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Class 9: Writing Your Own Procedures, Continued

Held: Monday, 6 February 2017

We continue to consider new ways to write your own procedures and why you might do so.



  • Evaluation in Scheme
  • More about procedures
  • Lab
  • Questions and reflection.


News / Etc.

  • New partners!
  • Quiz 1 returned.
    • Note that (irgb-lighter c1) does not modify c1. Instead, it returns a new color.
    • That should not be surprising. You would not expect (square x) to change x.
    • Some of you missed that since the result of compose is a procedure, it implicitly has a parameter. For example, we would describe the result of (define irgbll (compose irgb-lighter irgb-lighter)) as “A procedure, (irgbll color), that computes (irgb-lighter (irgb-lighter color)).
    • That means that the solution to problem 1 should have been something of the form (define myfun (compose ....)).
  • Our graders’ account got locked last night. (Even I don’t have access right now.) I’m not sure where we stand in grading.
  • Exam 1 will be distributed on Wednesday.


  • I’m always happy to (try to) answer questions via email. There is no need to apologize when sending me questions. If I take too long to answer, send another email (or even text, if it’s a reasonable hour).
  • We have tutors available Sunday through Thursday evening from 7-10 p.m. in Science 3813/15.
  • We have mentor sessions on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 8:00-9:00 p.m. in the CS Commons. Wednesdays will be more Q&A, Thursdays will include sample quizzes.
  • I run review sessions on Thursdays at 9am in this room.
  • We have individual tutors available for those who take advantage of the above and find that it’s not enough.

Upcoming Work

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Table, Tuesday, 7 Feb 2017. Something on privacy. See email.
  • Thursday extras, Thursday, 9 Feb 2017, 4:15 p.m., Science 3821: Something on computer graphics (visitor from UMN). Let me know if you want the email.
  • Scholars Convocation, Thursday, 9 Feb 2017, 11:00 a.m., JRC 101.

Extra credit (Peer)

Good things to do

Evaluation in Scheme

  • Two main issues:
    • Table that associates names and values.
    • Where we are in the expression we are evaluating.
  • General process
    • Evaluate from inside out
    • If you see a name, look it up in the table
    • If you see a value, leave it as is
  • Complication from procedures
    • We also look up procedures in the table.
    • When we run a procedure, we temporarily update the table, associating the values of parameters for their names.

More About Procedures

  • Three mechanisms for making procedures.
  • Composition: Given multiple existing one-parameter procedures, string them together to make a new procedure.
  • Sectioning: Given an existing multi-parameter procedure, make a new procedure that fills in some parameters with constant values.
  • General/Lambda: Parameterize a chunk of code by writing (lambda (inputs) ...).
  • For composition and sectioning, we don’t name the parameters.
  • For lambda, we name the parameters, but Scheme doesn’t really care what we name them.
