HW 0
You should have received an invitation to join Cloud 9 (https://c9.io). Accept that invitation. Note that you can create only one private workspace on Cloud 9; use that only for your community project. It’s fine if you do your homework in a public workspace.
Please set up accounts with the following services.
a. https://github.com - Version control
b. https://bitbucket.org - Version control
c. https://www.edx.org - MOOC
d. https://grinnell-sw.slack.com - Communication
e. https://www.codecademy.com - Learning
f. https://trello.com - Task management
g. https://www.heroku.com - Deploy rails apps
h. https://www.awseducate.com/Registration - AWS cloud services
Message me on the course slack channel.
Email your ids for the various services to the mentor and to me. Title your message “CSC 321.01 2018S, HW 0: Set up accounts (Name)”. Please replace “Name” with your name and do not include the quotation marks.
The content of the message should look something like the following
Name: Samuel A. Rebelsky
Email: rebelsky@grinnell.edu
GitHub id: rebelsky
Bitbucket id: rebelsky
Slack id: rebelsky
Trello id: rebelsky
Heroku id: rebelsky