Algorithms and OOD (CSC 207 2014F) : Handouts

Student-Curated Resources

While the Web site for the course contains a wide variety of resources for learning material, including readings, labs, and some reference material, many students identify other materials that can help them and their peers. This page serves as a page to gather those resources.

I encourage you to submit resources for this page. If you submit a resource that I deem worth sharing, you will earn a unit of extra credit (up to some limit to be determined). To submit a resource, email me a link to the resource, a potential category for the resource (e.g., "ADTs: Linked Lists") and a few sentences that explain why you consider the resource useful. If I accept the submission, I will post the link, your text, and your initials.

Object-Oriented Design

Sandeep Panda. (January 3, 2013). Interface and Inheritance in Java: Interface. Suggested by LBA.

Sam says: I hate the code formatting. The reading assumes you know some things we haven't covered, such as abstract. I don't like the writing, particularly the missing articles. The first interface has a horrible name (DriveCar? C'mon. How about Drivable? And why the inconsistency in the method names?) But nothing is clearly wrong, and I assume that you found something useful in there.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

An animation of insertion sort. Submitted by AK.

AK writes: It is helpful because it shows what is happening at each stage of the insertion sort and also visual aids are always cool.

15 sorting algorithms in 6 minutes. Submitted by RJHB.

RJHB writes: I don't know if this counts as helpful, but it was still pretty cool. It's a visual representation of sorting algorithms.

Design and Analysis of Abstract Data Types and Data Structures

Software Construction


Java Software, Oracle (n.d.) How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool. Suggested by AOA.

AOA says: I have tried to practice good Javaddoc conventions in my assignments. This document helped me a lot. It is detailed and hence will be good for students who would want to read more. Also it's from Oracle so it can be "trusted".

Sam says: Some of my colleagues would question how much you should trust a company that makes proprietary software. And these are the guidelines for making "official" Javadoc. As we've seen, sometimes official Javadoc is not very helpful. But I do think they serve as a good set of guidelines.

Liferay (n.d.). Wikie: Javadoc Guidelines.

AOA says: I have tried to practice good Javaddoc conventions in my assignments. This document helped me a lot. It is more concise than the Oracle document and provides good examples. This can help students who work better by looking at examples.

SamR says: I'm too lazy to read through the whole thing. But I like that it's standards for a particular community, that they give some fairly concrete descriptions (e.g., "Start with a verb"), and that they provide some good examples.