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Class news

This information should be automatically copied from the daily eboards.

Class 40 (Friday, 10 May 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Sit where you would like.
  • I’m working on getting grades to you as soon as I can. I’ll try to have all grades in by Tuesday. (May not include HW8.)
  • I’ve finished grading all of the “on time” exam 2’s. I’ll return those at the end of class. (I don’t want better EOCEs for high grades, or worse EOCEs for low grades.)
  • There are still some people who have not turned in exam 2. Please do not discuss it with anyone. (If you want to discuss it with someone, please check with me first to ensure that both of you have turned it in.)
  • Review sessions for final: TBD. Tentatively Wednesday.
  • Quiz policy: 10% for quizzes is now the best of (a) quiz grade, (b) average exam grade, or (c) final grade.

Upcoming work

  • Final exam: 9am or 2pm, Thursday or Friday of finals week.
    • Let me know which of the four times you plan to take the final.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CSC 324 presentations, Tuesday (2-4) and Wednesday (9-11) in DLab

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Tonight Dance MAP, 4:30 pm, Flanagan

Other things

This appeared in the Campus Memo. While it is a public presentation, I am told that it’s not geared for students. However, I will also note that students who have attended past budget presentations have told me that they found it enlightening.

The Budget Presentation
Monday, May 13
4 p.m., Joe Rosenfield ‘25 Center, Room 101

Faculty and staff are invited to a presentation that will review the annual budg et process, the recently approved FY20 budget, and a general budget outlook, pre pared by Keith Archer, vice president for finance and treasurer, Joe Bagnoli, vi ce president for enrollment and dean of admission and financial aid, and Jainen Thayer, chief investment officer.

Final PSA of the semester

  • Don’t let the stress of finals’ week negatively affect you.
    • Get enough sleep.
    • If you decide to shut off your brain with substances, do so in moderation.
    • Don’t let academic honesty become an issue; our decision-making becomes less good at this time of the semester.
  • Consent is essential.

Class 39 (Wednesday, 8 May 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Please sit with your partner from Monday.
  • While we do not have labs or readings for Friday, you are expected to show up (not least, so that you can fill out the EOCE).
  • I’m working on getting grades to you as soon as I can. I’ll try to have all grades in by Tuesday.
  • Review sessions for final: TBD, probably Wednesday evening.
    • If you’ve done so already, please speak with me asap.

Upcoming work

  • No more readings.
  • No more lab writeups.
  • No more homework assignments.
  • Final exam: 9am or 2pm, Thursday or Friday of finals week.
    • Let me know which of the four times you plan to take the final.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Tonight Gridshock documentary, 7pm, Wednesday, Strand

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Track and Field, Friday and Saturday at St. Norbert (?)

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Tonight Digital Music Making class presentation, Wednesday 7:30 pm. Sebring-Lewis. (Rap, noise, pop, more.)
  • Today 4:30 p.m., Choreography, Flanagan

Class 38 (Monday, 6 May 2019)

News / Etc.

  • I’m mostly through grading exam 2; there were enough issues that I’m going to talk through some of them and give you a chance to resubmit.
    • Some lost folks points. (Hence the “resubmit”.)
    • However, most are just general issues.
  • I brought food for the CSC 151 students’ presentations; you get leftovers.

Upcoming work

  • Reading for Wednesday
  • No lab writeup today.
  • Exam 2 due last night. (Tuesday is also acceptable.)
    • Don’t forget your epilogue!
  • Final exam: 9am or 2pm, Thursday or Friday of finals week.
    • I’ll try to have a sample final ready early next week.
    • Let me know which of the four times you plan to take the final.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Gridshock documentary, 7pm, Wednesday, Strand

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • Today 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Class 37 (Friday, 3 May 2019)

News / Etc.

  • We are back to lab days. Yay!
  • Electronic evaluations are live in some classes, but other folks (including me) don’t want you to do them outside of class, so those are marked “unavailable”.
  • Buffalo buffalo Buffalo bufallo bufallo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Upcoming work

  • Reading for Monday
  • No lab writeup today.
  • Exam 2 due last night.
    • Free extensions until Sunday. Let me know if you need longer.
    • Those in by tonight will be graded by Monday.
  • Final exam: 9am or 2pm, Thursday or Friday of finals week.
    • I’ll try to have a sample final ready early next week.
    • Let me know which of the four times you plan to take the final.
  • No more homework!
  • No more quizzes!

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Sunday, May 5, 2pm, Herrick (?), Grinnell Singers and the Grinnell Orchestra
  • Tonight, 9pm Gardner, Opening Band for Gardner show: “Sorry We’re Late”. Opening for “Girl K” with “Blizzard Babies”
  • Tomorrow The Grinnellian, Saturday.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Tonight CS Picnic, Friday Night.
  • Pella Tulip Festival.

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Friday PSA

  • All things moderation
  • Pay attention to the law
  • Know what is right for you; be comfortable with your choices
  • Consent is absolutely necessary

Class 36 (Wednesday, 1 May 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Today is a talk day. Sit with your partners from Monday.
  • The next three days should be labs (or at least sets of exercises) on graphs.

Upcoming work

  • Reading for Friday: Skim the reading on traversing trees and think about how it might apply to graphs.
  • No lab writeup today.
  • Exam 2 due Thursday (tomorrow).
  • Final exam: 9am or 2pm, Thursday or Friday of finals week.
    • I’ll try to have a sample final ready next Friday.
    • Let me know which of the four times you plan to take the final.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Three talks by Prof. Dr. Yvonne Foerster (
    • Today: May 1, 4:30-6pm, HSSC S3325: Beyond the Anthropocene: Technology, Innovation, and the (Post-)Human Condition
    • Thursday, May 2, Noon-12:50pm, HSSC N3110 Degrees of Freedom: Embodiment, Neuroplasticity, and the Need for a Critical Neuroscience (Lunch and beverages provided)
    • Friday, May 3, Noon-12:50pm, Bucksbaum 152: Designing Future Bodies: Fashion and Technology (Lunch and beverages provided)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • The Grinnellian
  • New/Today: Voice recital, today, 4:15, S-L.
  • New/Tomorrow: Break Up Big Ag Panel, Burling Lounge, 4:30
  • Friday, 9pm Gardner, Opening Band for Gardner show: “Sorry We’re Late”. Opening for “Girl K” with “Blizzard Babies”
  • Sunday, May 5, 2pm, Herrick, Grinnell Singers and the Grinnell Orchestra

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • CS Picnic, Friday Night.
    • Sign up today!
  • Pella Tulip Festival

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • New: Debate, Tonight, 7pm, JRC 101, Should Greek Sculpture be repatriated?

Class 35 (Monday, 29 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • I brought food-like substances.
  • Today and Wednesday are “talk days”.
  • Apologies: Grading time this weekend got consumed by test writing and question answering.
    • It sucks when there are bugs in your tests.

Upcoming work

  • No reading for Wednesday.
  • No lab writeup today.
  • Exam 2 due Thursday.
    • Prologue due tonight.

