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Class 31: Numeric Recursion




News / Etc.

  • New partners!

Rotating reminders

  • Visit review sessions! I run review sessions on Thursdays at 9am in this room.
  • Visit mentor sessions! We have mentor sessions on Thursday evening from 8:00-9:00 p.m. in the CS Commons.

Upcoming Work

  • Lab writeup: Execise 3
  • Reading for Friday: Naming Local Procedures
  • No homework over break.
  • Friday’s quiz: Identify your classmates

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Singers Concerts during spring break.
    • If there is an admission fee, I will reimburse up to $20.
  • Baseball games during spring break (Arkansas & Alabama).
    • If there is an admission fee, I will reimburse up to $20.
  • Baseball games last weekend of spring break. (1 hour suffices; no more than two units for the weekend.)

Extra credit (Misc)

Good things to do

  • Ultimate games during spring break.

Patterns of Recursion

While we’ve seen and written a variety of examples of direct recursion, they typically have the following form:

  (lambda (PARAMS)
    (if (BASE-CASE-TEST)
                 (RECURSIVE-PROC (SIMPLIFY PARAMS))))))

For lists, the simplification was almost always “take the cdr” and the “part-of” was almost always “take the car”.

Recursion with Numbers

  • While most of the recursion we’ve been doing has used lists as the structure to recurse over, you can recurse with many different kinds of values.
  • It is fairly common to recurse using numbers.
  • The natural base cases for integers are when you hit 0 or when you hit 1.
  • The natural simplification step for recursive procedure using numbers calls typically involves subtracting 1 from the argument.
    • Other simplifications, such as dividing in half, are also possible.
