Experiments in Java

Experiments for Session J1: An Introduction to Java

Name: ________________

Experiment J1.1: Executing your first program

Required files:

Step 1. Make a copy of the two required programs, compile them, and execute HelloWorld. Record the results. Your instructor will provide you with information on copying files, compiling Java programs, and executing compiled Java programs.


Step 2. Rename HelloWorld.java as helloworld.java (i.e., change the capitalization) and try to recompile it. Record any error messages you observe. What do those error messages suggest about Java?


When you have entered your response, rename helloworld.java to HelloWorld.java.

The following steps are primarily applicable to command-line development environments, like Sun's JDK.

Step 3. Remove SimpleOutput.java (source code) but keep SimpleOutput.class (compiled code) and the two versions of HelloWorld. (Your directory or folder should contain only HelloWorld.java, HelloWorld.class, and SimpleOutput.class.) Execute HelloWorld. Record the results. If the program doesn't work, suggest why not. If the program continues to work, suggest why.


Step 4. Make another copy of SimpleOutput.java (source code) and delete SimpleOutput.class (compiled code). (Your directory or folder should contain only HelloWorld.java, HelloWorld.class, and SimpleOutput.java.) Execute HelloWorld. Record the results. If the program doesn't work, suggest why not. If the program continues to work, suggest why.


Step 5. Compile SimpleOutput.java. Delete the line from HelloWorld.java that reads

import SimpleOutput;

Try to recompile and execute the program. If the program successfully recompiles, suggest why. If it does not, suggest why not.


After entering an answer, you may wish to read the notes on this problem.

Step 6. Remove SimpleOutput.java (source code), SimpleOutput.class (object code), and HelloWorld.class (object code). You should now have only HelloWorld.java in your directory or folder. Attempt to recompile and execute HelloWorld. If the program successfully recompiles, suggest why. If it does not, suggest why not.


Step 7. Make a copy of SimpleOutput.java. Delete HelloWorld.class if it exists. You should now have SimpleOutput.java and HelloWorld.java in your folder or directory. Try to recompile and execute HelloWorld. Does it compile successfully? Did you expect it to? Did any new files appear in your directory? What does this suggest about Java?


Experiment J1.2: Extending your first program

Required files:

Before you begin, if you have not done so already, make copies of SimpleOutput.java and HelloWorld.java and compile them.

Step 1. Insert the following lines to HelloWorld.java right before the end of the main method.

    out.print("Welcome to Java.");
    out.println("We hope you enjoy yourself.");

Execute HelloWorld. Record the output. Is this what you expected? If not, suggest why not.


Step 2. Recompile HelloWorld.java and then execute it. Record the output. Did you get what you expected? If not, suggest why not.


Step 3. What do the results of the first two steps suggest?


Step 4. What is the difference between print and println?

Step 5. Replace the line in HelloWorld.java that reads

out.println("Hello World");

with one that reads

println("Hello World");

Recompile and execute the program. What happens? What does this suggest about Java?


If you introduced any errors in this step, repair them.

Step 6. Replace the line in HelloWorld.java that reads

    SimpleOutput out = new SimpleOutput();

with one that reads

    SimpleOutput out;

Recompile and execute the program. What happens? What does this suggest about Java? If you introduced any errors, repair them.


Experiment J1.3: When things go wrong

Required files:

In case you've forgotten, here is the code for Greetings.java.

import SimpleInput;
import SimpleOutput;

 * A simple Java program that illustrates textual input and output.
 * @author Samuel A. Rebelsky
 * @version 1.1 of March 1998
public class Greetings {
   * Prompt for the user's name and print a greeting.
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // The object we're using to read input.
    SimpleInput in = new SimpleInput();
    // The object we're using to print output.
    SimpleOutput out = new SimpleOutput();
    // The user's name.
    String name;
    // Prompt for the name.
    out.print("What is your name? ");
    // Get the name.
    name = in.readString();
    // Print a friendly message.
    out.print("Hello ");
    out.println(", welcome to the joys of Java.");
  } // main(String[])
} // Welcome

Step 1. If you have not already done so, make a copy of the required programs, compile them, and execute Greetings. Record the results.


Step 2. At times, programmers forget to enter the quote that ends a string. Replace the line that reads

    out.print("Hello ");

with one that reads

    out.print("Hello );

(i.e., remove the ending quotation mark). What difference do you expect this change to make?


Step 3. Attempt to recompile and execute Greetings. What happened? Why?


After entering your answers, correct the error.

Step 3. Another common mistake is to leave out semicolons. Replace the line that reads

    String name;

with one that reads

    String name

(i.e., drop the semicolon). What difference do you expect this change to make?


Step 5. Attempt to recompile and execute Greetings. What happened? Why?


After entering your answers, correct the error.

Step 6. Replace the line that reads

    out.print("What is your name? ");

with one that reads

    out.print("What is your name? ")

(that is, drop the semicolon). What difference do you expect this change to make? After recording your answer, attempt to recompile and execute Greetings. Explain what happened.


After entering your answers, correct the error.

Step 7. What do your answers to steps 5 and 6 suggest?


Step 8. Another common mistake is to mistype a variable name. For example, we might decide to use output instead of out. Change only the line that reads

    SimpleOutput out = new SimpleOutput();

to read

    SimpleOutput output = new SimpleOutput();

What difference do you expect this change to make? After recording your answer, attempt to recompile and execute Greetings. Explain what happened.


After entering your answers, correct the error.

Step 9. Yet another common mistake is to forget to end multi-line comments. Remove the */ that appears just before

public class Greetings {

What difference do you expect this change to make? After recording your answer, attempt to recompile and execute Greetings. Explain what happened.


