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Class 6: A static site

Held: Friday, 3 February 2017



  • Assorted questions
  • Yielding


News / Etc.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! (From me, from your classmates, from Adam, from the Interweb.)
  • Office supplies in the commons. Free will donations.
  • I realize that some of you will leave class early today to meet with a client for CSC 322.
  • Please let me know ASAP if you notice things missing from the Web site. I’m still getting up to speed on Jekyll.

Upcoming work

Good things to do

Nope, no extra credit.

  • CS Table, Tuesday, 7 Feb 2017. Something on privacy.
  • Scholars Convocation, Thursday, 9 Feb 2017, 11:00 a.m., JRC 101. David Orr: Climate Change and the Crisis of American Democracy.
  • Thursday extras, Thursday, 9 Feb 2017, 4:15 p.m., Science 3821: Something on computer graphics (visitor from UMN).


Reflections on Chapters 1-3

  • What have you learned so far about Rails and developing for Rails?


  • When I say “testing”, in a CS context, what does it mean to you?
  • What kinds of testing do you know about?

Starting the Primary Application

  • Over the next few chapters of the Rails Tutorial, we’ll be developing a simple chat system.
  • Today, we explore the various parts of a Rails application in a little bit more depth.