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CSC 151.01, Class 23: Recursion Basics


  • Preliminaries
    • Notes and news
    • Upcoming work
    • Extra credit
    • Questions
  • Background
  • Key ideas in recursion
  • Sample recursive procedures
  • Expressing recursion in Scheme

News / Etc.

  • New partners!

Quiz topics

  • Anonymous procedures
  • Local bindings (let let*)
  • image-compute
  • Heterogeneous lists and car, cons, and cdr

Rotating reminders

  • Visit mentor sessions! We have mentor sessions on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. and 8:00-9:00 p.m. in the CS Commons.
  • Visit review sessions! I run review sessions on Thursdays at 9am in this room.

About the exam

We will quickly look through the exam.

  • Download the code for the exam
  • Look at the problems.
    • Reflect on how you might solve the problem
    • Make a list of similar problems from HW, labs, readings
    • Jot down notes
    • List procedures that might help
    • Send Sam questions
  • Fill out the prologue
  • Try to get extra credit for everyone by taking advantage of Sam’s inability to use a spelling or grammar checker.
  • Generate a random number.
  • Send Sam more questions
  • Each time you make progress, send yourself a copy of the exam because DrRacket will eventually eat it.

Upcoming Work

  • Exam 2 prologue due Friday.
  • Exam 2 due next Tuesday.
  • No lab writeup!
  • Revisit: Recursion basics

Extra credit (Academic/Artistic)

  • CS Extras, Thursday at 4:15 pm, Sam’s research and PM’s research

Extra credit (Peer)

  • P.U. ‘n club, Saturday, 4:00 p.m., Younker lounge

Extra credit (Misc)

Good things to do

  • Bagel party in Math commons, Thursday, 7-9 pm. Lox status still unclear.



We are looking at ways to solve problems that involve lists of values and identifying characteristics of these lists.

  • How many elements are in the list
  • Which letters
  • “First” according to some order (e.g., alphabaetically first)
  • Put them in order.

Sample recursive procedures

  • To count the cards in a list
    • If you have no cards in the list
      • 0
    • Otherwise
      • Remove 1
      • Ask your assistant to count the rest
      • Add 1 to that number
  • To put the cards in order
    • If you have no cards in the list
      • Return the empty list
    • Otherwise
      • Identify the alphabetically last one
      • Hand the rest to your assistant, and ask them to put the cards in order
      • When they hand them back, put your card at the end
  • To find the alphabetically last card
    • If you have only one card
      • The one you have is alphabetically
    • Otherwise
      • Take one
      • Hand the rest to your assistant and say “find the last card”
      • Compare to the card you kept. Use the latter of the two

Key ideas in recursion

In general

  • Ask if the problem is so simple that the answer is obvious
    • If so, give the obvious answer
  • If not,
    • Make the problem slightly simpler
    • Apply the same algorithm
    • Compute an overall result from that simpler result
  • Base-case test: Is it simple
  • Base case: What to do when it’s simple
  • Recursive case: What to do when it’s not simple
    • Simplify
    • Do it again
    • Do a little more computation

Expressing recursion in Scheme

;;; Procedure:
;;;   len
;;; Parameter:
;;;   lst, a list
;;; Purpose:
;;;   To determine how many elements are in lst
;;; Produces:
;;;   length, a non-negative integer
;;; Preconditions:
;;;   [No addition] (it's really a list, not one of those list-like things)
;;; Postconditions:
;;;   You can successfully call `(list-ref lst i)` for any i between 0
;;;     and length-1 inclusive
;;;   If you call `(list-ref lst length)` you get an error.

(define len
  (lambda (lst)
    (if (null? lst)
        ; Ask your assistant to count the rest of the list, then add 1
        (+ 1 (len (cdr lst))))))

It may be strange that a procedure is calling itself, but it makes some sense in English.

(define largest
  (lambda (lst)
    (if (only-one-element? lst)

(define only-one-element-bad
  (lambda (lst)
    (= (length lst) 1)))

(define only-one-element
  (lambda (lst)
    (null? (cdr lst))))

Note: In the future, please do not use (if (= 0 (length lst)) to find out if the list has only one element.