how to structure our houses, we’d then have to update every copy. We’d be better off writing a procedure that takes the size and color as parameters.
> (house 50 "black")
> (house 30 "blue")
> (beside (house 30 "blue") (house 30 "green") (house 30 "yellow"))
Racket provides a variety of mechanisms for defining procedures.
We will start with the most general, which uses the keyword lambda
This mechanism is relatively straightforward.
Typically, we think of a procedure as having three main aspects: The name we use to refer to the procedure, the names of the parameters (inputs) to the procedure, and the instructions the procedure executes.
Here is the general form of procedure definitions in Racket, at least as we will use them in this class. Racket does not require the indentation, but it makes it much easier to read and we will require it.
(define procedure-name
(lambda (formal-parameters)
You’ve already seen the define
; we use define
to name things.
In this case, we’re naming a procedure, rather than a value. The
procedure-name part is straightforward; it’s the name we will use
to refer to the procedure. The “lambda
” is a special keyword in
Racket to indicate that “Hey! This is a procedure!”. (Lambda has
a special place in the history of mathematical logic and programming
language design and has always meant “function” or “procedure”.
It’s special enough that the designers of DrRacket chose it for the
icon.) The formal-parameters are the names that we give to the
inputs. For example, we might call our input to the color-square
procedure side-length
and color
. Finally, the instructions
are a series of Racket expressions that explain how to do the
associated work.
Let’s look at a simple example, that of squaring a number.
(define my-square
(lambda (x)
(* x x)))
Mentally, most Racket programmers read this as something like
names a procedure that takes one input,x
, and computes its result by multiplyingx
by itself.
While you will normally define procedures in the definitions pane, you can also create them in the interactions pane. Let’s see how this procedure works.
> (define my-square
(lambda (x)
(* x x)))
> (my-square 5)
> (my-square 1/2)
> (my-square (my-square 2))
> my-square
You may note in the last line that when we asked DrRacket for the
“value” of my-square
, it told us that it’s a procedure named
. Compare that for other values we might define.
> (define x 5)
> x
> (define phrase "All mimsy were the borogoves")
> phrase
"All mimsy were the borogoves"
> (define red-square (rectangle 15 15 "solid" "red"))
> red-square
> (define multiply *)
> multiply
In every case, DrRacket is showing us the value associated with the name. In some cases, it’s a number. In some cases, it’s a string. In some cases, it’s an image. And in some cases, it’s a procedure.
How does the procedure we’ve just defined work? Here’s the easiest way
to think about it: When you call a procedure you’ve defined with
, DrRacket substitutes in the arguments in the procedure call
for the corresponding parameters within the instructions. Next, it
evaluates the updated instructions.
For example, when you call (my-square 5)
, DrRacket substitutes 5
for x
in (* x x)
, giving (* 5 5)
. It then evaluates the
(* 5 5)
, computing 25.
What about a nested call, such as (my-square (my-square 2))
? As
you may recall, Racket evaluates nested expressions from the inside
out. So, it first computes (my-square 2)
. Substituting 2
for x
, it arrives at (* 2 2)
. The multiplication gives a value
of 4
. The (my-square 2)
is then replaced by 4
. DrRacket is
then left to evaluate (my-square 4)
. This time, it substitutes
in for the x
, giving it (* 4 4)
. It does the multiplication
to arrive at a result of 16
We might show the steps as follows, with the =>
symbol representing
the conversion that happens at each step.
(my-square (my-square 2))
=> (my-square (* 2 2))
=> (my-square 4)
=> (* 4 4)
=> 16
You may recall that our second example involved writing a procedure that
makes squares of a specified side length and color. A square is just a
rectangle with both sides the same size. So, if we want a procedure to
make squares, we’ll just call the rectangle
procedure, using the same
value for the width and height.
(define color-square
(lambda (side color)
(rectangle side side "solid" color)))
What happens if we call color-square
on inputs of 15
and "red"
It substitutes 15
for side
and "red"
for color, giving us
(rectangle 15 15 "solid" "red")
. And, as we saw in the
examples above, that’s a red square of side-length 15.
