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Class 51: Even More Discussion of Exam 3


We finish discussing possible solutions to exam 3. - Preconditions (with problem 5) - Husk and kernel (with problem 5) - Deep recursion (with problem 4) - Vector recursion (with problem 6)



News / Etc.

  • We will use today’s class to discuss exam 3.
  • New partners!
  • Exam 4 distributed.
  • No morning review session tomorrow. 7 p.m. review session will be open-ended (a chance to ask questions related to the exam). 8 p.m. will be for the other section.

Upcoming Work

  • NO lab writeup!
  • Reading for Friday: Search algorithms
    • Make sure to do the self-check!
    • You’ve probably done it already, right?
  • No quiz Friday.

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • IMPORTANT: CS Extras, Thursday, May 4, 4:15 p.m.: Inclusion in CS. Science 2022. Please attend. Snacks available at 4:00 p.m. Bonus extra credit!
  • 5th annual Break open the vault, 8pm, Thursday, Special Collections.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • This Thursday, May 4, the Grinnell College Jazz Ensemble will STOP TRAFFIC. Literally. The city (with support from Chuong Garden) has agreed to close Broad Street between 4th and 5th for our end-of-semester concert. From 7-8pm, they’ll be playing “brave music for troubled times” on the steps of the Arts Center (926 Broad), including tunes by Marvin Gaye, George Michael, Charles Mingus, Grinnell’s own Aaron Israel Levin and Kendrick Lamar.
  • Grinnell Monologues is performing on this Thursday and Friday in Main Lounge at 7:30 p.m.
  • Drill Team Show, Friday, May 5, at Triple V stables. The other side of the golf course. Free rides (cars, not pony) to the event!
  • Swim Team hosts Triathalon this weekend (running 3 miles, biking 13 miles, swimming 1/2 mile). Participate or help out.
    • Sam will reimburse your admission fee.
  • GSEA (Grinnell Space Exploration Agency) is launching a weather balloon on May 7th at 5:30AM. The balloon will go to almost-space and take pictures. It’ll also tell us about its location and the temperature of the air around it as it rises. We’re inviting people to come see the launch, if they want to come (despite the fact that it’s at 5:30AM).
  • Next home baseball game: Sunday, May 7 (Senior Day)
  • Advanced Performance Performances Sunday at 7pm in the Wall

Extra credit (Misc)

  • May 4 town hall on belonging. 11am, May 4, JRC 101. It sounds like we have some important things to discuss; please come share your perspectives!

Other good things to do