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Lab: Implementing Lists with Arrays

We extend our understanding of a list ADT by considering an implementation of lists in which the values are stored in an array.
Arrays. Interfaces. Generics. Anonymous inner classes.


a. Fork and clone the repository.

b. In separate windows or tabs, open the documentation for Iterator and ListIterator.


Exercise 1: Understanding Iterators

Skim through the documentation for “java.util.Iterator” and “java.util.ListIterator”. You should identify the primary methods, their meanings, and any other subtleties. Make sure that you can answer the following questions.

a. Where, conceptually, is a list iterator relative to the elements of a list?

b. What element does remove remove?

c. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, and call lit.add(x) and then immediately after call lit.add(y). In what order will x and y appear in the list?

d. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next.
Suppose we then call lit.remove() and then immediately after call lit.remove() again. What can or should happen?

e. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next. What should happen if we call set(x) and then set(y)?

f. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next. What should happen if we call lit.set(x) and then lit.remove()?

g. Suppose we have a list iterator, lit, between the b and c in the list [a,b,c] and that it reached the current position through a call to next. What should happen if we call lit.remove() and then lit.set(y)?

h. Can we add an element immediately after creating a new list iterator?

i. Can we remove an element immediately after creating a new list iterator?

j. Can we set an element immediately after creating a new list iterator?

k. Can we add an element when hasNext is false? If so, where is the element added? If not, why not?

l. Can we set an element when hasNext is false? If so, which element is set?

m. Can we remove an element when hasNext is false? Never? Sometimes? Always?

n. Suppose we’ve created two list iterators, lit1 and lit2 for the list [a,b,c], and both are between the a and the b in the list. If we call lit1.add(d), what should return?

o. Suppose we’ve created two list iterators, lit1 and lit2 for the list [a,b,c], and both are between the a and the b in the list. If we call lit1.remove(), what should return?

p. Are there any other subtleties that you noticed about these two kinds of iterators?

Exercise 2: A simple experiment

Read through the code of and

a. Sketch the output you expect to see from SALExpt.

b. Check your sketch experimentally.

Exercise 3: Implementation details

How are array-based-lists implemented? It’s time to look. In the file, you’ll see that we have a field, values, that stores the values in a list and a field, size, that stores the size of the list.

You may also note that because iterators will need to access fields of the list, iterators are implemented as an anonymous inner class. Each iterator for the list has a field, pos, that stores the position of the value to be returned by the next call to next().

a. Sketch how you would implement the next method.

b. Compare your answer to that in the code.

c. Sketch how you would implement the ``hasNext() method.

d. Compare your answer to the answer in the code.

e. Sketch how you would implement the ``add(T val) method.

f. Compare your answer to the answer in the code.

Exercise 4: Implement set

You’ll note that the set method is not yet implemented.

a. Write a small experiment that will let you check if set works. For example, you might create a list of five values and set values 0, 2, and 4 to other values. Don’t bother checking the extreme edge cases, such as what happens when there has not been a prior call to next or previous.

b. Here’s a simple strategy for implementing set. Since pos represents the location of the value to be returned by next, pos-1 represents the location of the value that was last returned. Hence, all set needs to do is set the value in the array at that location.

What flaws, if any, do you see in this strategy?

c. Implement set using this strategy and, through your experiment, determine whether or not it seems to work.

d. If we use this strategy, one time that set will fail is when pos is 0. Update your program so that it throws an exception in such cases.

e. As you may have noted, a possible flaw in this implementation is that, while it works when we move forward with next, it will likely fail when we use previous. Sketch a strategy for dealing with this problem.

Exercise 5: Moving backwards

You’ll note that the previous method is not implemented. Implement it.

Exercise 6: Revisiting set

Once we implement previous, we are likely to break the set method we defined earlier.

a. Write an experiment that checks whether set works correctly after previous.

b. If you discover that set does not work correctly, fix it.

For those with extra time

If you find that you have extra time, you may want to try one or more of the following exercises.

Extra 1: Removing elements

Implement the remove method.

Extra 2: Failing fast

What does it mean for a list iterator to have a “Fail Fast” policy?

Extra 3: Refactoring

At this point, your code likely has a number of sections that might be better arranged as helper methods, such as a method to expand the underlying array, one to shift elements right, and one to shift elements left. Write those helper methods.


This lab is closely based on one from CSC 207 2014F. The extra problems are all new. There are some new questions about list iterators in problem 1. A section on failing fast was removed.