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Class 19: Design patterns, continued


We continue to explore design patterns



  • Dependency injection
  • Observers
  • Factories
  • Strategy
  • Prototype


News / Etc.

  • Your pattern homeworks reminded me of why the Interweb is a danger.
  • We have two possible approaches to the last few days of class. I’ll let you choose between them.
    • Option 1: Work on a project, present next Monday, debrief next Wednesday.
    • Option 2: Wednesday and Friday off, some topic next Monday, debrief next Wednesday.

Upcoming work

  • TBD.

Good things to do

  • Lots of things in the Rosenfield Symposium on Technology on Human Rights.
  • CS Table, Tuesday at noon
  • CS Extras, Thursday at 4:15 pm, The CS Curriculum