Experiments in Java

Experiments for Session O3: Interfaces and Polymorphism

Name: ________________

Experiment O3.1: Polymorphism

Required files:

Before you begin, make copies of DateHelper.java, SimpleDate.java, SimpleTime.java. Compile all three files.

Step 1. Create a new program, NewDateTester.java, with a main method that contains the following lines.

    SimpleOutput out = new SimpleOutput();
    DateHelper helper = new DateHelper();
    helper.printRange(out, new SimpleDate(1964,6,17), 
                           new SimpleDate(1964,12,3));

Compile and execute NewDateTester. Record the results.


Step 2. Add the following lines to the main method of NewDateTester.

    helper.printRange(out, new SimpleTime(1964,6,17), 
                           new SimpleTime(1964,12,3));

Recompile and execute NewDateTester. Record the new results.


Step 3. Were the results in steps 1 and 2 the same? If so, why? If not, why not?


Step 4. Add the following lines to the main method of NewDateTester.

    helper.printRange(out, new SimpleTime(1964,6,17,5,0), 
                           new SimpleTime(1964,12,3,11,30));

What do you expect the new output to be?


Step 5. Recompile and execute NewDateTester. Record the new results. Were they what you expected? Why or why not?


Step 6. Add the following lines to the main method of NewDateTester.

    helper.printRange(out, new SimpleDate(1964,6,17), 
                           new SimpleTime(1964,12,3,11,30));

What do you expect the new output to be?

Step 7. Recompile and execute NewDateTester. Record the new results. Were they what you expected? Why or why not?


Experiment O3.2: NewPoints and PointPrinters

Required files:

Step 1. Make copies of Point.java, PointFun.java, and NewPoint.java. Change the body of the main method of PointFun.java to read

    // We'll be generating some output.
    SimpleOutput out = new SimpleOutput();
    // The point we'll be playing with.
    Point pt = new Point(2,3);
    // Something to help us print
    PointPrinter printer = new PointPrinter();
    // Print some basic information
    // Move it right a little bit.
    out.println("Shifting right by 0.7");
    // Print current information
    // Move it right a little bit.
    out.println("Shifting up by 2.5");
    // Print current information
    // Move it left a little bit.
    out.println("Shifting left by 10.2");
    // Print current information

Compile all three classes and execute PointFun. Record your results.


Step 2. Update PointFun to use a NewPoint wherever it used a Point. Summarize your changes here.


Step 3. Try to compile PointFun. What happens?


After writing your answer, you may want to look at the notes.

Step 4. Update PointPrinter so that it can print both Points and NewPoints. Recompile PointPrinter. Summarize your changes here.


You may also want to look at a suggested update.

Step 5. Recompile PointFun. Are you successful? If so, why would you have been successful here and not in step 3? If not, why not?


After recording your answer, look at the notes on the subject.

Step 6. Execute the newly compiled PointFun and record your results. Are they what you expected? Why or why not?


Step 7. Record any general observations you have about the process of creating and using variant of the Point class in this experiment.


Experiment O3.3: Using ExtendedPoints

Required files:

Step 1. Make copies of Point.java, PointFun.java, PointPrinter.java, and ExtendedPoint.java. The body of the main method of PointFun should be identical to that of step 1 of Experiment O3.2. Compile all four classes. Execute PointFun. Record your results.


Step 2. Update the main method of PointFun so that it uses ExtendedPoints instead of Points. Do not modify PointPrinter! Summarize your changes.


Step 3. Compile and execute PointFun. Were you successful? If not, summarize and explain the error messages. If you were successful, compare your answer to step 3 of Experiment O3.2. When you are done, read the notes on this step.


Step 4. Record any general observations you have about the process of creating and using a subclass of the Point class in this experiment.


Experiment O3.4: Printing points

Step 1. Make copies of the two files and compile them.

Step 2. Create the following Printable class

public class Printable {
   * Convert the current object to a string.
  public String makePrintable() {
  } // toString()
} // class Printable

You will need to fill in something appropriate for the ellipses. Compile this class and correct any errors you encounter. What did you use in place of the ellipses?


Step 3. Update SimpleOutput.java to include a println(Printable) method. Summarize the changes you've made to add such a method.


After doing so, you may want to read the notes on this step.

Step 4. Create a new class, PrintablePoint that extends Point. Add a makePrintable method to PrintablePoint. Compile PrintablePoint and correct any errors. Summarize the structure of PrintablePoint.


Step 5. Create a new class, PointPrinter, that creates and prints a PrintablePoint. The main method of PointPrinter should be similar to

    SimpleOutput out = new SimpleOutput();
    PrintablePoint pt = new PrintablePoint(1,4);
    out.print("The point is ");

What do you expect to happen if you try to compile or execute PointPrinter? Why?


Step 6. Compile and execute PointPrinter. What happened? Is this what you expected? Explain the results.


Step 7. Update PrintablePoint so that it extends both Point and Printable. The class header will read

public class PrintablePoint 
  extends Point
  extends Printable {
} // class PrintablePoint

What happens when you try to compile this new class? Why?


Step 8. Change Printable from a class to an interface. Summarize the changes you've made.


Step 9. Try to compile PrintablePoint. What happens? How does this result differ from the result in step 7, and why?


Step 10. Update PrintablePoint so that it implements Printable rather than extending it. Try to compile the revised class. How do your results differ from those in steps 7 and 9? Why do they differ?


Step 11. Execute PointPrinter and record the results. Are they what you expected? Why or why not?


Experiment O3.5: Printing revisited

Required files:

Step 1. If you have not already done so, make a copy of the required files and add a println(Printable) method to SimpleOutput.

Step 2. Create a new class, Person, which implements Printable. Person should have one field, a string representing the name of the person. Make sure you include an appropriate constructor for setting that name. Do not include a makePrintable method! Summarize your design for the class.


Step 3. Create a new class, PersonPrinter with a main method that reads

    SimpleOutput out = new SimpleOutput();
    Person author = new Person("Mary P. Boelk");
    out.print("The author is ");

Compile and execute PersonPrinter. Record the results. Are they what you expected? Why or why not?


Step 4. Add a makePrintable method to Person that that returns the name of the person. Recompile Person and execute PersonPrinter. Record the results. Were they the same as in the previous step? Why or why not?


Step 5. Change the keyword implements in Person to extends. Attempt to recompile Person. What happens? Why do you think this is? After writing your answer, restore the implements.


Step 6. Build a Student class that extends Person. Students should include majors in addition to names. Do not explicitly indicate that Student implements Printable and do not include a makePrintable. Compile Student and correct any errors you encounter. Summarize the design of your class.


Step 7. Update the main method of PersonPrinter to print a Student rather than a Person. For example, you might write

    Student generic = new Student("Gen R. Ic", "None");
    out.print("This is what we know about the student: ");

Compile and execute the revised PersonPrinter. Were you successful? What might success indicate?


Step 8. Add a makePrintable method to Student. Recompile Student and execute PersonPrinter. Record your results. What do they suggest? Note that you never explicitly indicated that Students are printable.


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Source text last modified Tue Oct 26 12:28:46 1999.

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