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CSC 207.02 2019S, Class 04: Objects and classes


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Extra credit
    • PSA
    • Questions
  • Modeling objects with classes
  • An exercise
  • Lab


News / Etc.

  • We’ll follow the new partner methodology.
    • Partner names on the board.
    • See email about “Do not partner me with” option.
  • Please turn in your academic honesty policy if you have not done so
  • Mentor sessions at 7:00 p.m. Sunday nights.
  • I apologize for the confusion on turning in HW 1. I hope to get things set up for classroom over the weekend.
  • Comment from one of my children: “I know my Dad is a geek because he went to Atlanta for Super Bowl week and spent the whole time in a CS conference.”

Upcoming work

  • Assignment 2 due Thursday night.
    • Partners to be posted at end of class.
  • Reading due before class Monday
  • Quiz Monday
    • Maybe a little git
    • Class design issues
  • Lab writeup: Exercise 3, sent to with a subject of CSC 207.02 Lab for Class 4 (Your Names).

Extra credit

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Curator’s Talk for Dread and Delight. Friday, 1 February 2019, 4pm.
  • Opening Reception for Dread and Delight. Friday, 1 February 2019, 4:15pm.
  • Neo Futurists, Flangan Theatre. Friday, 1 February 2019, 7:30 pm,
  • Met Opera Live in HD, Harris Cinema. Saturday, 2 February 2019:
  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. Friday, 8 February, 7pm.
  • Once Upon a Time Wolf (tickets required), Bucksbaum. Saturday, 9 February, 7pm

Extra credit (Peer)

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • HIIT tomorrow morning at 10 am in Dance Studio.

Extra credit (Misc)

Other good things

  • Men’s Tennis, Sat, 9am, Fieldhouse.
  • Men’s Tennis, Sat, 2pm, Fieldhouse.
  • Swim and Dive, Osgood Natatorium. Saturday, 2 February 2019, 2pm.


  • Please take care of yourselves. (and others)


Modeling objects with classes

What Sam hopes you took from the reading, or at least what Sam thinks you should know about the basics.

  • Goal: Describe objects. An object is a computational “thing” that has characteristics (fields, attributes, state, associated values) and methods (procedures)
  • Java’s approach to describing objects: Classes. Classes are much like C structs …
    • The struct describes what fields the value has
    • Classes describe what fields each object has PLUS what methods we can write using those fields.
  • For the philosophers, classes are a bit like Platonic ideals, and objects are like the shadows in the cave.
  • In Java, classes can also have their own attributes and methods. We identify these with the static modifier.
  • In Java, classes can also have protection levels to help ensure encapsulation.

Question: What’s the difference between encapsulation and abstraction.

  • Both talk about a separate of responsibilities (what vs how).
  • Encapsulation is one of the techniques by which we achieve abstraction.
    • Encapsulation involves grouping and adding protection.

Clarify with example.

Suppose we’ve designed a list struct in C.

// listlib.c
struct list {
  struct node* head;
  struct node* tail;
  int len;
// listlib.h
int length(struct list *lst);
// Client code
struct list *students;
if (length(students) < 5) {
  • Abstraction: client knows methods, doesn’t need to know implementation.
  • Challenge: client can know implementation. Can write if (students->length < 5) { ... };
  • Encapsulation: Prevents clients from doing the things they shouldn’t. (Technical/language means of achieving abstraction.)

Let’s look at Java’s BigInteger class.

An exercise

Suppose we want to design a class to represent Fractions (rationals).

  • What design decisions do we need to make?
  • What fields will we want?
  • What constructors will we want? (How do we build new fractions?)
  • What methods do we want?

Design choices we may have to make

public class Fraction {
// +------------------+----------------------------------------------
// | Design Decisions |
// +------------------+


When do we detect "invalid" fractions?

* Constructors should fail when asked to create an invalid fraction. <-
* Let the client deal with issues.  Pretend it's okay.

Do we store them in simplified state?

* If someone creates 2/4, do we store that as 1/2 or 2/4?  If they
  ask for the numerator, what do they get?

How do we deal with signs?

* Associated with the numerator.  `new Fraction(1,-2)` => -1/2.

Mutable or immutable?

* Mutable objects can be changed.  Vectors in Racket.  
* Immutable objects cannot be changed.  Lists in Racket.
* Mutable objects are (usually) more efficient; immutable objects are
  (usually) easier to reason about.

What accuracy do we want? (may influence types for fields, 
methods we write, etc.)

* Shorts, longs, ints, BigIntegers, ...


// +--------+--------------------------------------------------------
// | Fields |
// +--------+

BigInteger numerator;

BigInteger denominator;

// +--------------+--------------------------------------------------
// | Constructors |
// +--------------+

public Fraction(int num, int denom) throws MathException {
  this.numerator = new BigInteger(num);
  this.denominator = new BigInteger(denom):

// Create the fraction whose numerator is num and denominator is 1.
public Fraction(int num) {
} // Fraction(int)

public Fraction(BigInteger num, BigInteger denom) throws MathException {
  this.numerator = num;
  this.denominator = denom;

// Create a fraction close to d
public Fraction(double d) {
} // Fraction(double)

// Parse a string to create a fraction
//  e.g., new Fraction("123125612312321/12312380390234");
public Fraction(String description) throws ParseException,MathException {
// +---------+-------------------------------------------------------
// | Methods |
// +---------+

public Fraction add(int addend) { ... }

public Fraction add(Fraction other) { ... }

public BigInteger numerator() { ... }

public BigInteger denominator() { ... }

public BigInteger wholepart() { ... }
public Fraction fractional() { ... }

public Fraction reciprocal() throws MathException { ... }

public double toDouble();

} // class Fraction


Note: One of the main goals of this lab is to get you used to thinking in Java object style. x.multiply(y) rather than multiply(