Exam 2 Notes

  • Make sure that your repo is private!
    • And shared with me.
  • Don’t just hack at it until it works; Take a step back, draw, think, and run by hand.
  • “Where does add add the element?” “What should remove do if the key is not there?” - Read the documentation. (For things related to ListIterators, you can also see what happens in ArrayLists.)
  • Some extra credit for inappropriate tests of Tries.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Tomorrow: CS Table, Tuesday, Facebook Data
  • Three talks by Prof. Dr. Yvonne Foerster (
    • Wednesday: May 1, 4:30-6pm, HSSC S3325: Beyond the Anthropocene: Technology, Innovation, and the (Post-)Human Condition
    • Thursday, May 2, Noon-12:50pm, HSSC N3110 Degrees of Freedom: Embodiment, Neuroplasticity, and the Need for a Critical Neuroscience (Lunch and beverages provided)
    • Friday, May 3, Noon-12:50pm, Bucksbaum 152: Designing Future Bodies: Fashion and Technology (Lunch and beverages provided)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • New: Sunday, May 5, 2pm, Herrick (?), Grinnell Singers vs. Grinnell Orchestra
  • The Grinnellian
  • Friday, 9pm Gardner, Opening Band for Gardner show: “Sorry We’re Late”. Opening for “I don’t know actually; come see us.”

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Newish: CS Picnic, Friday Night.
  • Pella Tulip Festival

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • Today: 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Class 34 (Friday, 26 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Reminder: Next week’s Science Teaching and Learning Group will discuss student wellness. I’m hoping to share some of the extra credit reports you’ve submitted (anonymously). Let me know if you object to me sharing yours.
  • Alternate final time: Thursday (morning section or afternoon section).

Upcoming work

  • Reading for Monday: Forthcoming.
  • Today’s lab writeup: Exercise TBD (Class 34)
  • Exam 2 due next Thurday
    • Prologue due Monday night.
  • Today’s lab writeup: Corrected set method (after exercise 4)

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table, next Tuesday, Facebook Data
  • Three talks by Prof. Dr. Yvonne Foerster (
    • Wednesday: May 1, 4:30-6pm, HSSC S3325: Beyond the Anthropocene: Technology, Innovation, and the (Post-)Human Condition
    • Thursday, May 2, Noon-12:50pm, HSSC N3110 Degrees of Freedom: Embodiment, Neuroplasticity, and the Need for a Critical Neuroscience (Lunch and beverages provided)
    • Friday, May 3, Noon-12:50pm, Bucksbaum 152: Designing Future Bodies: Fashion and Technology (Lunch and beverages provided)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Today: Track at Grand View on Friday. (Attend class first!)
  • Tomorrow: Kinetic Sculpture Competition, Saturday 1-3pm at the Stew.
  • Tomorrow: YGB, 4pm Saturday in Sebring-Lewis.
  • Sunday at 1pm Food Recovery Network Award and Presentation with EPA Science Person (JRC 226)
  • Tonight: Swing/Contra with Live Band Friday at 8:00-10:30 in Loose Lounge
  • Tomorrow: Titular Head Saturday.
  • New: Gardner Concert next Friday.
  • New: Grinnellian next week.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Tomorrow: Guided Movement Meditations, 12:15 Friday and Saturday, Flanagan Theatre. Also between performances of the show.
  • New/Today: Hand-pulled noodle workshop, Apr. 26, 4:30-5:30 pm, Chinese House. RSVP by signing up on the form posted in faculty house. (Limited to 15 people).

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • New: CS Picnic Next Friday! (Info forthcoming.)

Other good things

  • New: Chamber Ensemble, Saturday, 2pm, Herrick
  • New: Collegium, Sunday, 2pm, Sebring-Lewis
  • New: Japanese Movie Night: Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog, Apr. 26, 7 pm, JRC 227
  • New: Japanese Movie Night: Pokemon: The Power of Us, Apr. 27, 7-9pm, HSSC N1130

Friday PSA

  • I care about you. I’m lucky to teach you. Take care of yourselves.

Class 33 (Wednesday, 24 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • I think today sets a new record for the length of the preliminaries.
  • This day has switched from hash tables to traversal/iteration.
    • I had hoped to discuss both, but the morning session suggested that we need the full class for traversal/iteration.
  • I plan to return makeup exams on Friday.
  • The College has decided to institute electronic end-of-course evaluations. You should be getting information about them next week. We will do evaluations in class on the last day of class, so you should not be able to access this class’s EOCEs before then.
  • Next week’s Science Teaching and Learning Group will discuss student wellness. I’m hoping to share some of the extra credit reports you’ve submitted (anonymously). Let me know if you object to me sharing yours.
  • Since there were some questions about Monday’s quiz, we’ll spend some time discussing the various issues and approaches.
  • Given how quizzes have gone this semester, I’m not counting them in your final grade. (Or I’m counting them based on the percentage you took.) (Or maybe I’ll do “whichever is higher: your grade counting quizzes or your grade not coutning quizzes”.)
  • You should think about taking HIS 295, which approaches some computational topics from a very different perspective.

    HIS 295 Digital History: Investigating the Past. This course will introduce students to methods used in the digital humanities, with a special emphasis on applications to historical studies. Students will create projects and study existing digital projects, with a special focus on U.S. History in a global context. Readings will include primary sources as well as recent contributions to theory in digital humanities. We will learn general principles of working with humanistic data as well as techniques such as building on-line exhibitions, digital mapping, and computational analysis of text. No technical skills or experience in digital humanities work are required, but willingness to gain both are fundamental to the class. Prerequisite: HIS-100 or second-year standing.

Upcoming work

  • No additional reading! (But you may want to review.)
  • Assignment 8 due Thursday the 25th
  • Exam 2 to be distributed Friday.
  • Today’s lab writeup: TBD

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Tomorrow: PBK Convo, Thursday, 11am: “Antievolutionism in Historical Perspective”
  • Tomorrow: McKibben lecture, Thursday, 4:15 p.m., JRC 101
  • New/Tomorrow: Technology and the Arts:

    Guest Artist Carol Burch-Brown is the creator of “Salt Marsh Suite” a collaborative inter-media arts installation and dance performance based in fieldwork, data collection, and close observation of a North Carolina coastal estuary. Join us on Thursday April 25th at 11AM in the Flanagan Theatre to see the installation, and hear Carol talk about the digital art-making processes, specifically theerror. MAX coding environment, and other digital tools she used to make this unique work.

    Performances: Thurs April 25-Saturday April 27 at 7:00PM and 8:30PM; Sunday April 28 2PM and 3:30PM.

  • New: CS Table, next Tuesday, Big data and Facebook
  • New: Three talks by Prof. Dr. Yvonne Foerster (

    Wednesday: May 1, 4:30-6pm, HSSC S3325: Beyond the Anthropocene: Technology, Innovation, and the (Post-)Human Condition

    Emergent technologies today are advertised as means to create a better future, while the futures imagined in popular science and culture move rather towards the transcendence of human life. This talk examines the conception of innovation between the technological enthusiasm to overcome human limitations and the necessity to critically reflect on the (post-)human condition.

