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CSC 301.01, Class 04: Reflective activities


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Extra credit
    • Questions
  • Review of asymptotic/complexity analysis
  • Formalizing the sets
  • Additional characteristics of Big-Oh

News / Etc.

  • The Web site is still under development. Expect some significant changes to the topics, but not to the timing of homework assignments and examinations.
  • Check in: Daily note-taking responsibilities.
    • Students interested in that support can form their own community.
    • Sam will provide feedback.
  • I know that many other computer scientists, including textbook authors, write things like “f(n) = O(g(n))”. I expect you to be more careful. if O(g(n)) is a set of functions and f(n) is a function, we know that they can’t be equal. Use the “element-of” operation, which I may denote in text as “in”.

Upcoming work

  • Read CLRS 3 for Monday.
  • Assignment 2, due 10:30 pm next Wednesday.

Some preliminary notes on HW1

  1. Good practice is to include instructions for running your code (typically, in a README file), a log of your code running, or both.

  2. When you submit code, I really do want you to send me tarballs of directories named with your userid or userids. That way, I don’t end up with twenty-four directories named things like “Assignment 1”.

  3. I did expect you to document what your own heuristic was.

  4. I did expect you to think a bit about what the results said and how you presented them. Consider, for example, the following excerpt from the output of one of your programs.

    Round= 7
    Random distance=345.81228057523197
    diagonal distance=332.1423102983489
    custom distance=332.1423102983489
    closest distance=33.24154027718932

That’s strange, isn’t it? Are you confident that the output is correct? Wouldn’t you like to know what the points are?

  1. We should talk a bit about the time required for this assignment and the difficulty of the assignment. Some of you said that this was a hard assignment. I had intended to be a simple assignment.

    Here’s my thinking:

    Nothing in it is conceptually complex or novel. In part 1, you are re-implementing a data structure you should know in a language you should know. In part 2, you were writing procedures to reorder a list or vector of values. You should have done that dozens of times by now.

    The hard element of part 1 was likely refreshing your Scheme knowledge. The hard element of part 2 was likely picking the right language. If you did not pick an easy-to-use language, I expect that the problem was harder.

    A colleague suggests that I didn’t consider carefully enough how the different components of each would increase the complexity.

  2. Quick: How many calls to list-index are there in the following code if the element we are searching for is the tenth element of the list?

; Code taken from
(define list-index
  (lambda (e lst)
    (if (null? lst)
        (if (eq? (car lst) e)
            (if (= (list-index e (cdr lst)) -1) 
                (+ 1 (list-index e (cdr lst))))))))


  • About twenty because of the duplicate call to (list-index e (cdr lst))
  • About 100 because this is probably an O(n^2) algorithm with the duplication.
  • About 1024 because this is probabln an O(2^n) algorithm because of the duplication.


  • If there are no elements, there is one call.
  • If it’s a list of one element, there is also one call.
  • We have a big branching tree of two recursive calls every time, it’s 2^n.

Extra credit (Academic)

  • The Big Sick, Tonight, Harris.
  • Rosenfield symposium, next week. (Lots of different events)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Try out for Ritalin Test Squad! RTS is having a joint audition with IC this weekend from 12-3 in The Wall (Bucksbaum 154). People can email [improv] or [lfimprov] for more information or if they want to get emails about our shows, open practices, and events.

Extra Credit (Misc)

  • Community Hour (Dialogues Across Difference), Tuesday at 11 a.m. in JRC 209.
  • CLS Kick-Off Event, Tuesday at 11 a.m. in “North Campus Grove”.


Review of asymptotic/complexity analysis

  • Three sets
    • O(g(n)) - Upper bound
    • Theta(g(n)) - Tight bound
    • Omega(g(n)) - Lower bound
  • Insertion sort
    • insertionsort(n) in O(n^2)
    • insertionsort(n) in O(2^n)
    • Note: Big-O is not tight. You can have lots of upper bounds; you generally choose the tightest one you can find.
    • insertionsort(n) in Omega(n)
  • Why do we have this notation?
    • Big O, at elast tight big-O, tells us the worst case scenario.
    • These notations give us some sense of how the algorithm runs as a whole. It helps us choose between sets.

Formalizing the sets


  • When the input is large enough, g(n) (or c*g(n)) is always bigger than f(n), so it’s an upper bound.
  • We use the c(n) so that we can ignore constant multipliers
  • O(n^2) is a strict subset of O(n^3)
  • When we have algorithms that are exponential or factorial, the growth rate is so quick that the algorithm will never finish, even on a really really fast computer.

Additional characteristics of Big-Oh