After entering your answers, correct the error.

Step 10. Remove the ``*/'' that appears just before

  public static void main(String[] args) {

What difference do you expect this change to make? After recording your answer, attempt to recompile and execute Greetings. Explain what happened.


After entering your answers, correct the error.

Step 11. It is likely that your answers for steps 9 and 10 were different. Can you explain why?


Experiment J1.4: Executing and extending a program with input

Required files:

Step 1. If you have not already done so, make a copy of the required programs, compile them, and execute Greetings. Record the results.


Step 2. Extend the program to read in some other fact about the user (e.g., a major or home town) and to print out a response to that fact. Before making the changes, write down the new lines of code. After extending the program, you should recompile and execute the program.

If you make mistakes, the Java compiler will print some error messages. Write down any error messages you receive and a possible explanation of those errors.


Step 3. Remove the semicolon after

import SimpleInput;

Try to recompile the program. Record the error messages. Reinsert the semicolon to repair the error you just created.


Step 4. Remove other semicolons from the program and try to recompile. What semicolons did you remove and what error messages did you get? Record the error messages and corresponding semicolons. Repair those errors.


Experiment J1.5: Numeric input and output

Required files:

Before you begin, if you haven't done so already, obtain copies of SimpleInput.java and SimpleOutput.java and compile them.

Step 1. Obtain a copy of BasicComputations.java, compile it, and execute it. Try a variety of inputs (small numbers, large numbers, positive numbers, negative numbers, things that aren't numbers) and record the results for each input. What do the results suggest about Java's treatment of numbers?


Step 2. After the line that prints the square in BasicComputations.java, add lines that read

    out.print(" + 1 is ");

What do you think this will do? Compile and execute the program to test your hypothesis. Record any discrepancies and suggest why such discrepancies might occur.


Step 3. Change all the instances of double to int. Change readDouble to readInt. Recompile the program. Execute the program and enter the value 2. Record the output. Execute the program and enter the value 2.4. Record the output. What does this suggest?


Experiment J1.6: Your first applet

Optional applet experiment

Required files:

Step 1. Make a copy of the two files. Compile HelloWorldApplet.java. Load the applet, using whatever technique your instructor specifies. (You might load it in a browser like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer; you might run an application like Sun's appletviewer.) Describe the output.


Step 2. In helloworld.html, change the width of the applet from 400 to 20. What do you expect will happen when you reload the applet?


Step 3. Reload the applet, using the modified helloworld.html. What happened? Explain why.


After recording your answer, restore the width to 400.

Step 4. Explain how to update this program to print "Hi there!" rather than "Hello world".


Step 5. Make the change you suggested in the previous step, recompile HelloWorldApplet, and run it. If you did not get the expected results, update your answer to step 4, and try again.

Step 6. Change the line that reads

    paintBrush.drawString("Hello world", 10, 20);

to one that reads

    paintBrush.drawString("Hello world", 100, 20);

What effect do you expect this change to have?


Step 7. Recompile HelloWorldApplet and run it. What results did you observe? What do these results tell you about the second parameter to drawString?


When you are done, change that parameter from 100 back to 10.

Step 8. Change the line that reads

    paintBrush.drawString("Hello world", 10, 20);

to one that reads

    paintBrush.drawString("Hello world", 10, 100);

What effect do you expect this change to have?


Step 9. Recompile HelloWorldApplet and run it. What results did you observe? What do these results tell you about the third parameter to drawString?


When you are done, change that parameter from 100 back to 20.

Step 10. What code might you write to print "Hello" at the top left of the screen and "Goodbye" at the bottom right?


Step 11. Try including that code in HelloWorldApplet. Recompile and run it. If necessary, keep experimenting until you get it right.

Experiment J1.7: Some common applet errors

Optional applet experiment

Required files:

Before you begin, if you have not already done so, make a copy of the required files, compile HelloWorldApplet, run it, and record the results.


Step 1. Remove the line that reads

extends Applet

What effect do you expect this change to have?


Step 2. Attempt to recompile and execute HelloWorldApplet. What happens? Explain why.


After you are done, restore the line that reads

extends Applet

Step 3. Remove the line that reads

import java.awt.Graphics;

What effect do you expect this change to have?


Step 4. Attempt to recompile and execute HelloWorldApplet. What happens? Explain why.


After you are done, restore the line that reads

import java.awt.Graphics;

Step 5. Change the line that reads

  public void paint(Graphics paintBrush) {

to one that reads

  public static void paint(Graphics paintBrush) {

What effect do you expect this change to have?


Step 6. Attempt to recompile and execute HelloWorldApplet. What happens? Explain why.


After you are done, restore the line that reads

  public void paint(Graphics paintBrush) {

Step 7. Make a copy of HelloWorldApplet.java called Example.java. Replace the body of paint with

    paintBrush.drawString("An example applet");

What do you expect to happen when you try to compile Example.java? Try to compile it and explain the error messages.


Step 8. Replace all the instances of HelloWorldApplet in Example.java with Example. What do you expect to happen when you try to compile it? Verify your answer by trying to compile it.


Step 9. Hopefully, Example compiled successfully. Next, make a copy of helloworld.html called example.html. Run your new applet using example.html. What happens? Why?


Step 10. If you have not already realized that you need to do so, update example.html so that it uses Example.class instead of HelloWorld.class.

Copyright (c) 1998 Samuel A. Rebelsky. All rights reserved.

Source text last modified Tue Oct 26 12:50:56 1999.

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