    Thursday, May 2, Noon-12:50pm, HSSC N3110 Degrees of Freedom: Embodiment, Neuroplasticity, and the Need for a Critical Neuroscience

    Lunch and beverages provided

    Neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to adjust to new affordances and to overcome limitations through damage, has been part of a discourse that celebrated freedom rather than neuro-determinism. My aim is to discuss this concept with regard to the rise of neurocultures (e.g., enhancement strategies, neuromarketing) in a more critical light.

    Friday, May 3, Noon-12:50pm, Bucksbaum 152: Designing Future Bodies: Fashion and Technology

    Lunch and beverages provided

    Fashion and technology are inextricably linked in production, marketing, design, and functionality. In this talk I shed some light on the potential of fashion to critically examine the role of technology in shaping bodies, gender, and social relations. I will take a closer look at experimental practices and scientific cooperation in the field of fashion.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Track at Grand View on Friday. (Attend class first!)
  • Kinetic Sculpture Competition, Saturday 1-3pm in Central Park.
  • YGB, 4pm Saturday in Sebring-Lewis.
  • Sunday at 1pm Food Recovery Network Award and Presentation with EPA Science Person (JRC 226)
  • Swing/Contra with Live Band Friday at 8:00-10:30 in Loose Lounge
  • Titular Head Saturday.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • New: Guided Movement Meditations, 12:15 Friday and Saturday, Flanagan Theatre. Also between performances of the show.
  • New: Bread-Making Workshop, Friday, 6-8 p.m. Sign up through (Limited to 12 people.) (May be filled already.)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Today: Dartanyan Brown discussion, 4pm Wednesday April 24, HSSC S3325
  • Today: Dartanyan Brown concert, 7:30pm Wednesday April 24, Sebring-Lewis
  • Today: Irish Music in Bob’s at 7:30pm.

Class 32 (Monday, 22 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Today is a talk day. Sit where you would like.
  • Apologies for continuing to be behind. I’m still not perfectly well, and sleep is trumping other issues.
  • Copies of the skip list reading are available at the back of the room.

Upcoming work

  • No additional reading! (But you may ant to review.)
  • Assignment 8 due Thursday the 25th
  • No lab writeup for today

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • New: CS Table, Tomorrow, “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”
  • New: “Plan your CS Major with WGMC”, Tuesday, 7pm, CS Commons
    • People of all genders welcome.
  • PBK Convo, Thursday, 11am: “Antievolutionism in Historical Perspective”
  • New: McKibben lecture, Thursday, 4:15 p.m., JRC 101
  • New: Math/Stats seminar tomorrow at 11am in 2517.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • New/Questionable: Track and Field at Grand View on Friday.

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • TODAY 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • TONIGHT Public speaking workshop - April 22 at 7pm in HSSC S3325, with Kathy Clemons-Beasley ‘05. Please register.

Other good things

Class 31 (Friday, 19 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Smile, you’re on (not so) candid camera!
  • Today we continue our exploration of binary search trees, focusing primarily on how we remove elements.
    • Continue partners from Wednesday.
  • New policy If your code is not formatted according to Google style guidelines, neither the mentor nor I will help you.
  • Do not use ArrayLists to implement queues. That turns dequeue into an O(n) algorithm. I’ve provied a simple queue implementation that should suffice.
  • With yesterday’s illness, I’m a little behind (and a little discombobulated). Sorry.

Upcoming work

  • Reading for Monday: chapter 12 of Osera
  • Assignment 8 due Thursday the 25th
    • Your partner is your partner from today’s lab.
    • If you worked alone, find a partner.
  • Lab writeup for today: TBD

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Dartanyan Brown discussion, 4pm Wednesday April 24, HSSC S3325
  • Dartanyan Brown concert, 7:30 pm Wednesday April 24, Sebring-Lewis
  • New: PBK Convo, Thursday, 11am

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Track and Field home on Saturday.
  • ISO Cultural Show, Saturday 7:00-9:00, Harris Gym

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Participate in Kinetic Sculpture Competition: Saturday the 27th
    • You’ll need to build your sculpture in advance
    • You get reimbursed for up to $200 in supplies, but must present to be reimbursed.
  • Public speaking workshop - April 22 at 7pm in HSSC S3325, with Kathy Clemons-Beasley ‘05.

Other good things

Friday PSA

  • I care. Take care.

Class 30 (Wednesday, 17 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • We’re going to do two days with binary search trees. You’ll have the same partner for both labs.
  • Each group should have received an “R” (purple) or an “I” (yellow) card.
    I’ll explain what those mean in a bit.

Upcoming work

  • No additional readings for Friday
  • Assignment 7 due Thursday the 18th
  • Lab writeup for today: Exercise 4 (Class 30)

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Student research extravaganza (some still on Thursday)
  • The Magic Flute, Thursday, April 18, 7:00 p.m. Sebring-Lewis
  • New: Dartanyan Brown discussion, 4pm Wednesday April 24, HSSC S3325
  • New: Dartanyan Brown concert, 7:30 pm Wednesday April 24, Sebring-Lewis
    • Read more in Rootstalk

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Track and Field home on Saturday.
  • ISO Cultural Show, Saturday 7:00-9:00, Harris Gym

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Bubble day

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Internship Hour, Thursday, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Noyce 3821. Free Pizza.
  • Participate in Kinetic Sculpture Competition: Saturday the 27th
    • You’ll need to build your sculpture in advance
    • You get reimbursed for up to $200 in supplies, but must present to be reimbursed.
  • Public speaking workshop - April 22 at 7pm in HSSC S3325, with Kathy Clemons-Beasley ‘05. “Kathy is the Global head of Leadership and Manager Development for Blackrock and has been the speaker coach for TEDxGC.”
  • Clothing donation boxes in lounges. Donate!

Other good things

Class 29 (Monday, 15 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Please make sure that you’ve installed the Google Style Sheet in Eclipse.
  • If you haven’t yet submitted your epilogue for the makeup, please do so ASAP.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • The Magic Flute, April 18, 7:00 p.m. Sebring-Lewis
  • New: Student research extravaganza (any one event)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Track and Field home meet, Saturday. Race times tbd.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Today: Monday, April 15, 7:30 p.m., Harris Cinema: From the Munchies to Memory Effects: What the Science Says About Cannabis/Marijuana

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • Today: 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • New: CS Internship Hour, Thurday, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Noyce 3821. Free pizza.
  • Participate in Kinetic Sculpture Competition: Saturday the 27th
    • You’ll need to build your sculpture in advance
    • You get reimbursed for up to $200 in supplies, but must present to be reimbursed.
  • Public speaking workshop - April 22 at 7pm in HSSC S3325, with Kathy Clemons=Beasley ‘05. “Kathy is the Global head of Leadership and Manager Development for Blackrock and has been the speaker coach for TEDxGC.”
  • Clothing donation boxes in lounges. Donate!

