When writing complex programs, we often need to ask questions about the values with which we are computing. For example, should this entry come before this other entry when we sort the entries in a table or is this location within 100 miles of this second location? Frequently, these questions, which we often phrase as tests (not the same as unit tests), are used in control structures. For example, we might decide to do one thing if a value is a string and another if it is an integer.
To express these kinds of questions, we need a variety of tools. First, we need a type in which to express the valid answers to questions. Second, we need a collection of procedures that can answer simple questions. Third, we need ways to combine questions. Finally, we need control structures that use these questions. In the subsequent sections of this reading, we consider each of these issues. We will return to more complex control structures in another reading.
A Boolean value is a datum that reflects the outcome of a single
yes-or-no test. For instance, if one were to ask whether Des Moines is
within 100 miles of Boston, it would determine that the two cities are not
that close and and it would signal this result by displaying the Boolean
value for “no” or “false”, which is #f
. There is only one other Boolean
value, the one meaning “yes” or “true”, which is #t
. These are called
“Boolean values” in honor of the logician George Boole who was the first
to develop a satisfactory formal theory of them. (Some folks now talk
about “fuzzy logic” that includes values other than “true” and “false”,
but that’s beyond the scope of this course.)
A predicate is a procedure that always returns a Boolean value. A
procedure call in which the procedure is a predicate performs some
yes-or-no test on its arguments. For instance, the predicate number?
(the question mark is part of the name of the procedure) takes one
argument and returns #t
if that argument is a number, #f
if it does
not. Similarly, the predicate even?
takes one argument, which must be
an integer, and returns #t
if the integer is even and #f
if it is
odd. The names of most Scheme predicates end with question marks, and
Grinnell’s computer scientists recommend this useful convention, even
though it is not required by the rules of the programming language. (If
you ever notice that we’ve failed to include a question mark in a
predicate and you’re the first to tell us, we’ll give you some extra
Scheme provides a wide variety of basic predicates and the csc151
package adds a few more. We will consider a few right now, but learn
more as the course progresses.
The simplest predicates let you test the type of a value. Scheme provides a number of such predicates.
tests whether its argument is a number.integer?
tests whether its argument is an integer.real?
tests whether its argument is a real number.string?
tests whether its argument is a string.procedure?
tests whether its argument is a procedure.boolean?
tests whether its argument is a Boolean value.list?
tests whether its argument is a list.Scheme provides a variety of predicates for testing whether two values can be understood to be the same.
tests whether its two arguments are identical, in the very
narrow sense of occupying the same storage location in the computer’s
memory. In practice, this is useful information only if at least one
argument is known to be a symbol, a Boolean value, or an integer.eqv?
tests whether its two arguments “should normally be regarded as
the same object” (as the language standard declares). Note, however,
that two lists of values can have the same elements without being
“regarded as the same object”. Also note that in Scheme’s view the
number 5, which is “exact”, is not necessarily the same object as the
number 5.0, which might be an approximation.equal?
tests whether its two arguments are the same or, in the case
of lists, whether they have the same contents.=
tests whether its arguments, which must all be numbers, are
numerically equal; 5 and 5.0 are numerically equal for this purpose.For this class, you are not required to understand the difference
between the eq?
and eqv?
procedures. In particular, you need not
plan to use the eqv?
procedure. At least for the first half of the
semester, you also need not understand the difference between the eq?
and equal?
procedures. Feel free to use equal?
almost exclusively,
except when dealing with numbers, in which case you should use =
Scheme also provides many numeric predicates, some of which you may have already explored.
tests whether its argument, which must be an integer, is even.odd?
tests whether its argument, which must be an integer, is odd.zero?
tests whether its argument, which must be a number, is equal to zero.positive?
tests whether its argument, which must be a real number, is positive.negative?
tests whether its argument, which must be a real number, is negative.exact?
tests whether its argument, which must be a number, is represented exactly.inexact?
tests whether its argument, which must be a number, is not represented exactly.Although we’ve been using regular expressions primarily to search strings, we can also determine whether or not a regular expression “matches” a string.
