a. Make a copy of analysis-lab.rkt, which contains most of the procedures you will need for this lab.
b. Review the file to see what procedures are included. You may find it easiest to look at the list provided by the (define …) menu.
c. If you have not done so already, go over the self checks from the reading with your partner.
procedure.a. Add a set of counters for expermenting with reverse. For example,
(define RC (make-counter "experiments with reverse"))
b. Add a line of code to each of the procedures involved in reversing so
that it increments the appropriate counter. You should plan to count
, list-reverse-2
, and list-append
. For example,
(define list-append
(lambda (front back)
(counter-increment! RC 'list-append)
c. Find out how many times list-append
is called in reversing a list of seven elements by entering the following commands in the interactions pane.
> (counter-reset-all! RC)
> (list-reverse-1 (range 7)
> (counter-print RC)
d. Did you get the same answer as in self-check 2(c)? If not, why do you think you got a different result?
e. Find out how many times kernel
is called in reversing a list of
seven elements.
f. Did you get the same answer as in self-check 2(e)? If not, what difference do you see?
What if we also care about calls to car
, cdr
, and such? We’ll need
to create our own versions of those procedures, along with counters. As
a start, we might write:
(define LC (make-counter "core list procedures")
(define $car
(lambda (lst)
(counter-increment! LC 'car)
(car lst)))
(define $cdr
(lambda (lst)
(counter-increment! LC 'cdr)
(cdr lst)))
(define $cons
(lambda (val lst)
(counter-increment! LC 'cons)
(cons val lst)))
(define $null?
(lambda (val)
(counter-increment! LC 'null?)
(null? val)))
We then have to update all of our calls to car
to use $car
instead. For example, here’s an updated definition of list-reverse-1
(define list-reverse-1
(lambda (lst)
(if ($null? lst)
(list-append (list-reverse-1 ($cdr lst)) (list ($car lst))))))
Unfortunately, we can’t quite do that for list
, because list
a variable number of parameters. So, we might rewrite the list-reverse-1
procedure to more explicitly use cons
(define list-reverse-1
(lambda (lst)
(if ($null? lst)
(list-append (list-reverse-1 ($cdr lst))
($cons ($car lst) null)))))
a. Update the definition of list-append
so that it uses $car
, $cdr
, and $null?
b. Find out how many procedure calls are done for each procedure
in reversing a list of length seven, using list-reverse-1
, with the
> (counter-reset-all! LC)
> (list-reverse-1 (iota 7))
> (counter-print LC)
b. How does the number of calls seem to relate to the number of calls to
c. Update list-reverse-2
and find out how many procedure calls
(including calls to kernel
) are made when we use that procedure to
reverse a list of length seven.
d. How does that number of calls seem to relate to the number of calls to
a. Fill in the following chart to the best of your ability. Note that
the total function calls should include calls to car
, cdr
, and the
List Length | rev1: Calls to list-append |
rev1: Total function calls | rev2: Calls to kernel |
rev2: Total function calls |
2 | ||||
4 | ||||
8 | ||||
16 |
; rev-1 rev-1 rev-2 rev-2
; length l-a total kernel total
; 2
; 4
; 8
; 16
b. Predict what the entries will be for a list size of 32.
c. Check your results experimentally.
d. Write a formula for the columns, to the best of your ability.
Here is a third version of alphabetically-first
, which should already
be in your definitions.
(define alphabetically-first-3
(lambda (strings)
(let kernel ([first-so-far (car strings)]
[remaining (cdr strings)])
(if (null? remaining)
(kernel (first-of-two first-so-far (car remaining))
(cdr remaining))))))
a. Find out how many steps this procedure takes on lists of length 2, 4,
8, and 16 in which the elements are arranged from alphabetically first
to alphabetically last. As in the previous exercises, you’ll need to
build a counter (or use AF
) and add a line to increment the counter.
In this case, you should make sure to count kernel
, car
, cdr
and null?
b. Find out how many steps this procedure takes on lists of length 2, 4, 8, and 16 in which the elements are arranged from alphabetically last to alphabetically first. (You can reverse the lists from the previous step to create these lists.)
c. Find out how many steps this procedure takes on lists of length 2, 4, 8, and 16 in which the elements are in no particular order.
d. Predict the number of steps this procedure will take on each kind of list, where the length is 32.
e. Check your answer experimentally.
Consider alphabetically-first-4
, a variant of an efficient version of alphabetically-first
that has additional error checking added.
(define alphabetically-first-4
(lambda (strings)
(when (not (all-string? strings))
(error "alphabetically-first: expects a list of strings; received" strings))
(if (null? (cdr strings))
(car strings)
(first-of-two (car strings)
(alphabetically-first-4 (cdr strings))))))
a. Predict the number of calls to alphabetically-first-4
in finding
the alphabetically first in a list of eight strings. Once again, you
will need to make sure to add lines to count various calls.
b. Check your hypothesis.
c. Predict the number of calls to all-string?
in finding the
alphabetically first in a list of eight strings. You will, of course,
need to add a line to count each call to all-string?
d. Check your hypothesis.
Rewrite alphabetically-first-4
so that it continues to check
preconditions, but precondition checking does not exact such a heavy
Consider the problem of extracting successors of a particular element in a list of elements.
> (successors 'a (list 'b 'a 'c 'd 'a 'b 'd 'a 'b))
'(c b b)
There are a variety of approaches that students tend to use.
a. Some use direct recursion.
(define successors-1
(lambda (val lst)
[(or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst)))
[(equal? val (car lst))
(cons (car (cdr lst)) (successors-1 val (cdr lst)))]
(successors-1 val (cdr lst))])))
b. Some make a list of pairs of element and successor, filter the list for those whose first element matches, and then take the cadr of the matching elements
(define successors-2
(lambda (val lst)
(let* ([pairs (map make-pair lst (append (cdr lst) (list "<end>")))]
[matches (filter (o (l-s equal? val) car) pairs)]
[result (map (o car cdr) matches)])
(define make-pair
(lambda (a b)
(cons a (cons b null))))
c. Some make a list of pairs of element and position, filter the list for those whose element matches, extract the indices, increment the indices, and then use list-ref to find the elements.
(define successors-3
(lambda (val lst)
(let* ([pairs (map make-pair lst (iota (length lst)))]
[matches (filter (o (l-s equal? val) car) pairs)]
[indices (map (o car cdr) matches)]
[result (map (o (l-s my-list-ref lst) increment) indices)])
(define my-list-ref
(lambda (lst index)
(if (zero? index)
(car lst)
(my-list-ref (cdr lst) (decrement index)))))
Determine experimentally how many calls to the core list procedures each
of these procedure does. You need only count the explicit calls to
, cdr
, and cons
, in each of the above.