Other good things

Class 28 (Friday, 12 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • I heard from a few of you that “I did not really understand that comment about X, but I didn’t want to slow down the class.” Please ask.
  • A few of you submitted last-minute (or beyond last-minute requests for extensions. If you’d like an extension until 5pm on Sunday, email me and you can have one. You will have to put your printed copy under my door by 5pm on Sunday.
  • The giant laurel leaf was depressing, at best. Thank you to those of you who came and tried to contribute.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • The Magic Flute, April 18, 7:00 p.m. Sebring-Lewis
  • Are Robots Taking Over Our Jobs? 4:15 p.m. HSSC S3325 - Large Lecture

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • TODAY, 4-6pm: Make fidgets. Maker lab, 927 Broad street. For more information or accommodation, contact [bernalma] or [phamanht]
  • Monday, April 15, 7:30 p.m., Harris Cinema: From the Munchies to Memory Effects: What the Science Says About Cannabis/Marijuana

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Participate in Kinetic Sculpture Competition: Saturday the 27th
    • You’ll need to build your sculpture in advance
    • You get reimbursed for up to $200 in supplies, but must present to be reimbursed.
  • Info session on KSC TODAY at 7pm at MLab.
    • Between 4th and 5th on Broad, on the West side of the street, between Jensen Optometrists and the Bike Store.
  • Public speaking workshop - April 22 at 7pm in HSSC S3325, with Kathy Clemons-Beasley ‘05. “Kathy is the Global head of Leadership and Manager Development for Blackrock and has been the speaker coach for TEDxGC.”
  • Harold Green “Clean House” Friday at 6:00 in BCC.
  • Clothing donation boxes in lounges. Donate!

Other good things

  • Go to drag show
  • Go to Water Polo Saturday

Friday PSA

Class 27 (Wednesday, 10 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • For the exam, make sure to put each test in the correct directory and the new version of in the utils directory.
  • Note: A lot of today’s lab is “think about how to design code, then compare to my design”. You will find the lab most beneficial if you actually spend the time thinking and comparing.
  • It appears that today’s lab is the right length. Most of the a.m. class finished right before the end of class. (A few people finished much earlier.)

Upcoming work

  • Readings for Friday
  • Makeup exam 1 due Thursday the 11th
    • You can bring your printed version to class on Friday
  • Lab writeup: Exercise TBD

Extra credit

Please send me these in advance.

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Track and Field Saturday at Mount Mercy.
  • ISO Culture Show April 20 7pm in Harris Gym.
  • Treasure Exchange Saturday, LLL; bring stuff 11-noon, grab stuff between noon and 1.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Friday, April 12, 4-6pm: Make fidgets. Maker lab, 927 Broad street. For more information or accommodation, contact [bernalma] or [phamanht]
  • Monday, April 15, 7:30 p.m., Harris Cinema: From the Munchies to Memory Effects: What the Science Says About Cannabis/Marijuana

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • CANCELLED: “State of SHAW” talk Thursday at 11am in JRC 101.
  • Wednesday the 10 at 4pm at Darby: Not-as-giant Laurel Leaf. (Free t-shirt!)
  • Scarlet and Give Back Day TODAY.
  • Participate in Kinetic Sculpture Competition: Saturday the 27th
    • You’ll need to build your sculpture in advance
    • You get reimbursed for up to $200 in supplies, but must present to be reimbursed.
  • Info session on KSC this Friday at 7pm at MLab.
    • Between 4th and 5th on Broad, on the West side of the street, between Jensen Optometrists and the Bike Store.
  • Emmet Ramstad Thursday at 7:30 in JRC 101 for Pride Week.
  • Harold Green “Clean House” Friday at 6:00 in BCC.
  • Environmental studies activity in Fall semester.
  • Clothing donation boxes in lounges. Donate! (Also Prom Dresses.)

Other good things

  • Talk to M about applications for alt break.

Class 26 (Monday, 8 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • If you would like my programs from Friday and promise not to distribute them to others, I can send them to you. (I need an email from you indicating that you promise not to distribute them to others.)
  • I am a bit puzzled by the disconnect between “I had difficulty with Big O” and attendance at last night’s mentor session.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table Tomorrow - The Autocrat’s New Toolkit

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS/SHAW every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • “State of SHAW” talk Thursday at 11am in JRC 101.
    • When did SHACS get renamed?
  • Participate in Kinetic Sculpture Competition: Saturday the 27th
  • Wednesday the 10 at 4pm on Mac Field: Giant Laurel Leaf. (Free t-shirt!)
  • Scarlet and Give Back Day next Wednesday/Thursday (I think). If you don’t have money to donate, let me know and I will give you $5 to donate on Monday.
  • Prosp a Hostie

Other good things

Class 25 (Friday, 5 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • If you would like my notes on the things that I do not put on the eboard and promise not to distribute them to others, I can send them to you. (I need an email from you indicating that you promise not to distribute them to others.)
  • Sorry about the end-of-class confusion on Wednesday. For some reason, I thought class ended at 2:50.
  • Did you lose points for failing to turn in the epilogue on exam 1? You can still do so.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Isabelle Demers concert, Saturday at 3:00 p.m. in Herrick

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Track meet, Saturday, Cornell
  • Singers concert, April 7 at 2:00 p.m.
  • Thursday the 11th, Environment group event. More to come.
  • Coping with Global Catcalling event, Monday, 7:30 p.m., JRC 225

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Wednesday the 10 at 4pm on Mac Field: Giant Laurel Leaf. (Free t-shirt!)
  • Scarlet and Give Back Day next Wednesday/Thursday (I think). If you don’t have money to donate, let me know and I will give you $5 to donate.
  • Public speaking workshop - A few weeks from now.
  • Storytelling workshop - Sunday at 1pm in HSSC N2112
  • Kinetic sculpture competition - Up to $200 for supplies.

Other good things

Other things

  • One of the benefits of going to Grinnell is that presidential candidates often come through Iowa. Beto O’Rourke will be at Hotel Grinnell at 5:30 today. You might go and ask him about hacktivism. (You have to RSVP or something.)

Friday PSA

  • Don’t park in the loading zone.

Class 24 (Wednesday, 3 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Detour questions:
    • Do you prefer the PM/AV-style diagrams or the SR-style diagrams?
    • Do you prefer the PM/AV-style labs or the SR-style labs?
  • I will not post the answers we develop in class today. (I may post the tests; feel free to take photographs of eboard or whiteboard.)
  • We’ll probably do the Array-based queues on Friday
  • Oreos!

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Convo Thursday: Microbes: The links between soil, gut, and health
  • Noura Mint Seymali Concert tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Herrick
  • Isabelle Demers concert, Saturday at 3:00 p.m. in Herrick

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Singers concert, April 7 at 2:00 p.m.
  • Thursday the 11th, Environment group event. More to come.

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • Painting with plants 7:30 p.m. in Younker Lounge
  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Wednesday the 10 at 4pm on Mac Field: Giant Laurel Leaf. (Free t-shirt!)
  • Scarlet and Give Back Day next Wednesday/Thursday (I think). If you don’t have money to donate, let me know and I will give you $5 to donate.
  • Public speaking workshop.
  • Storytelling workshop.
  • Kinetic sculpture competition.