(regexp-match? regexp str)
determines whether or not a
regular expresion appears in a string.(regexp-match-exact? regexp str)
determines whether or not
a regular expression exactly matches a string.Recall that #px"a.*b"
matches a sequence of characters that starts
with a and ends with b. (The .
means “any character”, so the
means “any sequence of characters”. Let’s try some matches
with that pattern.
> (regexp-match* #px"a.*b" "alphabet")
> (regexp-match* #px"a.*b" "balance")
> (regexp-match? #px"a.*b" "alphabet")
> (regexp-match? #px"a.*b" "balance")
> (regexp-match-exact? #px"a.*b" "alphabet")
> (regexp-match-exact? #px"a.*t" "alphabet")
When we use a predicate to compare two values, most frequently to see if one should precede the other in some natural ordering, we often refer to that predicate as a “comparator”.
Scheme provides a number of numeric comparators.
tests whether its arguments, which must all be numbers, are in
strictly ascending numerical order. (The <
operation is one of the
few built-in predicates that does not have an accompanying question mark.)>
tests whether its arguments, which must all be numbers, are in strictly
descending numerical order.<=
tests whether its arguments, which must all be numbers, are in
ascending numerical order, allowing equality.>=
tests whether its arguments, which must all be numbers, are in
descending numerical order, allowing equality.As you’ve studied other types, you may have seen other comparators. Here are some of the more common ones.
tests whether itss arguments, which must all be characters,
are in strictly ascending alphabetical order.char<=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be characters,
are in ascending alphabetical order.char>?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be characters,
are in strictly descending alphabetical order.char>=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be characters,
are in descending alphabetical order.char-ci<?
tests whether itss arguments, which must all be characters,
are in strictly ascending alphabetical order, ignoring case.char-ci<=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be characters,
are in ascending alphabetical order, ignoring case.char-ci>?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be characters,
are in strictly descending alphabetical order, ignoring case.char-ci>=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be characters,
are in descending alphabetical order, ignoring case.> (char<? #\a #\a)
> (char<=? #\a #\a)
> (char<? #\a #\b)
> (char<? #\a #\B)
> (char-ci<? #\a #\B)
> (char<=? #\a #\A)
> (char-ci<=? #\a #\A)
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in strictly ascending alphabetical order.string<=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in ascending alphabetical order.string>?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in strictly descending alphabetical order.string>=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in descending alphabetical order.string-ci<?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in strictly ascending alphabetical order, but ignoring case.string-ci<=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in ascending alphabetical order, but ignoring case.string-ci>?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in strictly descending alphabetical order, but ignoring case.string-ci>=?
tests whether its arguments, which must all be strings,
are in descending alphabetical order, but ignoring case.not
Not all the procedures we use to work with Boolean values are strictly
predicates. Another useful Boolean procedure is not
, which takes
one argument and returns #t
if the argument is #f
and #f
if the
argument is anything else. For example, one can test whether picture
is not an image with
> (not (image? picture))
If Scheme says that the value of this expression is #t
, then picture
is not an image.
and or
The and
and or
keywords have simple logical meanings. In particular,
the and of a collection of Boolean values is true if all are true and
false if any value is false, the or of a collection of Boolean values
is true if any of the values is true and false if all the values are
false. For example,
> (and #t #t #t)
> (and (< 1 2) (< 2 3))
> (and (odd? 1) (odd? 3) (odd? 5) (odd? 6))
> (and)
> (or (odd? 1) (odd? 3) (odd? 5) (odd? 6))
> (or (even? 1) (even? 3) (even? 4) (even? 5))
> (or)
You may note that we were careful to describe and
and or
as “keywords”
rather than as “procedures”. The distinction is an important one. Although
keywords look remarkably like procedures, Scheme distinguishes keywords
from procedures by the order of evaluation of the parameters. For
procedures, all the parameters are evaluated and then the procedure is
applied. For keywords, not all parameters need be evaluated, and custom
orders of evaluation are possible.
