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Class 15: Drawings as Values

Held: Wednesday, 15 February 2017

We explore a special kind of values, values that can be used to represent images. We call this the “drawings as values” model, and describe images by transforming and composing very simple shapes.



  • Representing images
  • Thinking about drawings through composition and decomposition
  • The underlying representation
  • Pure vs. impure approaches


News / Etc.

  • New partners!
  • Please turn in your exam cover sheets to the mentors.
  • Sorry for the confusion on writeup 10 (?). If the grader said something like “Where is irgb-average?”, and had no other concerns, don’t worry, you got credit for the writeup.
  • The grader has returned HW2 (but forgot to cc me).
  • In the interests of keeping Friday’s class efficient, I will not take questions before the quiz.

Friday’s quiz topics

  • Drawings as values (today’s topic)
  • Documentation
  • Testing
  • (Past topics, as appropriate)


  • Visit mentor sessions! We have mentor sessions on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 8:00-9:00 p.m. in the CS Commons. Wednesdays will be more Q&A, Thursdays will include sample quizzes.
  • Visit review sessions! I run review sessions on Thursdays at 9am in this room.

Upcoming Work

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • Thursday extras, Thursday, 16 Feb 2017, 4:15 p.m., Science 3821: 4-1 joint BA/MSC program with UIowa.
  • NEW CS Table, Tuesday at noon, 21 Feb 2017. Net neutrality. Reading packets should be available outside Curtsinger’s office or Orsera’s office.

Extra credit (Peer)

  • Friday-Saturday-Sunday, 17th-19th, Swimming and diving conference championships. (You can only get credit for two of the three days; staying for an hour counts.)
  • Saturday the 18th, Symphony Concert. 2-4 p.m. Sound painting and more! In Sebring-Lewis.
  • Art house print making and cookie decorating event. Saturday February 18th, 1-3PM on JRC 227.

Good things to do

  • Women’s basketball (Senior day) next Saturday at 1pm.
  • Men’s basketball (Senior day) next Saturday at 3pm.
  • Slavic coffee house, Saturday, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Bucksbaum Rotunda.
  • NEW Grinnell Equestrian Club Drill Team bake sale, 20 February 2017, 11am-2pm and 4pm-9pm.
    • Am I the only one who reads “Club Drill Team” and thinks of the Flintstones?
  • NEW Ready to Run: Campaign Training for Women, Friday, 9am-noon, Harris. (You will need to take the quiz on Thursday, but I will excuse you from class.)

Representing Images

  • One of the themes of this course is that there is more than one way to represent an image.
  • In this course, we will also consider multiple computational ways to think about images.
  • Today we explore our first one, based on simple shapes. We call this model drawings as values.


  • Your questions about a new type should be
    • What kinds of values do I have?
    • How do I represent those values?
    • What operations do I have?
  • We start with a few basic values (the unit square and the unit circle).
    • We represent these as drawing-unit-square and drawing-unit-circle
    • These are values, not procedures.
  • We add a few operations (procedures)
    • Scaling
      • If d is a drawing, (scale-drawing amt d) is a drawing
    • Shifting
      • If d is a drawing, (hshift-drawing amt d) is a drawing
    • Recoloring
      • If d is a drawing, (recolor-drawing color d) is a drawing
    • Grouping
      • If d1 and d2 are drawings, so is (drawing-group d1 d2)
  • Once we’ve described a drawing, we can view it with (image-show (drawing->image d width height))
  • We will explore what benefits (and obstacles) this approach gives us.
  • This model of images models one of the ways we sometimes think about images: Every image can be thought of as a composition of simpler components.
    • We just take that idea to the extreme.

Representing Drawings

  • There is an underlying representation.
  • You shouldn’t need to know it.
  • But it can be helpful to look.


  • Do The lab.
  • Be prepared to reflect.

Purity (Optional)

  • Note that the definition of drawings uses induction, in much the same way that the definition of whole numbers uses induction.
  • For whole numbers:
    • 0 is a whole number
    • If w is a whole number, 1+w is a whole number
  • For drawings
    • The unit circle is a drawing.
    • The unit square is a drawing.
    • If d is a drawing, then a shifted version of d is a drawing.
    • If d is a drawing, then a scaled version of d is a drawing.
    • If d1 and d2 are drawings, the grouping of d1 and d2 is a drawing.
  • When we build a new whole number from a previous whole number (by adding 1), we don’t affect the previous whole number.
  • Similarly, when we build a new drawing from a previous drawing, we don’t affect the previous drawing.
  • Contrast this with the GIMP tools, in which each command changes (sometimes irrevocably) the underlying image.
  • When operations do not affect the underlying data structure, we call them pure operations.