EBoard 14 (Section 2): Compute Differently Day

Approximate overview

  • Administrative stuff [~0 min]
  • Racket stuff [~0 min]
  • Questions [~0 min]
  • Other stuff [~0 min]


Introductory notes

  • Today is a “no 151” day. If you are in our classroom, you are unlikely to see your instructor or mentors or classmates. (Well, maybe your classmates have decided to work on an assignment.)

Friday PSA

  • People care about you.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Make your own choices; avoid peer pressure, both real and imagined.
  • Consent is essential.


  • Please say your name when you ask or answer a question (even if I’ve just called you by name).
  • Evening tutors are available 7–10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday as well as 3–5 p.m. on Sunday.
  • Mentor sessions are Wednesday, 8–9 p.m., Sunday 4–5 p.m., Monday 8–9 p.m.

Upcoming work

  • Short reading for Monday!
  • There is no lab writeup for today
  • Quiz 5 due Sunday at 4pm: Regular expressions
  • Mini-Project 2 redo due Sunday at 10:30 p.m. (sooner is better)
  • MP3 due Thursday the 3rd at 10:30 p.m.
    • But if you have it done, submit it asap.
  • MP4 due Thursday the 3rd at 10:30 p.m.

Upcoming Token-Generating Activities

  • SATURDAY: Men’s Tennis at the Field House (2pm)
  • WEEKEND: Popcorn movies (only one)
  • SUNDAY: Mentor Session
  • MONDAY: Mentor Session

Other Upcoming Activities

Racket/Lab Stuff

We will discuss Wednesday’s lab on Monday.


Reading questions

There was no reading for today.

Other issues

There were no other questions for today.



There is no lab today.

During Lab

There is no lab today.


There is no lab today.