If and
and or
were procedures, we could not guarantee their control
behavior. We’d also get some ugly errors. For example, consider the
extended version of the even?
predicate below:
(define new-even?
(lambda (val)
(and (integer? val) (even? val))))
Suppose new-even?
is called with 2.3 as a parameter. In the keyword
implementation of and
, the first test, (integer? ...)
fails, and new-even?
returns false. If and
were a procedure, we
would still evaluate the (even? ...)
, and that test would
generate an error, since even?
can only be called on integers.
Although many computer scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians prefer the purity of dividing the world into “true” and “false”, Scheme supports a somewhat more general separation. In Scheme, anything that is not false is considered “truish”. Hence, you can use expressions that return values other than Boolean values wherever a truth value is expected. For example,
> (and #t 1)
> (or 3 #t #t)
> (not 1)
> (not (not 1))
We can, of course, write our own predicates. For example, here is a predicate that determines whether its input, a real number, is between 0 and 100, inclusive.
(define valid-grade?
(lambda (val)
(<= 0 val 100)))
Note that we might might also write
(define valid-grade? (section <= 0 <> 100))
We can also write our own comparators. For example, here’s a somewhat pointless comparator that orders words based on their second letter.
;;; Procedure:
;;; second-letter<?
;;; Parameters:
;;; str1, a string
;;; str2, a string
;;; Purpose:
;;; Determine if the second letter of str1 alphabetically precedes
;;; the second letter of str2.
;;; Produces:
;;; precedes?, a Boolean
;;; Preconditions:
;;; str1 contains at least two letters.
;;; str2 contains at least two letters.
;;; Postconditions:
;;; * Let ch1 be the lowercase version of the second letter of str1.
;;; * Let ch2 be the lowercase version of the second letter of str2.
;;; * If (char<? ch1 ch2), then precedes? is #t.
;;; * Otherwise, precedes? is #f.
(define second-letter<?
(lambda (str1 str2)
(char-ci<? (string-ref str1 1)
(string-ref str2 1))))
Let’s see how sorting with this comparator differs from sorting with a more traditional comparator.
> (define start-of-jabberwocky
(list "twas" "brillig" "and" "the" "slithy" "toves" "did" "gyre" "and"
"gimble" "in" "the" "wabe" "all" "mimsy" "were" "the"
"borogoves" "and" "the" "mome" "raths" "outgrabe"))
> (sort start-of-jabberwocky string<?)
> (sort start-of-jabberwocky second-letter<?)
and or
as control structuresWe’ve seen how and
and or
can be used to combine tests. But and
and or
can be used for so much more. In fact, they can be used as
control structures.
In an and
-expression, the expressions that follow the keyword and
are evaluated in succession until one is found to have the value #f
(in which case the rest of the expressions are skipped and the #f
becomes the value of the entire and
-expression). If, after evaluating
all of the expressions, none is found to be #f
then the value of the
last expression becomes the value of the entire and
expression. This
evaluation strategy gives the programmer a way to combine several tests
into one that will succeed only if all of its parts succeed.
This strategy also gives the programmer a way to avoid meaningless
tests. For example, we should not make the comparison (<
unless we are sure that both a
and b
are numbers.
In an or
expression, the expressions that follow the keyword or
are evaluated in succession until one is found to have a value other
, in which case the rest of the expressions are skipped and
this value becomes the value of the entire or
-expression. If all of
the expressions have been evaluated and all have the value #f
, then
the value of the or
-expression is #f
. This gives the programmer a
way to combine several tests into one that will succeed if any of its
parts succeeds.
In these cases, and
returns the last parameter it encounters (or false,
if it encounters a false value) while or
returns the first non-false
value it encounters. For example,
> (and 1 2 3)
> (define x 'two)
> (define y 3)
> (+ x y)
+: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: two; other arguments were: 3
> (and (number? x) (number? y) (+ x y))
> (define x 2)
> (and (number? x) (number? y) (+ x y))
> (or 1 2 3)
> (or 1 #f 3)
> (or #f 2 3)
> (or #f #f 3)
We can use the ideas above to make an addition procedure that returns
if either parameter is not a number. We might say that such a
procedure is a bit safer than the normal addition procedure.
