HW 6: Extending your Rails application (Hartl, Chapter 5)
_Warning! This assignment relies on Cloud 9. Cloud 9 is in transition. Please use the traditional Cloud 9, if possible. At this point, you should know about the primary differences.
Your primary task
Do all of the exercises in Chapter 5 of Michael Hartl’s _The Rails Tutorial. You will then answer some questions on those steps. You may find it useful to read the questions in advance.
- Please share your GitHub or Bitbucket repo with me. (My GitHub username
and my Bibucket username is eitherrebelsky
What to submit
Send me answers to the following questions in a message entitled “CSC 321.01 2018S, HW 6: Extending your Rails application (Hartl, Chapter 5) (Name)”. Please replace Name with your name.
What is the URL of your Cloud 9 instance? (E.g.,
.) I realize that you’ve told me before, but it’s easier to have it in this location. -
What is the URL of your GitHub or BitBucket repo?
What is the URL of your Heroku application?
Sam neglected to write the remaining instructions. Just send your URLs.