EBoard 08 (Section 2): Lists

Approximate overview

  • Administrative stuff [~10 min]
  • Questions [?? min]
  • Discussion [Approximately 60 min]


Introductory notes

  • I’m hoping to keep intro stuff short today.
  • Please say your name when you ask or answer a question (even if I’ve just called you by name).
  • Evening tutors are available 7–10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday as well as 3–5 p.m. on Sunday.
  • Mentor sessions are Wednesday, 8–9 p.m., Sunday 4–5 p.m., Monday 8–9 p.m.
    • No Mentor Session next Wednesday (SoLA 1)
  • I will do my best not to use profanity in class. I ask that you do the same.
  • For those who want short video/audio chats: You can always check with me on Teams. “Are you available to chat?”
  • Don’t forget that we have a reference page with a list of most of the procedures you’ve learned. (If you’ve learned one and don’t see it, let me know and I’ll add it.)
  • Let me know if you did NOT receive an update via email yesterday.
  • Please …
    • Use the Q&A channel for general questions.
    • Add a subject to your questions so that others can skim them.
    • Skim the Q&A channel before asking a question.
  • Please don’t …
    • Post your code to the Q&A channel.
    • Tell people how to solve problems. You can suggest procedures that might help, but part of the goal is that you think about how procedures might help.
  • I did not respond to questions after 9pm or so. I probably won’t get to those until this evening.

Upcoming work

  • Quiz 3 Today: Conditionals
  • Readings for Monday due Sunday at 10:00 p.m.
  • Lab writeup from today due Sunday at 10:30 p.m.
  • SoLA 1 to be released next Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Due next Thursday at 10:30 p.m.
  • Quiz 4 next Friday: Style
  • Mini-Project 1 redo due Sunday the 20th at 10:30 p.m.

Upcoming Token-Generating Activities

  • Mentor sessions.
  • Track & Field, Darren Young Invite, Saturday, 10am (30 min suffices)
  • Storm Lake, Saturday at 7pm
  • Visit the digital art exhibit at the Grinnell Art Museum for at least 15 minutes.
  • CS SEPC Event Tuesdays at 8:30-9:30 p.m. in the CS Commons.

Other Upcoming Activities

  • Neuroscience Journal Club, Thursday, February 17, Noon, Noyce 2517.

Friday PSA

  • Avoid peer pressure; decide what is right for you.
  • Know that you are not alone in making those kinds of decisions.
  • People care about you; keep yourself healthy/happy for them.
  • Please be moderate in your choices.
  • Consent is essential.


From the readings

The responses I read had no significant questions and no significant problems that won’t be addressed by the lab.

Other questions

Can I have some tips on being more efficient at readings and mps?

I’ll mail out tips in the daily update. We’ll return to them on Monday.



  • There should only be four problems on today’s lab. If you see five problems, you have an old version. Please reload.

During Lab

  • Some helpful procedures
    • map - Do something to each element in a list
    • expt - You should know this
    • char->integer - Get the collating sequence number
    • string->list - Convert a string to a list of its component chars
    • reverse - Give a list in the opposite order
  • Other notes
    • There is a “three-parameter map”. (map * '(2 3 4) '(5 6 7)) -> '(10 18 28)


  • If you got through exercise 3, write the following after exercise 3 and submit. Then glance at exercise 4.

  • If you did not get through exercise 3, plan to meet with your partner to finish exercise 3 (and, optionally, exercise 4).