What about the house example? Let’s look at a simpler version, one that does not include the door. If we did not care about resizing the house, we might just write an expression like
(above (triangle 50 "solid" "red")
(rectangle 40 50 "solid" "black"))
But we’d like to “parameterize” the code to take the size as an input.
Let’s say that the size corresponds to the side-length of the triangle
(or the size of the main body of the house). We will replace each
by size
and replace 40
by (*
. Let’s see how
that works.
> (define simple-house
(lambda (size)
(above (triangle size "solid" "red")
(rectangle (* 4/5 size) size "solid" "black"))))
> (simple-house 20)
> (simple-house 30)
We’ve written procedures so that they take an input. However, there are also advantages to writing procedures that take no inputs. In those cases, a procedure just tells us how to compute a value. Is that different than naming just naming the value? A bit. Let’s explore those differences.
Consider the following two definitions, each of which creates a series of houses.
> (define house-grid
(above (beside (simple-house 20) (simple-house 20))
(beside (simple-house 20) (simple-house 20))))
> (define house-seq
(lambda ()
(beside/align "bottom"
(simple-house 10) (simple-house 15)
(simple-house 20) (simple-house 25))))
The first definition, for house-grid
defines a value. (It’s a value
which is an image, but it’s still a value.) In contrast, the
definition for house-seq
defines a procedure. We refer to values and
procedures differently.
> house-grid
> house-seq
> (house-seq)
> (house-grid)
application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: (object:image% ...)
arguments...: [none]
But the differences go beyond the particular syntax in which we use
them. When you define a named value, DrRacket evaluates the
instructions immediately and then stores the result. When you ask for a
named value, DrRacket looks up the value and uses it. When you ask
DrRacket to evaluate a zero-parameter procedure, it runs the
instructions again. You can see the effects when we change the
definition of simple-house
> (define simple-house
(lambda (size)
(above (triangle size "solid" "darkred")
(rectangle (* 4/5 size) size "solid" "gray"))))
> house-grid
> (house-seq)
That is, because we’d created house-grid
while the old version of
was in effect, the image associated with house-grid
does not change. However, since the new definition of simple-house
in effect when we call house-seq
, it uses the new definition and we
get a sequence of houses that use the new definition.
As you may have figured out by now, there are many benefits to defining
your own procedures. One of the most important is clarity or
readability. Another programmer will likely spend less effort
understanding (simple-house 20)
than they will trying to understand
the more complex above
expression involving triangles and rectangles.
The first is clearly intended to be a house. The second could be
anything, at least until you see it. The other programmer may also find
it easier to write programs using simple-house
than the much longer
series of expressions.
By using a name for a set of code, we are employing the concept of abstraction. That is, because the person calling the procedure knows what the procedure does rather than how it achieves that result, we have abstracted away some of the details.
There are benefits to abstraction and the use of procedures other than readability. For example, it may be that you discover a more efficient way to do a computation. If you’ve written the same code for the computation throughout your program, you’ll have a lot of code to update. But if you’ve created a procedure, you need only update one place in your code, the place you’ve defined the procedure.
The house-seq
example above illustrates a similar point. When we
decide to change the color of the house and the roof, we only had to
make the change in one place, in the definition of simple-house
. If
we had, instead, created each house within house-seq
, we would have
multiple places to update.
As these examples suggest, using procedures to parameterize and name sections of code provide us with a variety of advantages. First, we can more easily reuse code in different places. Rather than copying, pasting, and changing, we can simply call the procedure with new parameters. Second, others can more easily read the code we have written. Third, we can more easily update the procedures we’ve written, either to make them more efficient or to change behavior universally.
Write a procedure, (subtract2
that takes a number as input and
subtracts 2 from that number.
> (subtract2 5)
> (subtract2 3.25)
> (subtract2 "hello")
-: contract violation
expected: number?
given: "hello"
argument position: 1st
other arguments...:
Show the steps involved in computing (square (subtract2 5))
(subtract2 (square 5))
This section draws upon a reading entitled “Defining your own procedures” and an earlier reading entitled “Writing your own procedures” from Grinnell College’s CSC 151.
The house drawing was inspired by a more sophisticated house drawing from the Racket Image Guide.