Other good things

Class 23 (Monday, 1 April 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Welcome back from break! And happy April Fools’ day!
  • Review session tomorrow night: 8:30 p.m.
  • We’re continuing lab days! Today’s lab is (mostly) by PMO and AV (or vv).
  • I will reserve the last twenty-five minutes of class for an initial discussion of exam 1. I will return the exam at that point.
  • Wednesday’s class is now a “pause for breath”, mostly designed to support discussion of exam 1.
  • Grading the exams took far longer than I anticipated. I still do not have complete grade reports for other materials.
    • I have decided that I will now drop the lowest two quiz grades.
    • It appears I left the quizzes at home.
  • Quick survey: When I write the next exam, do you want me to include “characters” (e.g., Tessa Ter)?
  • I will be unavailable this afternoon and tomorrow due to a professional meeting.
  • Detour questions for Wednesday:
    • Do you prefer the PM/AV-style diagrams or the SR-style diagrams?
    • Do you prefer the PM/AV-style labs or the SR-style labs?
  • Do you want the traditional “Sam wears a costume on April Fools’ Day” jokes?

Upcoming work

  • Quiz Wednesday.
  • Assignment 6 due Thursday.
    • This is an individual assignment, rather than a group assignment.
    • You may consult with anyone you wish, provided you cite them.
  • There is no reading for Wednesday.
  • Please run the unit tests on your code from the exams.
  • Lab writeup for Class 23
    • Problem: Your partition method
    • Subject: Lab Writeup for Class 23 (Your Names)
    • To:

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Convo Thursday (sorry, I don’t know the details yet): Microbes
  • Foreign service alum presentation: HSSC S3325, 7:30 tonight.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Singers concert, April 7 (2ish?)
  • Project Ignite!, May (sign up now)
  • Track team at Cornell College on Saturday

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Wednesday the 10 at 4pm on Mac Field: Giant Laurel Leaf. (Free t-shirt!)
  • Scarlet and Give Back Day next Wednesday/Thursday (I think). If you don’t have money to donate, let me know and I will give you $5 to donate.

Other good things

Class 22 (Friday, 15 March 2019)

News / Etc.

  • We’re back to lab days! Today’s lab is (mostly) by PMO.
  • I was sorry to see so few of you at convocation. It was among the best convos I’ve attended in recent years.
  • I hope to be caught up on grading by the end of break.
  • Do not discuss any aspect of the exam with anyone (except me) until after break.

Upcoming work

  • Please turn in exams and cover sheets!
  • Assignment 6 due Thursday after break.
    • This is an individual assignment, rather than a group assignment.
    • You may consult with anyone you wish, provided you cite them.
  • Readings for Monday after break:
  • Lab writeup for Class 22:
    • For those who attended class: Nothing
    • For those who missed class: An analysis of the space complexity of the basic version of merge sort and an implementation of the improved version of merge sort (including merge).

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Sub-free spring break!

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Spring break PSA

  • I hope that your spring breaks are as awesome as you are.
  • Focus on moderation.
  • Consent is absolutely necessary.

Class 21 (Wednesday, 13 March 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Beware! Friday the 13th falls on Wednesday this month.
  • Today is another lecture/recitation/discussion day.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Convocation Thursday.

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Sub-free spring break.

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Class 20 (Monday, 11 March 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Sit where you would like.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table, Tuesday, noon: Unknown topic
  • Convocation Thursday.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Singers in St. Paul on Saturday, Rochester on Sunday, Madison on Monday of break, Chicago on Tuesday of break, Newton on Thursday of break.
  • Track and Field are at Emory on the last weekend of Spring break.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Sub-free spring break.

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Exam notes

  • Remember that average must use O(1) space.
  • You are dealing with long values, so the average is likely to be slightly off if the sum of the values is not a multiple of the length.
    You should round towards zero, just like long division.
  • The constructor for your priority queue should take the comparator as an input. (That’s probably the only input that constructor needs.)
  • You will probably need to create comparators when you run tests or experiments.
  • You need to keep the nodes in your priority in order by value. That almost certainly happens in the put (or enqueue) method.

Class 19 (Friday, 8 March 2019)

News / Etc.

Upcoming work

  • Exam 1 due Thursday
    • Prologue was due last night. If you have not submitted it, do so asap.
    • Do not discuss the exam!
  • Readings for Monday:
  • Lab writeup: TBD

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Euphor contra dance tonight in GAAC
  • Euphor workshop, 1 p.m. Saturday, March 9, Bucksbaum
  • Euphor performance 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 9, Herrick
  • CS Table, Tuesday, noon: Unknown topic
  • March 8-10 (7:30 7:30 2:00), Twelfth Night.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Grinnell Singers March 10 at 2pm.

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern at GHS, Friday and Saturday night.

Friday PSA

  • Be sensible in all that you do, including CS exams.
  • Consent is essential.
  • Remember: Folks care about you.

Some more exam 1 notes

  • Your average should work as if there was not overflow. (That is, you should produce the same value as we’d get by adding up all of the values and then dividing by the length.)
    • average will need to round in the way longs normally round.
  • For the testing of average, don’t worry only about the edge cases. Many of you suggested approaches that would fail on [3,3].
  • Converting to double is a bad idea because you lose precision. (Oooh! That’s a good test.)
  • Randomness is hard for testing. If you like randomness, start with an array in which you know the average and randomly change pairs of elements in equal, but opposite, directions.
  • remove is likely to be hard on problem 3; think about edge cases.
  • remove may also be hard on problem 4 and is likely to be expensive.
  • Remember that remove does not affect the rest of the collection or the iteration; it just removes the element next just returned.

Class 18 (Wednesday, 6 March 2019)

News / Etc.

Upcoming work

  • Exam 1 was distributed on Monday. Sorry for the delay in getting it out. (Because of the delay, I cut it from five questions to four.)
    • Prologue due Thursday night
    • Exam due the following Thursday.
  • Reading for Friday: Linear and binary search (to be updated tonight)
  • Lab writeup: TBD

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Extras, Thursday, 4:15 pm: Unknown topic
  • CS Table, Tuesday, noon: Unknown topic
  • March 8-10 (7:30 7:30 2:00), Twelfth Night.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Grinnell Singers March 10 at 2pm. With Lyra Baroque Orchestra. Should be really awesome.

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Class 17 (Monday, 4 March 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Welcome to any prospective students we have. Thank you for bringing warmer weather with you.
  • I’m back! I hope that you had a good time without me. I apologize for the inconsistency in communication.
  • I brought you conference swag. (One of each item per person.)
  • Blake says “Be proud that you are able to think technically and talk about it,.”

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 5 due Tuesday night.
  • Exam 1 to be distributed in concrete form tonight. Sorry for the delay in getting it out.
    • Prologue due Thursday night
    • Exam due the following Thursday.
  • Reading for Wednesday: Anonymous functions (to be posted tonight)
  • Lab writeup: [None]

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • March 8-10 (7:30 7:30 2:00), Twelfth Night. Box office opens today at noon.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Grinnell Singers March 10 at 2pm.

