EBoard 19 (Section 2): Randomness

Approximate overview

  • Administrative stuff [~5 min]
  • Racket stuff [~10 min]
  • Questions [~5 min]
  • Lab [~60 min]


Introductory notes

  • Thank you to those of you who posted corrections in your reading questions. I enjoy awarding tokens.
  • I have sent out your current grade reports.
    • It appears that Gradescope misled me about the readings for class 15; I’ll get the rest of those graded soon.
    • Our graders are trying hard to catch up on grading.
    • If you notice issues on LAs or readings, let me know.
    • You should get another grade report on Sunday or Monday, after I’ve finished grading the SoLA.
  • The College required me to post midterm assessments yesterday.
    • Fewer than 7-8 LAs generally earned you an M or an R.
    • I will likely be sending out academic alerts for the same reason.
    • Unfortunately, midterm assessments don’t match well with the mastery grading we use in this course, particularly since the graders have not graded redos and you have not had a chance to do SoLA 2. Take your midterm assessments with a large grain of salt.

Class mask policy

  • Please bring your mask to class. Wear it if you wish.
  • If your partner is wearing a mask, please put on your mask.
  • As a member of a high-risk group, I will be wearing a mask at least through spring break.
  • Note: Masks remain good for preventing transmission of cold and flu and other similar diseases.


  • Please say your name when you ask or answer a question (even if I’ve just called you by name).
  • Evening tutors are available 7–10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday as well as 3–5 p.m. on Sunday.
  • Mentor sessions are Monday 8–9 p.m. Wednesday, 8–9 p.m., Sunday 4–5 p.m.

Upcoming work

  • No reading for Friday.
  • Today’s lab due Thursday at 10:30 p.m.
    • As usual, “SAM SAID I CAN STOP HERE”
    • We’ll be talking about it more on Friday.
  • SoLA 2 released today at 2:30 and due Thursday the 10th at 10:30 p.m.
  • Quiz 7 due Sunday at 4pm: Use higher-order procedures.
  • Week seven survey distributed Friday, due Sunday at 10:00 p.m.
  • Reading for Monday’s class, also due Sunday at 10:00 p.m.
  • MP 5 due next Thursday at 10:30 p.m. To be released Friday.

Upcoming Token-Generating Activities

Other Upcoming Activities

Sample Quiz 7

Use section and composition to simplify computations.

Consider the following procedures

;;; (vowel? char) -> boolean
;;;   char : char?
;;; Determine if char is a vowel.
(define vowel?
  (let ([vowels (string->list "aeiou")])
    (lambda (ch)
      (integer? (index-of vowels (char-downcase ch))))))

;;; (count-vowels str) -> integer?
;;;   str : string?
;;; Count the number of vowels in str
(define count-vowels
  (lambda (str)
    (tally vowel? (string->list str))))

;;; (select-special-words words) -> list-of string?
;;;   words : list-of string?
;;; Selects all the special words in words using the ALTV criterion.
(define select-special-words
  (lambda (words)
    (filter (o (section > <> 2) count-vowels) words)))

a. What kinds of words does select-special-words select?

b. Explain how (o (section > <> 2) count-vowels) works as a predicate for such words.

c. Rewrite vowel? using section and composition but no lambda.

Bonus hard question

You are unlikely to receive a problem this hard.

Consider the following procedure.

(define silly
  (lambda (lst)
    (map (lambda (x) (sqr (+ 1 x)))
         (filter odd? lst))))

Rewrite the procedure using o and section so that it has no lambdas.


  • Use o when you want to sequence actions. (Do this to the parameter, then this to the result, then this to the next result, and so on and so forth.)
  • Use section when you want to fill in one or more parameters to a procedure, thereby creating a new procedure.
  • This is a case in which the lambda-free version is likely much harder to read.

Racket/Lab Stuff

The local bindings self check

Rewrite v2c-ratio so that we don’t duplicate work.


;;; (v2c-ratio str) -> rational?
;;;   str : string
;;; Determine the ratio of vowels to consonants in str
(define v2c-ratio
  (lambda (str)
    (/ (tally vowel? (string->list str))
       (tally consonant? (string->list str)))))

Rewritten (without let)

(define v2c-helper
  (lambda (lst)
    (/ (tally vowel? lst)
       (tally consonant? lst))))

(define v2c-ratio
  (lambda (str)
    (v2c-helper (string->list str))))

Rewritten (with a local helper)

(define v2c-ratio
  (let ([helper
         (lambda (lst)
           (/ (tally vowel? lst)
              (tally consonant? lst)))])
    (lambda (str)
      (helper (string->list str)))))


(define v2c-ratio
  (let ([helper
         (lambda (lst) (/ (tally vowel? lst) (tally consonant? lst)))])
    (lambda (str)
      (helper (string->list str)))))

Rewritten, substituting the local helper

Sam will attempt this “live”, perhaps with help.

(define v2c-ratio
  (lambda (str)
    ((lambda (lst) (/ (tally vowel? lst) (tally consonant? lst)))
     (string->list str))))
(define v2c-ratio
  (o (lambda (lst) (/ (tally vowel? lst) (tally consonant? lst)))

No, I don’t expect you to do this.

Termial and natural numbers

> (natural? 0)
> (natural? 1)
> (natural? 4)
> (natural? -1)
> (natural? 1.0)

Moral: If we say that something expects a natural number, we mean “an exact non-negative integer”.

Quiz 6

While I won’t put answers in the eboard, I will go over it in DrRacket.

The bad range procedure

Here’s the “bad” version of range from the lab

(define bad-range
  (lambda (n)
    (if (zero? n)
        (cons n (bad-range (- n 1))))))

As you might have noted, this gives us the values in the wrong order. Although it’s inefficient, we might consider adding a reverse to the mix to get them in the right order.

(define less-bad-range
  (lambda (n)
    (if (zero? n)
        (reverse (cons n (less-bad-range (- n 1)))))))

Will this work? (Ignore the inefficiency.)

Here’s another approach. Since we’re putting the values at the wrong position, just swap the parameters to cons.

(define lesser-bad-range
  (lambda (n)
    (if (zero? n)
        (cons (lesser-bad-range (- n 1)) n))))

Will this work?


Reading questions

Why do we include (lambda () ...) in the definitions of random functions?

The lambda () makes it a function, which means that we execute the body each time it is called, giving ourselves the opportunity to get different results. If we don’t have the lambda, it’s just a value, and it does not change (at least in one run of the program).

Other issues

I’d like to build a library of procedures I have written that I can then reuse. How do I do so?

At the top of the library (after #lang racket), write (provide (all-defined-out)).

In the file that you want to use the library, write (require (file "my-library.rkt")).



  • Don’t forget to wear your mask if your partner is wearing a mask.
  • Have the normal ‘start-of-lab’ discussion.

During Lab

  • Exercise 2: The odds of getting an average of 1 (or an average of 6) on ten dice rolls are 1/60466176.
  • Exercise 4: In my analysis, we should win approximately 800 out of 3600 games of seven-eleven.
  • Exercise 4: Unfortunately, we don’t. Exercise 5 helps you think about why.


  • It’s another “SAM SAYS STOP HERE” day. We’ll go over much of the lab next time.