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HW 6: Extending your Rails application (Hartl, Chapter 5)

_Warning! This assignment relies on Cloud 9. Cloud 9 is in transition. Please use the traditional Cloud 9, if possible. At this point, you should know about the primary differences.

Your primary task

Do all of the exercises in Chapter 5 of Michael Hartl’s _The Rails Tutorial. You will then answer some questions on those steps. You may find it useful to read the questions in advance.

  1. Please share your GitHub or Bitbucket repo with me. (My GitHub username is rebelsky and my Bibucket username is either rebelsky or

What to submit

Send me answers to the following questions in a message entitled “CSC 321.01 2018S, HW 6: Extending your Rails application (Hartl, Chapter 5) (Name)”. Please replace Name with your name.

  1. What is the URL of your Cloud 9 instance? (E.g., I realize that you’ve told me before, but it’s easier to have it in this location.

  2. What is the URL of your GitHub or BitBucket repo?

  3. What is the URL of your Heroku application?

Sam neglected to write the remaining instructions. Just send your URLs.