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Environmental talk tonight at 7:30 in Noyce 2021. Sounds really cool. (Appropriate for this weather.)

Class 16 (Friday, 1 March 2019)

Class 15 (Wednesday, 27 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • I was dealing with conference work (stuffing bags) until 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday night. I’m slowly catching up on email.
  • Be attentive to Prof. Vostinar.
  • Code file for today:

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 5 due Thursday night.
  • Exam 1 to be distributed Friday (or before).
  • Reading for Friday: Osera, Chapter 4
    • Same as Wednesday!
  • Lab writeup: Printed, distributed in class.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Neverland Players, Friday (8:30), Saturday (2:00 and 7:30), and Sunday (2:00)

Class 14 (Monday, 25 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • I spent the weekend grading a CSC 151 exam (and writing some readings).
    Our lab may a bit more ad-hoc than usual.
  • I will be off at SIGCSE for the rest of the week. Dr. Vostinar will be covering our classes.
    • No office hours this week.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 5 due Thursday night.
  • Exam 1 to be distributed Friday (or before).
  • Reading for Wednesday: Osera, Chapter 4
  • Lab writeup: Exercise 4
    • To
    • Subject: CSC 207.02 Writeup for Class 14 (Your names)

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Bucksbaum 152 4:00 p.m. today, talk on Bollywood and Neonationalism.
  • Faulconer talk to be determined.

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Student Wellness Fair, Tuesday, 5-7pm, JRC 1st and 2nd floors.

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Neverland players: Friday @ 8:30, Saturday @ 2, 7:30, Sunday @ 2. Watch Grinnell student act out stories by elementary/middle students.

Class 13 (Friday, 22 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Continue partners from Wednesday!
  • Beware! Today is Friday the 13th (Class)
  • Today is a lab day. I think it’s the right length.
  • Quiz 4 returned.
    • Quizzes go to the mentor, not the recycling bin.
    • Don’t write if ((val % this.div) == 0) { return true; } else { return fal se; } Write return (val % this.div) == 0;
    • Subtype polymorphism and parameteric polymorphism don’t always mix well. If C implements I, you cannot assign a value of type Box<C> to a variable of type Box<I>.
  • Recommended approach to starting homework (after reading)
    • Create a project in Eclipse, choosing an appropriate place for the directory.
    • Add your primary package (if there is one).
    • Create a repo on GitHub (no README)
    • cd to that directory
    • Follow the GitHub instructions for linking the directory to the repo.
    • Add all the files Eclipse generates.
    • Push.
    • Share the repository with your partner and me.
  • Some of you are getting messages like Integer type is not visible and String type is not visible in Eclipse. I have no idea why. The following hack, which should not be necessary, seems to address the issue: add import java.lang.String; at the top of your file. Copying to another project also works in some cases.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 5 due Thursday night.
  • Readings for Monday
  • Lab writeup: Exercise 6
    • To
    • Subject: CSC 207.01 Writeup for Class 13 (Your names)
    • Put your testing code in the body of the message.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Iowa Flautists in Concert. Saturday, 23 February 2019. 3:45 p.m. Sebring-Lewis Hall.

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Friday PSA

Be good. Be well. Be true to yourself.

Consent is essential.

Class 12 (Wednesday, 20 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Whee! More snow!
  • I brought food. (No particular reason.)
  • Today is a lab day. I think it’s the right length. (Morning went pretty well.)
  • Today and Friday will mostly be a chance to re-explore some things you should have down in C, but in a slightly new context.
    • You may see these strange things called Iterators. We’ll discuss those on Monday.
  • You should be getting an email about the CPUS. Let me know if you have questions. (Computing Peers for Understanding and Support)
    • Informal program.
    • Helps provide mentorship/social support from an upper-level student.
    • Builds community.
    • Can be helpful for people from underrepresented groups (first-gen, low-SES, gender minorities, people of color, etc.)
    • Free food at Grill or Saints Rest!
  • Because assignment 3 was such a bear, I’m giving everyone full credit. (Comments will come later, perhaps much later.)
  • I think I’ve set up the system so that our eboard auto-updates every five minutes or so during class.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 4 due Thursday night.
    • Q&A below
  • Readings for Friday
  • Quiz Monday! Inheritance, lists, linear structures.
  • Lab writeup: Exercise 4
    • To
    • Subject: CSC 207.02 Writeup for Class 12 (Your names)
    • Please put your code in the body of the message.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Grinnell Symphony, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., in Sebring-Lewis
  • CS Extras, Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Science 3821: Sam on CSC 321/22. (Snacks at 4pm in the CS Commons.)
  • Iowa Flautists in Concert. Saturday, 23 February 2019. 3:45 p.m. Sebring-Lewis Hall.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Indoor Track and Field, Friday and Saturday, at Monmouth.
  • Paint Younker Lounge, 7-0 pm, Friday night.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Examples include “read for pleasure” or “take a walk” or “make snow angels”. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends, such as making a meal, having a snowball fight, or playing a board game. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Traveling Smithsonian Exhibit at Drake.

Class 11 (Monday, 18 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Welcome to any prospective students who may be here.
    • Since we may have prospectives, the quiz will be at the end of class, rather than the beginning.
  • Please let me know when you see formatting errors on the class readings; it’s usually that I’ve made a last-minute change and broken the markdown.
  • Sorry for issues on the Web site. Jekyll was not cooperating.
  • Today is a lecture/discussion/recitation day. We’ll be working on designing some abstract data types.
  • Did you cover implementing queues with arrays and wraparound in CSC 161? Yes. Yay!

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table, Tuesday, Noon, JRC 224B, Who Owns 3D Scans of Historic Sites? Readings available at the back of the room.
  • Grinnell Symphony, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., in Sebring-Lewis
  • CS Extras, Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Science 3821: Sam on CSC 321/22. (Snacks at 4pm in the CS Commons.)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Indoor Track and Field, Friday and Saturday, at Monmouth.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • HIIT training, 10:00 am, Saturday, Dance Studio, Bear (Same Cap.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Other Yoga things. (Find them in the memo or the calendar.)

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Class 10 (Friday, 15 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Sorry that I couldn’t be in class today.
  • Quick survey: How long did HW3 take you?
    • 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13+
    • Note I’m switching back to an Osera HW for HW4.
  • Quick survey: Would you be willing to be partnered with someone from the other section?
  • We’ll debrief from today’s lab on Monday.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 4 due Thursday night.
    • Partners distribruted via email.
  • No reading for Monday!
  • Lab writeup: Exercise 7a )
    • To
    • Subject: CSC 207.01 Writeup for Class 10 (Your names)
    • Please put your code in the body of the message.
  • Quiz Monday: Polymorphism

Virtual Friday PSA

  • You’re awesome. Stay awesome.
  • Consent is absolutely necessary.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Any Data Week activity this week. (There’s a lunchtime talk and a late-afternoon seminar.)
  • HackGC weekend of 15-17 February 2019.
  • CS Extras, Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Science 3821: Sam on CSC 321/22. (Snacks at 4pm in the CS Commons.)

