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Class 53: Project Assessment: Images


We explore the visual impact of your projects.



  • Reviewing images - The “big picture”
  • Reviewing images - Policies for individual projects
  • Image review
  • Debrief


News / Etc.

  • Sit with your project partners!
  • Food for our critique celebration (or to ease the pain of crits).
  • This week
    • Today: We talk about your projects from the design perspective.
    • Tuesday: We talk about your code.
    • Wednesday: We talk about the exam and the class as a whole.
    • Friday: You fill out end-of-course evaluations and get your final PSA.
  • A sponsor is offering to pay for Grinnell Women in Computing shirts for anyone who commits to wearing them.
  • Congratulations to Baseball for earning the right to host conference. (Did I get that right?)

Upcoming Work

  • No more lab writeups.
  • No more quizzes.
  • One more reading: Sorting
  • Exam 4 due Tuesday.
  • Exam 4 epilogue due Wednesday

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table, Tuesday: CS-related comic strips.
  • CS Extras, Thursday: ???

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Baseball?

Other good things to do

  • It’s week 14. Take good care of yourselves.

There are two models for the project reviews. In one, a member of the studio art faculty (or sometimes an advanced student) leads the review. In the other, we do things more collaboratively. The notes below are for the collaborative version. Guest leaders choose their own approaches.

Reviewing images: Big picture

  • We’ll begin with a quick overview of all the images I recieved.
  • Our mentors will choose the first set of images to explore.
  • After we finish with one group’s set of images, that group will choose the next set of images to explore.
  • We’ll continue until we run out of images or run out of time.
  • If there’s time left at the end, we’ll debrief a bit.
  • Reminder: We’ll be talking about the code in the next class.

Reviewing images: Individual series

  • Those who chose the series will indicate why they chose the series.
  • The next ‘volunteer’ will say something positive about the series.
  • The next ‘volunteer’ will indicate what design principles they see the designers exploring.
  • The next ‘volunteer’ will describe any emotional responses the images evoke. (You can choose just one.)
  • The next ‘volunteer’ will suggest something that the designers might do to improve their images.
  • The group will talk about design principles and the feelings they were trying to evoke.
  • The next ‘volunteer’ will ask the group one question.