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CSC 207.02 2019S, Class 20: Loop invariants


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Extra credit
    • Questions
  • Quiz
  • Reasoning about iterative algorithms
  • The state of a program
  • Loop invariants
  • Loop termination
  • An exercise: Partitioning an array
  • An exercise: Dutch national flag


News / Etc.

  • Sit where you would like.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table, Tuesday, noon: Unknown topic
  • Convocation Thursday.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Singers in St. Paul on Saturday, Rochester on Sunday, Madison on Monday of break, Chicago on Tuesday of break, Newton on Thursday of break.
  • Track and Field are at Emory on the last weekend of Spring break.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Sub-free spring break.

Extra credit (Wellness, Regular)

  • 30 Minutes of Mindfulness at SHACS every Monday 4:15-4:45
  • Any organized exercise. (See previous eboards for a list.)
  • 60 minutes of some solitary self-care activities that are unrelated to academics or work. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.
  • 60 minutes of some shared self-care activity with friends. Your email reflection must explain how the activity contributed to your wellness.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

Exam notes

  • Remember that average must use O(1) space.
  • You are dealing with long values, so the average is likely to be slightly off if the sum of the values is not a multiple of the length.
    You should round towards zero, just like long division.
  • The constructor for your priority queue should take the comparator as an input. (That’s probably the only input that constructor needs.)
  • You will probably need to create comparators when you run tests or experiments.
  • You need to keep the nodes in your priority in order by value. That almost certainly happens in the put (or enqueue) method.


Did the morning section ask questions?

Yes. See their eboard for details.

What is the average of 2 and 3?

2, if we’re dealing with longs.

Are we getting graded work back soon?

Yes. Hopefully tonight for a few homework assignments, Wednesday for quizzes.

Do we have to implement remove for problem 3 or problem 4?


How much can we be off in the average method?

abs(average*length - sum) < length

How should we initialize our arrays for testing?

Here are some approaches. Don’t use them all at once.

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  a[i] = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  a[i] = i;
} // average is (length-1)/2, or so Sam thinks
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  a[i] = Long.MAX_VALUE - i;
} // average is
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  a[i] = Long.MIN_VALUE + i;

I’m also a firm believer in nesting for loops.

Are you sure about those calculations?


Suppose length is n. We are adding 0 + 1 + … + n-1. Sum is (n-1)n/2. If there are n elements, the average value is (n-1)n/2n = (n-1)/2

What should we do if we don’t know the average of the array?

I would not recommend that you build arrays whose average you do not know.

Or you could write an average that uses BigIntegers and compare the results of that one to yours.


Yay! Big-O. (or Oh, big-Yay!)

Reasoning about iterative algorithms

Experience suggests that people have difficulty writing correct code.

We need strategies for

  • Showing that a program is correct. (“Proof”)a
  • Making fewer errors in the first place.
  • Some recommend developing the proof of correctness and the code side-by-side.

A variety of techniques have been developed to deal with this issue, we’re looking at a high-level, general approach.

The state of a program

Often, our reasoning is based on the “state” of the system (stack and heap; settings of the various variables and parameters).

We know the state of the program at the start of a chunk of code (e.g., the start of a procedure). We know because we have done other analysis or have preconditions.

We have a goal state at the end of the chunk of code.

We show that the instructions we give go from one to the other.

Sometimes we start with the goal and work backwards.

E.g., our goal is that z is the greater of x and y.

know: x is an integer, y is an integer, z?
if (y > x) {
  z = y
  // z = y
  // z >= y
  // z > x (because of transitivity of >)
} else {
  // x >= y
  z = x;
  // z = x, z >= x, z >= y (by transitivity)
goal: z is an integer, z >= x, z >= y, z = x or z = y

Loop invariants

Lots of errors happen in loops. Loop invariants are our tool.

A loop invariant is a statement about the state of the system

  • It holds before we enter the loop.
  • If it holds at the start of one iteration, it also holds at the end of that iteration.
    • It may not hold in the middle
  • It tells us something useful related to our goal

Here’s a useful thing to say about an array during sorting.

|   sorted          |  unprocessed     |
|                   |                  |
0                   i                  length

If I can maintain that invariant while increasing i repeatedly, I will sort the array.

Loop termination

Of course, not all loops terminate.

We also want to “prove” that our loops terminate. Measure the “size” of the remaining work and show that it decreases in each iteration of the loop.

Termination plus loop invariant generally guarantee our goal.

An exercise: Partitioning an array


  • An array of integers, A
  • An integer, pivot

Goal: Rearrange the array so that all the values <= pivot are on the left and all the values > pivot are on the right. We want to do this efficiently O(n).

Return: The number of values <= the pivot.


  • How might you think about the state of the system midway through your program? (That is, what is your pictorial invariant?)
  • How might you approach the problem?
|  <= pivot    |           unprocessed                |  > pivot   |
|              |                                      |            |
0              p                                      r            length
| <= pivot |  > pivot     |            unprocessed                 |
|          |              |                                        |
0          s              i                                        length
| unprocessed    |   <= pivot     |  > pivot     | unprocessed     |
|                |                |              |                 |
0                                                                  length

We’re working with this one.

|  <= pivot    |           unprocessed                |  > pivot   |
|              |                                      |            |
0              p                                      r            length

How can we move p and r? (Alternately, what can you do with the knowledge of the values at p and r-1?)

  • If A[p] <= pivot then increment p
  • Else If A[r-1] > pivot then decrement r
  • Else swap A[p] and A[r-1], increment p and decrement r

When does this terminate? When p and r are equal.

Can we argue that they never cross? If we are down to one element, it has to be one of the first two cases, so we will never have a case in which we increment p and decrement r.

We can return p or r.

How do we initialize p and r so that the invariant holds when we start? We can let p = 0 and r be length.

An exercise: Dutch national flag

You have an array with three values, which we’ll call red, white, and blue. They are in no particular order. Your goal is to rearrange it so that all of the red are at the left, all the blue are at the right, and all the white are in between.


| r | b | w | w | r | b | w | r | w | w | w | r | w | b | r | b | w |


| r | r | r | r | r | w | w | w | w | w | w | w | w | b | b | b | b |


| red     |      unprocessed                         | not red     |

In effect, we run the partition algorithm twice, once to separate red and not red and once to separate white and blue.

| red     |white|unprocessed                | white  | blue        |
|  red     |  white    |         unknown               |  blue     |
|          |           |                               |           |
0          r           i                               b           length