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • HIIT training, 10:00 am, Saturday, Dance Studio, Bear (Same Cap.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Any sex week activity this week. (If you are not comfortable writing to me about the particulars, feel free to submit a generic EC report.)

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Lunar New Year Celebration, February 17, 6pm, Harris Gym
  • Conference Swim and Dive meet, 16-17 February 2019. Watch someone from section 1 fly!

Other good things

Class 9 (Wednesday, 13 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Sit where you like.
  • I’m returning quizzes at the end of class.
  • Our graders tell me that they are working on the homework.
  • Charlie subs on Friday.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 3 due Thursday night.
  • Reading for Friday:
  • No lab writeup.
  • Quiz Monday: Polymorphism and inheritance.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Any Data Week activity this week.
  • HackGC weekend of 15-17 February 2019.
  • Convo Thursday at 11 (JRC 101): John Hassard, founding associate director of the Institute for Security, Science, and Technology at Imperial College London, will present, “Envisioning the Post-Hydrocarbon World”
  • CS Extras, Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Science 3821: Summer Code Camps. (Snacks at 4pm in the CS Commons.)

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • HIIT training, 10:00 am, Saturday, Dance Studio, Bear (Same Cap.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Any sex week activity this week. (If you are not comfortable writing to me about the particulars, feel free to submit a generic EC report.)

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Conference Swim and Dive meet, 15-17 February 2019.
  • Lunar New Year Celebration, February 17, 6pm, Harris Gym

Other good things

Class 8 (Monday, 11 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Please remember that our grader is not (No dots, just dashes.)
  • Folks seem to be having some difficulties with Eclipse. We’ll try to go through those issues on Wednesday. It would help if you let me know what fixes things in different situations.
  • Quizzes 1-3 will be returned on Wednesday, when we’ll discuss them.
  • Apologies for the failure to update the generics reading in a timely fashion. It was a crazy weekend. I’m doing my best to get caught up, but failing.
  • Responses offline: We’ve written a code of conduct for 151. Should we create one for 207?
  • Does anyone know what happened in the commons last night?

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 3 due Thursday night.
  • Reading for Wednesday:
  • Lab writeup: Exercises 1n (or 1j, depending on the version), 2j, and 3e.
    • To
    • Subject: CSC 207.01 Writeup for Class 8 (Your names)
    • Please put your code in the body of the message.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Any Data Week activity this week.
  • HackGC weekend of 15-17 February 2019.
  • Kesho Scott Tuesday at 11am in Faulconer.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • CS Extra, Thursday: Glimmer Teams present on their summer code camps.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • HIIT training, 10:00 am, Saturday, Dance Studio, Bear (Same Cap.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Any sex week activity this week. (If you are not comfortable writing to me about the particulars, feel free to submit a generic EC report.)
    • Including #MeToo for men (all genders permitted)

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Lunar New Year Celebration, February 17, 6pm, Harris Gym
  • Conference Swim and Dive meet, 15-17 February 2019.

Other good things

  • 7:30pm Tuesday, JRC 101 Disparities in Pregnancy Outcomes

Class 7 (Friday, 8 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Mentor sessions at 7:00 p.m. Sunday nights.
  • I wish our department communicated better.
  • Please turn in Wednesday’s lab writeup.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 3 due next Thursday night.
    • Partners to be assigned before the end of class.
  • Reading due before class Monday
  • Lab writeup: Exercise 5
    • To
    • Subject: CSC 207.02 Writeup for Class 7 (Your names)
    • Please put your notes in the body of the message.
  • Quiz Monday
    • Object modeling
    • Subtype polymorphism and interfaces
    • Maybe a bit about testing or debugging

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. TONIGHT, 7pm.
  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. TOMOROW, 7pm
  • Any Data Week activity next week.
  • HackGC weekend of 15-17 February 2019.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Home track meet, Saturday, 9 Feb 2019, all-day and beyond. (30 min suffices)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • HIIT training, 10:00 am, Saturday, Dance Studio, Bear (Same Cap.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Any sex week activity next week. (Free STI testing.)

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Math vs. CS Ping Pong, tonight, 7-8pm, JRC Game Room

Other good things

  • Conference Swim and Dive meet, 15-17 February 2019.

Friday PSA

  • Laugh. And then take care of your self.

Class 6 (Wednesday, 6 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Mentor sessions at 7:00 p.m. Sunday nights.
  • Ramadan begins during Week 14 this semester. I will do my best to make appropriate accommodations during week 14 and finals week. College policy suggests that you must notify me by the end of this week if you need such accomodations, but I will make them no matter when you notify me.
  • Make sure that you’re using the latest version of Eclipse (2018-12). Many of the errors I’ve helped fix have had to do with old versions.
  • I’ll be using the whiteboard for a lot of today’s class. Sorry that things won’t be recorded in the eboard. (ASCII art takes too long.)

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Tonight’s privacy reading group. (See email to csstudents.)
  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. Friday, 8 February, 7pm.
  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. Saturday, 9 February, 7pm
  • Any Data Week activity next week.
  • HackGC weekend of 15-17 February 2019.
  • African Acrobats, Feb. 15 at 7pm.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Home track meet, Saturday, 9 Feb 2019, all-day and beyond. (30 min suffices)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Any Sex Week activity next week.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Being a male ally, Monday, 8pm JRC 101
  • Math/Stats vs. CS Ping-Pong tournament.

Other good things

  • Conference Swim and Dive meet, 15-17 February 2019.

Class 5 (Monday, 4 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Mentor sessions at 7:00 p.m. Sunday nights.
  • Ramadan begins during Week 14 this semester. I will do my best to make appropriate accommodations during week 14 and finals week. College policy suggests that you must notify me by the end of this week if you need such accomodations, but I will make them no matter when you notify me.
  • The “Current Writeup” link should now be working.
  • I graded any lab 4’s I received by 7pm Sunday night. Make sure you let me know if you know you’re submitting non-working code on labs.
  • To make sure that you have enough time for lab, I’ll try to avoid much talking today.
  • JUnit’s API changed significantly from JUnit4 to JUnit5. I think I’ve caught all of the code that needed changing, but there may be a few left.
  • Due to a confluence of circumstances, it appears we will have few MAPs in the department this summer. Check with JW and CC for details on their MAPs.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 2 due Thursday night.
  • Reading due before class Wednesday
    • Osera 3.1: Mental Models of Computation
  • Lab writeup: Problem 1 from the Debugging Lab
    • To
    • Subject: CSC 207.01 Writeup for Class 5 (Your names)
    • Submit the corrected code for the removeAs method.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Home track meet, 10am-6pm Saturday (30 min counts)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Sex Week events.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Leadership Institute info session, Tuesday, 7 p.m. JRC 2nd.

Other good things

Class 4 (Friday, 1 February 2019)

News / Etc.

