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Team Software Development for Community Organizations

Warning! The class site is currently under development. Expect things to change significantly.

Samuel A. Rebelsky
Meeting Times
TuTh 10:00-10:50 (first half of semester); TuTh 8:00-10:50 (second half of semester)
Office Hours
TuTh 1:30-3:00 p.m.
I also tend to follow an open door policy: Feel free to stop by when my door is open to to make an appointment for another time.
Class Mentors
  • Kathryn Yetter

About this course

Welcome to the Fall 2017 section of Grinnell College’s CSC 322, Team Software Development for Community Organizations. CSC 322 is an opportunity for you to apply the ideas and tools you learned in CSC 321 and elsewhere in our curriculum to real-world problems. In particular, in CSC 322 we build software projects that support organizations in our local community. This semester we will be working on a wide variety of projects.

Past history suggests that because most students are learning Rails and Ruby during the first half of the semester, the course ends up somewhat back focused. To address that issue, we will be having two one-hour meetings each week for the first half of the semester, and two three-hour meetings each week for the second half of the semester. This approach gives you the opportunity to “ramp up” in how you work on the material. In the second half of the semester, almost all of your work for the class happens during class time.

Past experience suggests that what you get out of the course depends on what you put into the course.