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CSC 207.02 2019S, Class 09: Pause for Breath


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Extra credit
    • Questions
  • Memory layout and quiz 3
  • Another way to think about memory layout and class variables
  • Object methods and quiz 2
  • LIROs on quiz 1
  • Reversal on quiz 1
  • Assignment in generics
  • Exceptions
  • Everything else


News / Etc.

  • Sit where you like.
  • I’m returning quizzes at the end of class.
  • Our graders tell me that they are working on the homework.
  • Charlie subs on Friday.

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 3 due Thursday night.
  • Reading for Friday:
  • No lab writeup.
  • Quiz Monday: Polymorphism and inheritance.

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Any Data Week activity this week.
  • HackGC weekend of 15-17 February 2019.
  • Convo Thursday at 11 (JRC 101): John Hassard, founding associate director of the Institute for Security, Science, and Technology at Imperial College London, will present, “Envisioning the Post-Hydrocarbon World”
  • CS Extras, Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Science 3821: Summer Code Camps. (Snacks at 4pm in the CS Commons.)

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT training, 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studio, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • HIIT training, 10:00 am, Saturday, Dance Studio, Bear (Same Cap.)
  • Hatha Yoga, 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Dance Studo, Bear. (Cap of two EC units.)
  • Any sex week activity this week. (If you are not comfortable writing to me about the particulars, feel free to submit a generic EC report.)

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Conference Swim and Dive meet, 15-17 February 2019.
  • Lunar New Year Celebration, February 17, 6pm, Harris Gym

Other good things


What should happen if we center and then right justify?

You need not dig into the contents of a block, so if the block is centered and then right justified, you’ll just get the centered thing (depending on the size of the blocks).

    new HCompose(new TextLine("["), new HCompose(new RightJustified(new Centered("Hello", 7), 7), new TextLine("]")))

    [ Hello ]

    new HCompose(new TextLine("["), new HCompose(new RightJustified(new Centered("Hello", 7), 10), new TextLine("]")))

    [    Hello ]

Is the merge method likely to be inefficient, say n^2?


Can the remove method also be inefficient?


Sam! Don’t forget to link the 7th eboard.

I’ll do my best.

Memory layout and quiz 3

public class Counter {
  public static int num = 0;
  public int val = 0;
  public Counter(int init) { val = init; ++num; } 
  public increment() { val += 1; } 
  public int compareTo(Counter other) { return this.val - other.val; } 
} // class Counter
public static void copy(Counter a, Counter b) { a = b; } 
public static void experiment01() {
  Counter c1 = new Counter(5);
  Counter c2 = new Counter(7);
  int compare = c1.compareTo(c2);
} // experiment01

What’s the difference between num and val? num is static and val is not. Static fields are shared between all of the objects in a class.

What happens if we call copy(c1,c2) before we call c1.increment()? Nothing!

If we wanted to copy the contents, we’d use public static void cpy(Counter a, Counter b) { a.val = b.val }

We can’t change what c1 refers to in a separate method.

Detour: Another way to think about memory layout

Where in memory are the static fields of a class? Three models that might make sense

  • A designated space for static fields.
  • At the bottom of the stack.
  • In a object of type Class. (Probably the most realistic.)

Object methods and quiz 2

 * The polynomal ax^2 + bx + c
public class Quadratic {
  BigInteger a; // Coefficient of quadratic term
  BigInteger b; // Coefficient of linear term
  BigInteger c; // Constant addition
  // ...
  public BigInteger evaluate(BigInteger x) {
    // Only with primitives: return ((x*x)*a + x*b + c);
    BigInteger tmp1 = a.multiply(x);
    BigInteger tmp2 = tmp1.multiply(x)
    BigInteger tmp3 = b.multiply(x);
    BigInteger tmp4 = tmp2.add(tmp3);
    return tmp4.add(c);
    // Or
    // return a.multiply(x).multiply(x).add(b.multiply(x)).add(c);
  } // evaluate
} // class Quadratic

If my polynomial is 3x^2 + 2x +1, evaluate(1) = 6, evaluate(2) = 17.

Unfortunately, * and + only work with primitive types. (Well + also works with strings.) (No, we can’t overload them.)

So we have to use methods, which we learned were called multiply and add.

What is “overloading”?

  • In Java, you can have multiple methods with the same name as long as they have different parameter types.

      static int square(int x) { return x*x; }
      static double square(double d) { return d*d; }
      static String square(String st) { return "[" + st + "]"; }
  • The ability to use the same name in multiple context is called overloading.
  • Some languages allow you to overload infix operators. That can lead to horrendously unreadble code. (or more redadable code)

How does overloading relate to subtype polymorphism?

  • In subtype polymorphism, we write one procedure and it works with a variety of types. (E.g., if we knew that lots of types had a multiply method, we could write

      static Mult square(Mult x) { return x.multiply(x); }
  • In overloading, we have to write separate procedures.

LIROs on quiz 1

Reminder: “Last in, random out.”

Implement get.

struct liro {
  int capacity; // The number of values we can hold
  int size;     // The number of values currently in the collection
  char **values;// An array of strings

Standard solution …

char * 
get () 
  if (size <= 0) return NULL;
  int index = random() % size;
  char *result = values[index];
  // Clear out the element
  return result;

How do we clear out the element?

  • Shift everything afterwards to the left, then decrease size by 1. Unfortunately, that’s expensive.

Are there alternatives?

  • Make a new array. That’s equally expensive. No!
  • Hire someone else to solve it. No!
  • Use a linked list. No! Now it’s expensive to find the element.
  • Move the last element into that space. It doesn’t matter where things are in an array.

Reversal on quiz 1

public static void rev(int[] vals) {
  int target = 0;
  int source = vals.length - 1;
  while (target < vals.length) {
    vals[target++] = vals[source--];
  } // while
} // rev

Assignment in generics

We know that we can assign instances of implementing classes to interfaces.

Integer i = 5;
Number n = i;
// Because every integer is a number

Suppose we have a Box<T> type that provides T get() and set(T val) methods. Why might each of the following be illegal?

Example 1: From specific to generic

Box<Integer> bi = new Box<Integer>(5);
Box<Number> bn = bi;

Box<Integer> is not a subtype of Box<Number>.

Consider the following

bn.set(new BigInteger("23"));

Now bi refers to a box that contains something other than an integer.

Example 2: From generic to specific

Integer i = 5;
Number n = i;
i = n;

The Java compiler does not keep track of the values associated with variables, only their types. Not all numbers can be assigned to integers.