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Class 33: Turtle Graphics

Held: Monday, 3 April 2017

We explore another imperative model of images, *turtle graphics. In this model, we give drawing instructions to simulated robotic turtles.*



  • {“Modeling images through process”=>”Turtle graphics”}
  • Some historical notes
  • Turtle graphics in MediaScheme


News / Etc.

  • New partners!
  • Welcome back from break. I hope that you found it enjoyable and relaxing.
  • I’m pausing on returning exams for a few days. Sorry, but there are good reasons.
  • Congrats to baseball for sweeping Blueboys!

Rotating reminders

  • Get news! Feel free to ask me to sign you up for the department mailing list.

Upcoming Work

  • Lab writeup: TBD.
  • Homework 7 to be distributed Wednesday. Our last homework! (We do have two exams and a project left.)
  • Reading for Tuesday: Iteration

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Today at 4:15 p.m., JRC 101: “Sad! Or Stronger Than Ever? American Journalism in the Age of Fake News, Social Media, and Donald Trump.”
  • Tomorrow at 4:15 p.m. JRC 101: The 1st Mando lecture. “Reflections By Pulitzer-Prize-winning writer Dale Maharidge & photographer Michael Williamson.”
  • BAX Opening Reception (plus Robert Hodierne photographs) Friday 4:30-5:30

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Baseball games Saturday at 1pm and 3:30 pm vs. Monmouth (if it ever stops raining)

Extra credit (Misc)

None right now.

Good things to do

  • Track and Field Saturday at Cornell at 11 am. (Do we have any Trackers or Fielders?)
  • Women’s Tennis Saturday at 10:00 am

Modeling the Drawing Process: Turtle Graphics

  • We’ve now seen three (more?) models of making images:
    • We can use drawings-as-values-style graphics to build composite images.
    • We can use GIMP-style graphics to select and then do something with the selection.
    • We can manipulate individual pixels
    • We can transform images
  • These models permit us to create a variety of interesting drawings.
  • However, they do not model how we normally draw, which involves taking pen (or brush) to paper (or canvas).
  • The turtle graphics approach to describing images provides a simple model for how we might describe drawings.
  • At any point, the person following the instructions has a pen in hand. You need to give the person information on the direction in which to move the pen and the amount to move it. (That’s right, no curves here; just lots and lots of straight lines.)
  • We separate the two basic operations: You can tell the person drawing to move forward or to turn in a particular direction.
  • “It’s so simple, even a turtle can do it.”
  • What if you don’t want continuous lines? You can tell the turtle to lift or drop the pen.
  • Turtle graphics has been used to control robots that draw.
  • Note that turtle graphics, much like GIMP graphics, is an “imperative” model: You give a series of commands to the thing doing the drawing.

Some Historical Notes

Disclaimer: Although I knew much of this information, I did crib some ideas from Wikipedia and the Web for these notes.

  • Turtle graphics were invented by Seymour Papert (at MIT) in part of his development of the LOGO programming language. (1960’s and beyond)
  • LOGO was designed as a computer language intended to help children think better (or at least more algorithmically).
  • The original implementation of LOGO did, in fact, have a kind of robot (commonly referred to as a turtle robot) hooked up to a computer. Hence, it made sense for the language to have some basic operations for the robot.
  • As computers became more commonplace, it made sense to simulate the turtle on the screen (since not everyone who had a computer would have a turtle robot).
  • And it makes sense to show the turtle’s path.
  • After awhile, drawing on the screen became as interesting as (or more interesting than?) controlling the physical robot.
  • The turtle graphics model has persisted, in various forms, over the years.
  • Turtle graphics and LOGO are often used in constructionist approaches to teaching. The goal is that students explore freely, starting with a few basic tools and strategies, they come up with their own problems and develop solutions to those problems.

Turtle Graphics in MediaScheme

  • Create a new turtle that draws on a particular image with (turtle-new image).
  • Move it forward with (turtle-forward! turtle amt)
  • Turn it with (turtle-turn! turtle angle)
  • Lift the pen with (turtle-up! turtle)
  • Put the pen on paper with (turtle-down! turtle)
  • Additional operations for people who can’t keep track of position and orientation
    • (turtle-teleport! turtle col row)
    • (turtle-face! turtle angle)
    • (turtle-show! turtle)
  • You can also set the turtle’s brush and color.


  • Make and predict some fun pictures.