;;; Procedure:
;;; safe-add
;;; Parameters:
;;; x, a number [verified]
;;; y, a number [verified]
;;; Purpose:
;;; Add x and y.
;;; Produces:
;;; sum, a number.
;;; Preconditions:
;;; (No additional preconditions)
;;; Postconditions:
;;; sum = x + y
;;; Problems:
;;; If either x or y is not a number, sum is #f.
(define safe-add
(lambda (x y)
(and (number? x) (number? y) (+ x y))))
Let’s compare this version to the standard addition procedure, +
> (+ 2 3)
> (safe-add 2 3)
> (+ 2 'three)
Error: +: argument 2 must be: number
> (safe-add 2 'three)
If we’d prefer to return 0, rather than #f
, we could add an or
;;; Procedure:
;;; safer-add
;;; Parameters:
;;; x, a number [verified]
;;; y, a number [verified]
;;; Purpose:
;;; Add x and y.
;;; Produces:
;;; sum, a number.
;;; Preconditions:
;;; [No additional preconditions]
;;; Postconditions:
;;; If both x and y are numbers, sum = x + y
;;; Problems:
;;; If either x or y is not a number, sum is 0.
(define safer-add
(lambda (x y)
(or (and (number? x) (number? y) (+ x y))
In most cases, safer-add
acts much like safe-add
. However, when we use the result of the two procedures as an argument to another procedure, we get a little bit further through the calculation.
> (* 4 (+ 2 3))
> (* 4 (safer-add 2 3))
> (* 4 (+ 2 'three))
Error: +: argument 2 must be: number
> (* 4 (safe-add 2 'three))
Error: *: argument 2 must be: number
> (* 4 (safer-add 2 'three))
Different situations will call for different choices between those strategies.
You may recall that we can use the (tally lst pred?)
procedure to
count the number of elements of a list for which a certain predicate
> (define words (string-split "once upon a time in a land far far away"))
> (define very-short-word? (lambda (word) (< (string-length word) 4)))
> (tally words very-short-word?)
> (tally '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6) even?)
But what if we want to know which elements meet the predicate?
The procedure (filter pred? lst)
searches a list for all values
that match the given predicate. (Sorry for the switch in parameter
> (filter very-short-word? words)
'("a" "in" "a" "far" "far")
> (filter even? '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6))
'(4 2 6)
> (filter (section > <> 4) '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6))
'(5 9 6)
As the last example suggests, we will often use procedures like
and tally
in conjunction with section
or compose
For example, if we wanted the words with more than two letters,
we might write the following.
> (filter (o (section > <> 2) string-length) words)
'("once" "upon" "time" "land" "far" "far" "away")
Others prefer to use lambda expressions.
> (filter (lambda (word) (> (string-length word) 2)) words)
'("once" "upon" "time" "land" "far" "far" "away")
As the filter examples suggest, we sometimes like to write new
predicates by using o
and section
. There are also other ways
to build new predicates from existing predicates, corresponding
to the basic Boolean operations of not
, and
, and or
The negation of a predicate, given by (negate pred?)
, holds exactly
when pred?
does not hold. For example, since very-short-word?
holds for very short strings, (negate very-short-word?)
holds for
not short strings.
> (filter very-short-word? (string-split "twas brillig and the slighty toves"))
'("and" "the")
> (filter (negate very-short-word?) (string-split "twas brillig and the slighty toves"))
'("twas" "brillig" "slighty" "toves")
Similarly, (negate integer?)
holds for all values that are not integers.
> (filter integer? (list 1 1/2 3.4 4 "two" 'three 8.0))
'(1 4 8.0)
> (filter (negate integer?) (list 1 1/2 3.4 4 "two" 'three 8.0))
'(1/2 3.4 "two" three)
The negate
procedure comes with DrRacket, but may not be in all
implementations of Scheme.
