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CSC 207.02 2019S, Class 02: Programming in the small with Java


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Extra credit
    • Friday PSA
    • Questions
  • Lab setup
  • Lab
  • Debrief


News / Etc.

  • Sit where you’d like (with reason); we’ll move around a bit after the preliminaries.
  • You should have received one email message from me since last class, a notice about the Data Buddies survey.
  • If you’re not on the csstudents list, you probably should be. Let me know if you’d like to be added.
  • I’ll take quick attendance.
  • I’m teaching two sections of CSC 207 this semester. They should be similar, but evidence suggests that when I “lecture”, I do so differently each time. I may assume that I’ve said something to you that I haven’t; let me know when that happens.
  • Mentor sessions Sunday evenings, time TBA. Survey coming.

Upcoming work

Extra credit

  • Thanks for folks who have been sharing suggestions!
  • Getting extra credit.
    • Participate in the activity.
    • Send me an email of the form “CSC 207 Extra Credit (Name)”, preferably within two days of the event.
    • The body of the email should include a reflective paragraph about the activity.
    • I will eventually respond and record the extra credit.

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Opening reception for “The Incident”, Bucksbaum Rotunda, 7:00 p.m. tonight. (May be triggering.)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Watch some part of the indoor track meet on Saturday (starts at 9:30); 30 minutes suffices.

Extra credit (Wellness)

  • Kindness through gratitude, next Monday and Tuesday 11-1, outside DHall.

Extra credit (Misc)

  • Data Buddies survey (distributed via email)
    • Folks have reported that it was mostly a good use of time.

Other good things

  • Women’s basketball vs. St. Norbert, 5:30 p.m. Friday.
  • Men’s basketball vs. St. Norbert, 7:30 p.m. Friday.
  • Women’s basketball vs. Ripon, 1:00 p.m. Saturday.
  • Men’s basketball vs. Ripon, 3:00 p.m. Saturday.

Friday PSA

  • Someone cares about you, please think about taking care of yourself.
  • Plan in advance.
  • Consent is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY necessary
  • A gift to you: BAC card


Can I switch sections?

Sure. Bring me an add-drop form.

What are the group work policies for this course?

Labs: You can choose whether to work alone or have a randomly assigned partner. (I would recommend the latter.)

Homework: You get a randomly assigned partner.

Exams and quizzes: On your own.

Tell me more about for (type x: thing).

Here’s an example.


public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] stuff = { 5, 1, 2, 4, 8 };
    PrintWriter pen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    for (int x: stuff) {
      pen.println(x  + " squared is " + x*x);
    } // for
  } // main
} // class Example


5 squared is 25
1 squared is 1
2 squared is 4
4 squared is 16
8 squared is 64

Why do you write pen.flush()?

Output in Java is “buffered” for efficiency. The computer writes to memory (a buffer) until a lot is written, and then dumps everything from memory to output. What’s in the buffer generally doesn’t appear until (a) buffer is full or (b) you flush the buffer. When you use print rather than println, it does not flush.

How do newlines work in Java?

There are multiple options. You can use println, which adds the newline and (in many cases) flushes the buffer. You can use \n, like in C. I don’t know whether or not that flushes.

Why are you making us use PrintWriter objects rather than System.out?

I find that PrintWriter objects lead to more object-like code. In particular, it makes it much easier to change your mind about where output goes.

PrintWriters are more general, you can make them write to stdout or to a file or to an Internet connection or …. System.out only goes to stdout.

What is System.out?

A name for an object that is a lot like stdout in C.

Are there standard packages or classes that we use in Java, like we used <stdlib.h> and <stdio.h> in C?

Nope. It depends on the program.

Lab prep

  • First, we will figure out how many people want to work alone and how many people would like a partner.
  • Then, we’ll assign folks to partners based on those preferences.
  • After that, you’ll do the lab.


How do I edit my .bashrc?

emacs ~/.bashrc

What did you update since this morning?

I updated the fizzbuzz problem. Please reload the lab when you get to that point.

What’s the writeup?

Send the code for your rev method to csc207-01-grader.
(I don’t need any of the other parts of that class.)

When’s it due?

Preferably before class on Monday.


public class ArrayProblems {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    PrintWriter pen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    int[] vals = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 };
  } // main

  public static void rev(int[] vals) {
  } // rev
} // class ArrayProblems