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Class 30: Other Forms of List Recursion




News / Etc.

  • Continue partners

Rotating reminders

  • Use our tutors! We have tutors available Sunday through Thursday evening from 7-10 p.m. in Science 3813/15.

Upcoming Work

  • HW 6 due TONIGHT!
  • Lab writeup: TBD
  • Reading for tomorrow: Numeric Recursion
  • No homework over break.
  • Friday’s quiz: Identify your classmates

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table, Tuesday at noon, SIGCSE Debrief
  • CS Extras, Thursday at 4:15 pm: ???

Extra credit (Peer)

You do not get extra credit for supporting yourself.

  • Singers Concerts during spring break.

Extra credit (Misc)

Good things to do

Questions and answers

What, if anything, is not currently making sense?

Thinking about the brightest color

  • Why does the order of the colors matter? Why does it matter so much?
  • How many calls does the improved version do? (No, the answer is not “one”.)

Some key ideas from the reading

  • Once you’ve written a few procedures that are similar, step back and see if you can see a pattern.
    • You can then use the pattern to write similar procedures
    • Sometimes the pattern will help you improve your code


  • Lab.
  • Turn in problem 5.