Just as and
can be used to combine two Boolean values, conjoin
be used to combine two unary predicates. The conjunction of two predicates
is a new predicate that holds only when both of the predicates hold.
Note that the predicates are evaluated left-to-right.
> (filter integer? (list 1 1/2 3.4 4 "two" 'three 8.0))
'(1 4 8.0)
> (filter exact? (list 1 1/2 3.4 4 "two" 'three 8.0))
Error! exact?: contract violation
Error! expected: number?
Error! given: "two"
> (filter (conjoin integer? exact?) (list 1 1/2 3.4 4 "two" 'three 8.0))
'(1 4)
We could have used two filter
operations to achieve the same goal.
> (filter exact? (filter integer? (list 1 1/2 3.4 4 "two" 'three 8.0)))
'(1 4)
However, the conjoined version is a bit more efficient. Some even find it more readable.
We could use conjunction to find all short strings that begin with a vowel.
> (filter (conjoin (o (section < <> 5) string-length)
(section regexp-match-exact? #px"[aeiou].*" <>))
(string-split "she and i read that it was brillig and the slithy aardvarks"))
'("and" "i" "it" "and")
For those who aren’t sure about the details, here’s the analysis of that strange predicate.
(section < <> 5)
represents “a procedure that takes a number as input and determines whether it’s less than five.(o (section < <> 5) string-length)
represents “a procedure that takes a string as input, finds its length, and determines whether it is less than five”. Alternately, “a procedure that takes a string as input and determines whether that string has fewer than five characters”(section regexp-match-exact? #px"[aeiou].*" <>)
represents “a procedure that takes a string as input and determines whether it begins with a vowel.(conjoin (o …) (section …))
therefore represents “a procedure that takes a string as input and determines whether that string has fewer than five characters AND begins with a vowel”So we should get all of the words of fewer than five characters that start with a vowel.
As you might guess, disjunction is the predicate equivalent of or
The disjunction procedure in DrRacket is called disjoin
. Let’s
use disjoin to select all the symbols and strings from a list.
> (filter symbol? (list 1 'two 3.0 4.5 "five" "six" 'seven 80/10 9+10i 'ten))
'(two seven ten)
> (filter string? (list 1 'two 3.0 4.5 "five" "six" 'seven 80/10 9+10i 'ten))
'("five" "six")
> (filter (disjoin symbol? string?) (list 1 'two 3.0 4.5 "five" "six" 'seven 80/10 9+10i 'ten))
'(two "five" "six" seven ten)
We could, for example, use disjunction to find short words and words that start with a vowel.
> (filter (disjoin (o (section < <> 5) string-length)
(section regexp-match-exact? #px"[aeiou].*" <>))
(string-split "she and i read that it was brillig and the slithy aardvarks"))
'("she" "and" "i" "read" "that" "it" "was" "and" "the" "aardvarks")
Experience suggests that students understand and
and or
much better after a little general practice figuring out how they combine values. Fill in the following tables for each of the operations and
and or
. The third column of the table should be the value of (and arg1 arg2)
, where arg1
is the first argument and arg2
is the second argument. The fourth column should be the value of (or arg1 arg2)
arg1 |
arg2 |
(and arg1 arg2) |
(or arg1 arg2) |
#f |
#f |
#f |
#t |
#t |
#f |
#t |
#t |
We know how to compare strings alphabetically. Write a comparator,
(shorter? str1 str2)
that returns true if the length of str1
is less than the length of str2
In your own words, what are the relationships between not
and negate
between and
and conjoin
, and between or
and disjoin
This reading is closely based on a similar reading from CSC 151
2018S. We’ve removed a section on the comparator
procedure, which we’ve
dropped from the class library, and added short sections on regular expressions,
filtering, and combining predicates. Much of the discussion of combining
predicates comes from a reading on filtering from CSC 151 2018S.