a. Make sure that you understand what map
, compose
, o
, left-section
, and apply
are intended to do. (You’ve seen most of
these already, so it should not be a challenge.)
b. The reading provides the following examples to distinguish apply
and compose
. We’ve added one to distinguish map
. Make sure
that you can explain the different results.
> (apply list '(a b c d e))
'(a b c d e)
> (map list '(a b c d e))
'((a) (b) (c) (d) (e))
> (reduce-left list '(a b c d e))
'((((a b) c) d) e)
> (reduce-right list '(a b c d e))
'(a (b (c (d e))))
> (reduce list '(a b c d e))
'(a (b ((c d) e)))
> (reduce list '(a b c d e))
'(a ((b c) (d e)))
c. What do you expect for each of the following? (Check your answers experimentally.)
> (apply vector '(a b c d e))
> (map vector '(a b c d e))
> (reduce-left vector '(a b c d e))
> (reduce-right vector '(a b c d e))
> (reduce vector '(a b c d e))
and apply
a. Use apply
and map
to sum the first elements of each list in a
list of lists of numbers. The result should be a number.
> (apply _____ (map _____ (list (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) (list 7 8 9 10) (list 11 12))))
23 ; 1 + 4 + 7 + 11
b. Use apply
and map
to sum the last elements of each list in a list
of lists of numbers. The result should be a number.
> (apply _____ (map _____ (list (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) (list 7 8 9 10) (list 11 12))))
31 ; 3 + 6 + 10 + 12
a. Here are four expressions to generate the successors of the squares of the first ten positive integers. Verify that each works correctly.
(define v1 (map add1 (map sqr (map add1 (range 10)))))
(define v2 (map (lambda (i) (add1 (sqr (add1 i)))) (range 10)))
(define v3 (map (compose add1 (compose sqr add1)) (range 10)))
(define v4 (map (o add1 sqr add1) (range 10)))
b. Which of the four definitions above you prefer? Why? Be prepared to discuss your reasons with the class.
Use apply
and map
to concisely define a procedure, (dot-product
lst1 lst2)
, that takes as arguments two lists of numbers,
equal in length, and returns the sum of the products of corresponding
elements of the arguments:
> (dot-product (list 1 2 4 8) (list 11 5 7 3))
> (dot-product null null)
Note that we get the first result because (1 x 11) + (2 x 5) + (4 x 7) + (8 x 3) = 11 + 10 + 28 + 24 = 73 and the second because there are no products to add.
Note: You should not use recursion.
The procedure (acronym strings)
is intended to produce
an acronym from a list of strings. For example,
> (acronym (list "GNU" "Image" "Manipulation" "Program"))
> (acronym (list "International" "Business" "Machinery"))
> (acronym (list "Grinnell" "Independent" "Musical" "Productions"))
Write acronym
as concisely as possible. As a hint, you will want to use
, list->string
, map
, and either l-s
or r-s
(Recall that (string-ref string i)
produces the i
character in string
. list->string
takes a list of characters and
turns it into a string.)
Without using filter
, write a procedure, (list-remove lst
, that takes a list and predicate as parameters
and removes all elements for which predicate
For example,
> (list-remove (range 10) odd?)
'(0 2 4 6 8)
> (define remove-whitespace (r-s list-remove char-whitespace?))
> (remove-whitespace (list #\a #\space #\b #\c))
(#\a #\b #\c)
> (list->string (remove-whitespace (string->list "Hello, my name is Dr. Loudhum")))
Note: Although this problem can be solved using map
and apply
it is much more straightforward to solve using recursion. Please
define it recursively. (And direct recursion is likely to be
It is often the case that we have situations in which we need more than
one predicate to hold. For example, since the odd?
predicate only
works with integers, it is often helpful to test whether a value is an
integer before testing whether it is odd.
> (odd? 3)
> (odd? 4)
> (odd? 3.5)
odd?: expects argument of type <integer>; given 3.5
> (define odd-integer? (lambda (val) (and (integer? val) (odd? val))))
> (odd-integer? 3.5)
> (odd-integer? 3)
> (odd-integer? 4)
But if it’s common to combine predicates into a new predicate, we might
want to write a higher-order procedure that does that. For example,
we might write a procedure, (both p1 p2)
that takes two
predicates as parameters, and returns a new predicate that holds only
when both of its component predicates hold.
> (define odd-integer? (both integer? odd?))
> (odd-integer? 3)
> (define one-element-list? (both pair? (o null? cdr)))
> (one-element-list? 2)
> (one-element-list? null)
> (one-element-list? (list 1))
> (one-element-list? (cons 2 null))
> (one-element-list? (cons 2 3))
Write the both
Note: You may know this predicate as conjoin
. Pretend that conjoin
does not exist.
a. Document and write a recursive procedure, (tally predicate lst)
, that
counts the number of values in lst
for which predicate holds.
b. Demonstrate the procedure by tallying the number of odd values in the list of the first twenty integers.
c. Demonstrate the procedure by tallying the number of multiples of three in the list of the first twenty integers.
While we can tally lists, there is not a built-in tally
procedure for
vectors. It’s time to rectify that problem.
Write a recursive procedure, (tally predicate vec)
, that tallies
the number of elements in the vector for which the predicate holds.
You may not convert the vector into a list.
If you find that you have extra time, you should work on one or more of the following problems. You may choose to do these problems in any order.
a. Write (either p1 p2)
, a procedure which takes two
predicates as parameters and returns a predicate that holds when either
of those predicates holds.
b. Write a procedure, (negate pred)
, that returns #t
on the values for which pred
returns #f
, and returns #f
on the
values for which pred
> (define non-empty-list? (both list? (negate null?)))
> (non-empty-list? (list 1 2 3))
> (non-empty-list? 32)
> (non-empty-list? (cons 1 2))
> (non-empty-list? null)
Document and write a procedure, (make-tallier predicate), that builds a procedure that takes a list as a parameter and tallies the values in the list for which the predicate holds. For example
> (define count-odds (make-tallier odd?))
> (count-odds (list 1 2 3 4 5))
You can assume that tally
already exists for the purpose of this
Write a procedure, (vector-transform! proc vec)
, that replaces
each element of vec
with the result of applying proc
to the
original element.
> (define vec (vector 1 2 3))
> vec
'#(1 2 3)
> (vector-transform! sqr vec)
> vec
'#(1 4 9)