  • We’ll follow the new partner methodology.
    • Partner names on the board.
    • See email about “Do not partner me with” option.
  • Please turn in your academic honesty policy if you have not done so
  • Mentor sessions at 7:00 p.m. Sunday nights.
  • I apologize for the confusion on turning in HW 1. I hope to get things set up for classroom over the weekend.
  • Comment from one of my children: “I know my Dad is a geek because he went to Atlanta for Super Bowl week and spent the whole time in a CS conference.”

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 2 due Thursday night.
    • Partners to be posted at end of class.
  • Reading due before class Monday
  • Quiz Monday
    • Maybe a little git
    • Class design issues
  • Lab writeup: Exercise 3, sent to with a subject of CSC 207.02 Lab for Class 4 (Your Names).

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Curator’s Talk for Dread and Delight. Friday, 1 February 2019, 4pm.
  • Opening Reception for Dread and Delight. Friday, 1 February 2019, 4:15pm.
  • Neo Futurists, Flangan Theatre. Friday, 1 February 2019, 7:30 pm,
  • Met Opera Live in HD, Harris Cinema. Saturday, 2 February 2019:
  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. Friday, 8 February, 7pm.
  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. Saturday, 9 February, 7pm

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT tomorrow morning at 10 am in Dance Studio.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Men’s Tennis, Sat, 9am, Fieldhouse.
  • Men’s Tennis, Sat, 2pm, Fieldhouse.
  • Swim and Dive, Osgood Natatorium. Saturday, 2 February 2019, 2pm.


  • Please take care of yourselves. (and others)

Class 3 (Monday, 28 January 2019)

News / Etc.

  • We’ll follow the new partner methodology.
    • Partner names appear on the board.
    • See email about “Do not partner me with” option.
  • I’ve responded to every lab that has been submitted.
  • Please turn in your academic honesty policy if you have not done so already.
  • If you’re not on the csstudents list, you probably should be. Let me know if you’d like to be added.
  • Mentor sessions at 7:00 p.m. Sunday nights.
  • You will have a substitute teacher on Wednesday. I’ll be off at the ACM FAT* conference learning about Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Artificial Intelligence.
  • If you feel unsafe coming to class on Wednesday, send me an email message and I will treat it as an excused absence. You are, however, responsible for making up the work on your own.
  • When you send me questions about assignments, please title them things like “QUESTION on Assignment 2”. It makes it much easiere for me to identify them as questions.
  • In case it wasn’t clear from the syllabus and such, I will randomly call on students in class. I do this for multiple reasons.
    • It avoids bias (conscious and unconscious). Since I’m using cards, I am unlikely to ask more questions of people from certain groups.
    • It builds skills. For better or for worse, many people expect you to express your ideas, even when you have not formulated them completely. Practice in a low-stakes environment should help.
    • It can remind you that you are not alone in confusion or misunderstanding. While I may sometimes force you to guess, you can feel free to answer “I’m not sure” when I call on you.
    • It sometimes incentivizes you to ask questions. If you know that I might ask you questions, you may be more inclined to ask me questions.
    • And more.
  • If being called on during class causes severe anxiety, let me know and we’ll figure out a way to adjust to support you.
  • I’ve updated the due time for lab writeups; writeups are generally due at the start of class.
  • You should be able to access everything on the current eboard by substituting .md for .html at the end of the URL.
    • md stands for “markdown”, a very simple markup language that I use when writing the boards.
    • I’ll probably work on ways to automate the update of the HTML page.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 1 due Thursday night.
  • Reading due before class Wednesday.
    • Osera, Chapter 2
  • No lab writeup.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table Tomorrow, Noon, Somewhere. Trusting trust.

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Kindness through gratitude, Tuesday 11-1, outside DHall.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Class 2 (Friday, 25 January 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Sit where you’d like (with reason); we’ll move around a bit after the preliminaries.
  • You should have received one email message from me since last class, a notice about the Data Buddies survey.
  • If you’re not on the csstudents list, you probably should be. Let me know if you’d like to be added.
  • I’ll take quick attendance.
  • I’m teaching two sections of CSC 207 this semester. They should be similar, but evidence suggests that when I “lecture”, I do so differently each time. I may assume that I’ve said something to you that I haven’t; let me know when that happens.
  • Mentor sessions Sunday evenings, time TBA. Survey coming.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

  • Thanks for folks who have been sharing suggestions!
  • Getting extra credit.
    • Participate in the activity.
    • Send me an email of the form “CSC 207 Extra Credit (Name)”, preferably within two days of the event.
    • The body of the email should include a reflective paragraph about the activity.
    • I will eventually respond and record the extra credit.

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Opening reception for “The Incident”, Bucksbaum Rotunda, 7:00 p.m. tonight. (May be triggering.)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Watch some part of the indoor track meet on Saturday (starts at 9:30); 30 minutes suffices.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Kindness through gratitude, next Monday and Tuesday 11-1, outside DHall.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Data Buddies survey (distributed via email)
    • Folks have reported that it was mostly a good use of time.

Other good things

  • Women’s basketball vs. St. Norbert, 5:30 p.m. Friday.
  • Men’s basketball vs. St. Norbert, 7:30 p.m. Friday.
  • Women’s basketball vs. Ripon, 1:00 p.m. Saturday.
  • Men’s basketball vs. Ripon, 3:00 p.m. Saturday.

Friday PSA

  • Someone cares about you, please think about taking care of yourself.
  • Plan in advance.
  • Consent is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY necessary
  • A gift to you: BAC card

Class 1 (Wednesday, 23 January 2019)

News / Etc.

  • Welcome to CSC207!
  • I’m Sam (or SamR)
  • Our class mentors are Anh Thu (section 1) and Shuyi (section 2)
  • You should have received one handout at the start of class
  • Since it’s the first day of class, I will take attendance. (It will take me a few weeks to learn all of your names.)
    • “Hi, my name is FORENAME SURNAME.”
    • “You can call me PRIMARY_NAME.”
    • “If you must address me by surname, you can call me Mr./Ms./Mx./[nothing] SURNAME.”
    • Optional: “During winter break, I …”
    • Optional: “My pronouns are ….”
  • For some reason, I ended up with copies of 151 handouts in the handouts section of this course. I’ve updated the page on grading and the page on note-taking
  • I realize that PUM and LIA (from the readings) are horrid acronyms. If you have better ones, I’d appreciate it.
  • We’ll be using two “books” for this course: The readings I write (or wrote) and the material that Peter-Michael wrote. There’s a link to his book under the Reference menu. You can grab either the whole book or individual chapters.
  • I’m teaching two sections of CSC 207 this semester. I’m not yet sure of all the implications. One is that I’m likely to assume I’ve said something in one class when I’ve said it in another.
  • I’m trying to be less snarky this semester. Call me on it.

Upcoming work

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

None yet.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Indoor track. The meet starts at 9:30 am Saturday. The 5K is like noon. Just spend 30 minutes for EC.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Ten days of kindness.

Extra credit (Misc)

None yet.

Other good things